Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-23-25

As parents, we should always want God’s best for our children and that means they need plenty of love, guidance, and correction. Many times we want to shield our children from the lack and pain we may have experienced in our young lives, or the difficulties that tried to destroy our own futures. After all, this is a fallen world and sin tempts everyone and, yes, especially parents; we are all flawed so we need our Creator to direct every life. The enemy is never silent or still; he moves to rob, kill, and destroy the abundant life of Christ moment by moment. Satan—the author of sin and death—hates and strives to destroy everyone connected to Christ—our Holy God and Author of the Holy Life.

We may passionately desire a meaningful and successful future for ourselves and our loved ones, but many times we stop looking beyond this natural realm for the victory only grace can provide. The world is not our home; this worldly system of lies is not our Creator. Only God can bring us meaning and success for living; we can make plans and steer things, but if the direction we are going is not the will of God then our efforts will not bring what we hope to gain. Evil cannot be satisfied. We cannot follow our hearts, we must obediently follow the righteous plan of God laid out in his Word. But, are we promised if we teach our children the gospel, they will always follow Christ and never veer from the Truth? Let’s remember the lesson of the Prodigal son who as a child experienced the loving care of the Father, yet demanded his own selfish way and left the safe dwelling of grace for a season; he experienced tremendous lack, but he found his way back to abundant life (Luke 15:11-32).

In our reading from Proverbs 22, today, King Solomon reminds us the greatest need for children is to know the saving power of Jesus and it is the parents job to set the course from the beginning. Therefore, as believers, our children should be the first ones we teach about their sinful nature and the righteous nature of Jesus to bring salvation and deliverance. Children need instruction, guidance, and discipline; this is an example of sharing the Good News of Christ. As our heavenly Father disciplines his children, we must also correct our children by helping them pursue and follow the spiritual realm of righteous living with the Lord. Yet, there is that free will, the deception of Satan, and a world culture that tries to steer a heart away from God; leaving a soul feeling lost and disconnected.

As I type this devotional, I am sitting next to a cup that bears my granddaughter’s picture and the wisdom proverb found in verse 6 (Ch 22). I know it takes the faithful work of God’s Spirit to help raise children into God-fearing adults. I pray for Christian parents to understand the power of a strong free will, the tendency of every human being to demand his or her own way, and Satan’s unquenchable hunger to destroy God’s design for family. I pray against a spirit of shame and failure for parents who have done all they knew to do only to feel their children are lost; we must trust the seeds of Truth we have sown in our children. When we pray and trust the Word of the Lord for salvation, we are saved and that salvation works to bring our families to Christ, as well (Acts 16:31-32). I pray for the supernatural and transforming work of Christ to bring people of all ages, who have heard and received the seeds of Truth, back to the Truth with their obedient lives and receive wholeness for the Glory of our amazing Lord in Jesus’ name! May the Wisdom of Christ open blind eyes to see and deaf ears to hear what the Spirit is saying in their spirits!

Proverbs 22 NLT
Choose a good reputation over great riches;
    being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.

The rich and poor have this in common:
    The Lord made them both.

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
    The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

True humility and fear of the Lord
    lead to riches, honor, and long life.

Corrupt people walk a thorny, treacherous road;
    whoever values life will avoid it.

Direct your children onto the right path,
    and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Just as the rich rule the poor,
    so the borrower is servant to the lender.

Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster,
    and their reign of terror will come to an end.

Blessed are those who are generous,
    because they feed the poor.
Throw out the mocker, and fighting goes, too.
    Quarrels and insults will disappear.
Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech
    will have the king as a friend.
The Lord preserves those with knowledge,
    but he ruins the plans of the treacherous.
The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion out there!
    If I go outside, I might be killed!”
The mouth of an immoral woman is a dangerous trap;
    those who make the Lord angry will fall into it.
A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness,
    but physical discipline will drive it far away.
A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor
    or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty.

Sayings of the Wise
Listen to the words of the wise;
    apply your heart to my instruction.
For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart
    and always ready on your lips.
I am teaching you today—yes, you—
    so you will trust in the Lord.
I have written thirty sayings for you,
    filled with advice and knowledge.
In this way, you may know the truth
    and take an accurate report to those who sent you.
Don’t rob the poor just because you can,
    or exploit the needy in court.
For the Lord is their defender.
    He will ruin anyone who ruins them.
Don’t befriend angry people
    or associate with hot-tempered people,
or you will learn to be like them
    and endanger your soul.
Don’t agree to guarantee another person’s debt
    or put up security for someone else.
If you can’t pay it,
    even your bed will be snatched from under you.
Don’t cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers
    set up by previous generations.
Do you see any truly competent workers?
    They will serve kings
    rather than working for ordinary people.

Prayer: Lord, you are the Rescuer! We pray for a spiritual rescue mission for our sons, daughters, and family of loved ones to return to the Truth and Life you offer. We pray for a spiritual rescue mission for our friends, neighbors, and this world that desperately needs your forgiveness and grace. We pray for Wisdom to guide the choices of all of your children. We pray to see the foolishness of our selfish ways. We pray for the gospel seeds already planted in hearts to overtake the sinful inclinations of human flesh, so we can genuinely emulate the Truth. Give every heart that has some knowledge of you, an unquenchable hunger for the Truth and pursue it for overflow. Bring the miracles we need, Lord. Deliver us and our loved ones from evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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