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A Courageous Spirit: A Battle

It takes a courageous spirit to live among the challenges of our days, doesn’t it?  The spirit of the world intends to lead and expects us to obediently follow; demands our worship.  Courageous decisions are in demand if we are going to be Christ followers.  If Christ calls us to take a courageous stand for Him, we need to get ready for war.  Expect it.  The battle with fear is just around the corner and it is a doozy!

People sometimes get the idea that courage is the absence of fear.  On the contrary, courage is making a decision and taking action in spite of fear.  Many times Jesus said, “Fear not.”  That tells me that although fear was present, Christ followers were not to act on that fear.  Instead he or she was to “be” courageous.  Fear comes to stop us; Christ comes to lead us past it.  When we identify that Christ is calling for us to act courageous in the midst of a situation, he is expecting to rise up in us and bring His strength on our behalf.  Oh, and Christ intends to win; he has overcome the world. So, use your faith, cast down the fear, and connect with Jesus.  It’s how we follow and worship the Most High.

“So be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6