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God Horizons: Restoring Worship

Have you ever been caught up in deep worship–true oneness with God that filled and overwhelmed you with awe, wonder, praise, and thanksgiving?  The Apostle John did.  His spirit was translated from a physical location (more than likely the Island of Patmos) to the throne room of heaven where he witnessed the glory of God’s presence (Revelation 4:1-11).

Worship is not so much an activity; rather it is a place in God’s presence.  Now we do enjoy singing, clapping, praying, listening to God’s Word, reflecting on the beauty and majesty of our Creative God and it is all a part of what we call worship.  But what does worship look like from God’s horizon?

True worship is about entering the heavenly throne room of God.  There are two throne rooms that must be united and put into agreement; oneness.  First, let’s reflect upon the throne room of your heart.  Is God on the throne of your life? Do you surrender to the things God desires to perform in and through you?   Second, there is the throne room of heaven.  This is a picture of God’s Supreme Court; the Creator administering over all of creation.  God is Holy.  God is Judge.  God is definitely on the throne in heaven and truth is the only thing spoken in this place of goverment.  Our response to this Holy God is to offer glory, honor, and thanksgiving. 

Discovery plays a very important part in your relationship with God.  In order to “connect” in worship, you must make it personal between God and you.  Pour your heart out to God who has loved you from the beginning and has made a way for you to experience the fullness of that love; sending Jesus Christ.  Brian Doerksen wrote a song, Holy God.  I would like to share some of the lyrics from this song with you.  Ponder them.  Has God revealed himself to your heart in these ways?

Holy, Holy, Holy God.  You are…creating, commanding, transcendent, Adonai.  Defending love, destroying sin, the Warrior divine.  Holy, Holy, Holy God.  You are…forgiving, redeeming, from every tribe and tongue.  Arising first the nail scarred Lamb, salvation’s Champion.  Holy, Holy, Holy God.  You are…romancing, pursuing, reclaiming to restore.  Releasing hearts, transforming lives, the Lion’s mighty roar.  Holy, Holy, Holy God.  Yes, You are.

Worship our Holy God, today.