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The Great Interruption Day 40

The Great Interruption

ReRead:   John 20:19-20

Saturday 4/4/15   Day 40

Ponder:  Mary shares with the disciples that she has seen the Lord.  They are still afraid and hiding behind locked doors in spite of her message.  Suddenly, Jesus is standing in their midst. He speaks to them, “Peace be with you.”  They are struggling to believe it is Jesus.  Do you ever struggle with believing the reality of a living God who presents himself to you?  Please notice, Jesus does not stop there and leave.  Instead, he shows them his wounds and tells them his resurrection story.  Instead of fear now they are filled with joy.  Jesus then offers the same line as before but adds further instruction, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.  Receive the Holy Spirit (he breathes on them).”  Jesus then commissions them to forgive the sins of others.

Practice:   Jesus connects faith and forgive-ness with forward movement.  Fear has to go, and forgiveness has to be granted.  If you are holding unforgiveness in your heart, you will hinder the work of the Spirit.  God wants to bring peace and joy in exchange for fear and unforgiveness.  What an Easter Gift is Jesus!

Prayer: Father, thank You for the work of Jesus to forgive my sins so I may know life with You. Holy Spirit, help me to forgive others, because of what you have done for me.  Fill me with Your peace as I follow your commands of love.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Mission: The resurrected life is given as a gift, so go and interrupt the world with the story of God’s Love and Light in Christ.  God loves you not because you do everything right, but because He created you and the world.  Invite someone to join us at church as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday!

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