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Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-14-20

Psalm 95:10-11 The Voice (VOICE)
For 40 years I despised that grumbling generation and said, ‘Their hearts are unfaithful; they no longer walk in My ways; though I call, they do not listen to My voice.’
That is why in My anger I swore, ‘They will never enter into My rest.’”

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: When our hearts wander rather than staying focused on God’s authority and sufficiency to provide, we miss out on many acts of his goodness. For forty years the Israelites grieved their Maker. If we are going to know God’s will and ways, we must trust him. Our unbelief hinders our worship, because it offends God. We struggle to hear, because we refuse to listen and obey. Our wills must learn to bend—to be refashioned by our Redeemer. True worship brings renewal and leads us toward improvement in every practical area of our lives. Certainly at this time with all the hysteria over the coronavirus, your trust in God–as well as your reliance upon his wisdom and provision–is a test of your faith. Stay the course, make your words positive and faith-filled, and see the goodness of the Lord. He loves and cares for you. Do not allow fear to be your god.

Prayer: Lord, put a watch over my lips that I may not grumble against you even when I do not understand your ways. In my heart, I know you see perfectly—I do not. I will remain grateful for your goodness and sing praises to your name. Thank you for allowing me to enter your rest; where I cease my striving and simply follow the Spirit into abundant living. Thank you for growing my trust and faith through whatever means you choose, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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