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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-2-2021

Today’s devotion includes all of Psalm 123. It’s very possible that the psalmist wrote this song to be sang by ancient Israel, while on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, as a form of worship after they were exiled. The psalm is titled “A Song of the Stairway” and in the first verse eyes are lifted, in worship, up to the Sovereign Lord. This is a powerful expression of spiritual eyes of the heart bowing before God for hope amid oppression. Only His faithful people understand that He, and He alone, is worthy of praise. The way love is described in the next verse is as fully dependent on the Lord. The psalm continues and ends with God’s people understand the great importance of receiving the His mercy and grace, not because they’ve earned it, but because it’s a gift that only God can give. This psalm is just as relevant today, even though much of our unbelieving contemporary culture would think otherwise, those of us who believe understand the great importance of lifting our spiritual eyes to the LORD, loving Him above all else, and praying for His mercy and grace.

Psalm 123 (TPT)
A Song of the Stairway

1 O God-Enthroned in heaven, I lift my eyes toward you in worship.
2 The way I love you
is like the way a servant wants to please his master,
the way a maid waits for the orders of her mistress.
We look to you, our God, with passionate longing
to please you and discover more of your mercy and grace.
3–4 For we’ve had more than our fill of this scoffing and scorn—
this mistreatment by the wealthy elite.
Lord, show us your mercy!
Lord, show us your grace!

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for Your Word which is always relevant. I am so grateful to be a part of Your Family, and I bow my heart before You and ask for You to keep my spiritual eyes fixated on You. I love you, and please allow our relationship to grow. Help me to continue to lose my independence so that my dependence on You grows deeper. Please continue to show me your mercy and grace. I ask all of this in Your Holy Name, Jesus. Amen.

Written By: Jen Auer, Pastor Mary Haley’s Assistant

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