Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-2-19

July 2, 2019
Ephesians 5:15-20 New Living Translation (NLT)

Yesterday, the Apostle John reminded us that we are to live in the Light of Christ. Today, the Apostle Paul teaches us that when we chose to live in the Light of Christ, we are “Living by the Spirit’s Power”. These 5 verses from the 5th chapter in Ephesians, are AMAZING! I see verse 15 as an instruction guide to a 4-step daily process found in verses 16 – 20:

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-1-19

July 1, 2019
1 John 2:7-11 New Living Translation (NLT)

Do you ever find yourself speaking poorly about a brother or sister in Christ? Do you not like a fellow believer?

In our passage today we learn from the “Apostle of Love”, John. He not only writes about love, but he puts the true love of Christ into action within his life. At one time Jesus nicknamed John and his brother, James, the “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17), and in Luke (9:51-56) these two brothers wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy a village. So, John may have not always been known as the “Apostle of Love”, however, he followed Jesus and grew to know that reality is to be lived by God’s way, and no longer the world’s way. In verses 7 – 11 John repeatedly uses the words: love, life (living), and light. These words belong together in our lives as Christians. Our love is affected when we choose to either live in light or darkness. If we are walking in the light of Christ, we will love our fellow Christian brothers and sisters. If we are walking in the darkness of the world, we will spread hatred even amongst our brothers and sisters. John lived his life loving like Jesus, and so should we.

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C2C Mission Outreach


It seems God is always drawing our attention off from ourselves and onto others…others who need to be served: loved, healed, and restored. The maturity of our discipleship can be seen in how we serve others; Christ being strong in us.

Mission is all about partnering with God in service. At C2C Church we believe in “bridging the gap between worship and missions”. As followers of Christ, our members love to worship together. But, we understand the importance of spreading the Good News of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and that is done when reaching out into our community, state, and world through missions.

These organizations are just a few of the many mission outreaches in which we invest our time, talents, and treasures.