Broken promises, the abandonment of a parent, abuse of trust, unfaithful mates, untrue gossip, physical or emotional violence are just some of the acts of injustice we can face in this life; they all leave deep wounds and pain. Even though God has promised to be our Vindicator, letting him handle things when we have been wronged can be a difficult challenge. Oh, we trust God for sure, right? Yet, we know God’s timing is different; he may not deal with things right away. God’s perspective of a situation is entirely righteous bringing to the forefront the motives of every heart; he may not deal with the situation the way we would prefer. God’s goal is to make us stronger and persevering in this life; he may call us to forgive an offense without receiving an apology or a change in that person. God’s way is not a “get even” process; he is pure righteousness.
In our passage today from Proverbs 20, we are reminded about the fallen nature of humanity and the pain that sinful flesh can inflict. We want to see justice be served when we are harmed; it is not wrong to want justice, but we must allow God to execute it. Scripture reminds us it is God’s place to judge, punish, justify, and vindicate (Ro 12:19). God alone is pure and without sin, so he can cause our innocence to be radiant with his glory before others should that be his plan.
If we do not leave injustice with God, we will find ourselves with bitter souls [a sin]. We will hold onto grudges and spend our energy condemning others. Instead of living in this awful soup of negativity, we can trust God to deal with our hearts, the hearts of others involved, choose to look at the situation with the eyes of mercy, and forgive (1 Pet 2:21-23). Making a list of wrongs is not Jesus; nor is being happy when those who have harmed us get harmed by others. The Wisdom of God—Jesus— calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Mat 5:44). If Jesus could look at those who were murdering him and ask the Father to forgive them, we can choose love and receive grace for the things we face.
Proverbs 20 NLT
Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls.
Those led astray by drink cannot be wise.
The king’s fury is like a lion’s roar;
to rouse his anger is to risk your life.
Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor;
only fools insist on quarreling.
Those too lazy to plow in the right season
will have no food at the harvest.
Though good advice lies deep within the heart,
a person with understanding will draw it out.
Many will say they are loyal friends,
but who can find one who is truly reliable?
The godly walk with integrity;
blessed are their children who follow them.
When a king sits in judgment, he weighs all the evidence,
distinguishing the bad from the good.
Who can say, “I have cleansed my heart;
I am pure and free from sin?”
False weights and unequal measures—
the Lord detests double standards of every kind.
Even children are known by the way they act,
whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.
Ears to hear and eyes to see—
both are gifts from the Lord.
If you love sleep, you will end in poverty.
Keep your eyes open, and there will be plenty to eat!
The buyer haggles over the price, saying, “It’s worthless,”
then brags about getting a bargain!
Wise words are more valuable
than much gold and many rubies.
Get security from someone who guarantees a stranger’s debt.
Get a deposit if he does it for foreigners.
Stolen bread tastes sweet,
but it turns to gravel in the mouth.
Plans succeed through good counsel;
don’t go to war without wise advice.
A gossip goes around telling secrets,
so don’t hang around with chatterers.
If you insult your father or mother,
your light will be snuffed out in total darkness.
An inheritance obtained too early in life
is not a blessing in the end.
Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.”
Wait for the Lord to handle the matter.
The Lord detests double standards;
he is not pleased by dishonest scales.
The Lord directs our steps,
so why try to understand everything along the way?
Don’t trap yourself by making a rash promise to God
and only later counting the cost.
A wise king scatters the wicked like wheat,
then runs his threshing wheel over them.
The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit,
exposing every hidden motive.
Unfailing love and faithfulness protect the king;
his throne is made secure through love.
The glory of the young is their strength;
the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old.
Physical punishment cleanses away evil;
such discipline purifies the heart.
Prayer: Lord, to guard our hearts against bitterness and resentment for the pain we have endured from others, we give you our emotions and surrender our right to get even. We forgive others, will wait for the justice you declare, and call for the Spirit to heal and restore our souls. You have taught us to forgive as we have been forgiven and we want to honor your Wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.