Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-11-19

June 11, 2019

1 Corinthians 2:12-16 New Life Version (NLV)


Our passage today fills me with joy, because it reminds me again how the Christ follower must engage in a spiritual life of discovery.  The definition of discover is to find something or someone unexpectedly in the course of a search.  Think about it, today we have amazing spiritual discoveries to make in Christ!  


Jesus teaches, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (Matt 6:33). The Kingdom of God is within each believer.  Here the Word of God is setting us up for success by giving us directions for living each day.  The world doesn’t understand the Word or the guidance of the Spirit, because it is a gift for believers. 


Life brings challenges for sure, but it also brings exciting discoveries.  If with every day we live, we seek the Truth of God’s Kingdom, God will provide everything we need for that day—which is our classroom for learning to trust God.  If we did not have the Spirit, we would never know what lies deep within us.  Therefore, we would live at a superficial level never pressing in for the fathomless love and goodness of God.  As we walk out our faith in the power of the Spirit, we grow up into Christ—his thoughts and plans become our soul reality.  What an awesome God we serve!  So, rejoice, and discover something new in the Spirit today!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-10-19

June 10, 2019

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 The Passion Translation (TPT)


Do you ever feel inadequate? Sometimes, as believers, we are called to do certain things that seem terribly above our natural ability and certainly beyond our comfort zones. Yet, God does not check our resume nor our skill set to call us into Kingdom action. He looks for the presence of the Holy Spirit in us; he checks our hearts and reviews our motives. In the Spirit, we can be and do all things to which God calls us. He knows that all too well, but we have to learn to trust God’s power.


Yesterday, we celebrated Pentecost; the coming of the Holy Spirit to bring power to the believers for sharing the gospel message. So, when you are tempted to feel inadequate, don’t shrink back and be disobedient to the call. Simply, stop looking at yourself and start calling on the Spirit to take the lead. He is well able to guide you and me to serve the heart of the Father. 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-7-19

June 7, 2019

Galatians 6:7-10 The Passion Translation (TPT)


Personal responsibility as a Christ follower is a big deal, because we grow and harvest what we sow or allow to be planted in our lives.  We either sow to the Spirit or we sow to the selfish flesh.  The seed of selfishness and the soil of the earth are under the dominion of Satan who exists around us; he is in the world.  The seed of the Word and the righteous soil of the Kingdom are under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ and he lives in us.  Who’s more powerful?  God in you, of course!  We must choose wisely, because our choice for what we sow declares our master.   Remember, as I shared yesterday, we cannot flow in the power of the Spirit and selfishness at the same time.


I confess sometimes I grow weary waiting on the good seeds I have planted to grow, but Scripture warns us we are not to grow weary in doing good (Gal. 6:9).  So, when I feel weary I correct my attitude and get back on the path to bless others.  I have to work to get myself off my mind! lol! Could that be God’s purpose in delaying the harvest?  Could he be giving us time to grow in righteousness?  Maybe he is testing us to see if we will continue to plant the Word in our hearts, trust, and wait for the righteous harvest God has promised.  Whatever the case, Father knows best.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-6-19

June 6, 2019

Galatians 5:16-25 The Passion Translation (TPT)


Yesterday, we explored the meaning of “Let go and let God.” If we are honest, every human being craves freedom, satisfaction, and power of some kind; we like to hold onto certain things that make us feel “good,” don’t we? Letting go may feel like we are sacrificing something good for us. Remember, the Lord has given us freedom, so how will we use it?  We like being able to stand in a place of independence, influence, or power and honestly, in Christ, we were created to do so. Yet, our will has to be supported by righteous attitudes in our minds, righteous motives in our hearts, and the power needs to be used to exalt Christ not our flesh. Sometimes believers experience an internal war, because our flesh craves something the Spirit is not free to give because the Anointed One says it is contrary to God’s will for our lives.  We cannot flow in the power of the Spirit and selfishness at the same time.


Today, the Apostle Paul teaches us about the benefit of letting go and embracing the realm and reign of God. Only when we flow in the Spirit will our lives produce an eternal and holy victory. The Spirit wants us to connect in power and oneness with God.  In fact, the Spirit craves that oneness in the holiness of God.  Not everything we may have a desire to say or do will bring a holy victory; not everything is good according to Christ the Anointed One.  In fact, we are free, yet that freedom misused can cause us to forfeit the Kingdom realm of God.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-5-19

June 5, 2019

Luke 9:23-27 The Voice


“Let go and let God” is a phrase I have frequently heard believers use when they are encouraging others to consciously surrender his or her free will, as a servant, for the will of God.  Sometimes people interpret that as just giving up, doing nothing, and thinking God is going to bring all things to pass with no effort, work, or change on our part.  This is not truth, but rather a fantasy.  If you and I are going to “Let go and let God,” we are going to make a continual effort to set down the agenda’s we may have for our lives and pick up God’s will.  That means I may need to allow Jesus to reposition me, transform me, and lead me into his will and quite honestly that is not an easy thing to endure.  Our flesh is at war with the Spirit, remember?  Letting go involves a cross, because it calls for sacrifice.  It may even test our faith, but it is biblical to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, anyway.  When we commit to “Let go and let God,” we are committing to follow the Word at all costs even when it feels risky, frightening, or goes counter cultural.  So, if you really want the will of God which heals and restores us in love, by all means “Let go!”

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-4-19

June 4, 2019

Acts 26:19-23 The Passion Translation (TPT)


Jesus Messiah is a life-changer.  He brings new life to open hearts and calls us to follow him into abundant living.  When we are willing to surrender our stubborn wills and mindsets, he brings transformation to our attitudes, priorities, choices, etc.  Getting our attention is part of God’s work of salvation.  I imagine sometimes getting our attention is quite a task.


Jesus Messiah is the life-changer for Saul (Apostle Paul) who met Jesus on the Road to Damascus.  Saul was going to persecute Christians, but Jesus got his attention and sent him in a new direction.  From that day on, Saul would become Paul; a man with a life-changing story.  God sent him to the Gentile or non-Jewish nations to be a witness to the resurrection of Christ.  God’s directive and Paul’s obedience provided salvation for me and you. 


In our passage today, Paul is presenting his case in court; Paul has been put in prison for his witness of the Living Christ.  Our take away today comes as a reminder. We must receive the love and forgiveness of God through Jesus and demonstrate our connection to Christ with our changed lives. Behold old sinful ways of living are to pass away and we are to live each day in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-3-19

June 3, 2019

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21


This last week’s violent mass shooting at Virginia Beach has reminded us again this world is ruled by Satan and evil is expanding its reach for more hearts.  If the heart of humanity is not sold out to Christ, anyone can be a pawn for Satan.  As we look at a world filled with issues, problems, evil, violence, persecution, lawlessness, and selfishness, we must endure in our faith, hang onto God’s love abiding in us, and patiently wait for our Messiah to return.  Our eyes must be fixed upon the promises of God; our hope resting on the Word of Truth.  One day Jesus will rule a new earth where sin and evil no longer exists. For now, the Lord’s grace is sufficient to keep us abiding in his love.  He is faithful and true and he will bring everything he has promised to pass.  May God cover us with his grace each day and may we live ready to meet him at any moment.  Come Lord Jesus and bring lasting peace.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-31-19

May 31, 2019

John 1:16-18


The more I get to know some folks the better I like them and the more I value them.  It takes time to really get to know someone, doesn’t it?  When we invest time in people, we gain a truer picture of their character and know them at a deeper level.  Did you know Scripture tells us we need to spend time with Christ—the Living Word—in order to gain a proper understanding of the heart of the Father?   It is Jesus who really interprets God and makes him known to humanity.  If you want to know the loving-kindness and grace of God, spend time in the Word.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-30-19

May 30, 2019

Acts 1:6-11 Jesus Is Taken to Heaven


Today is called Ascension Day.  It is the day we celebrate Christ’s ascension into heaven; 40 days after his resurrection from the dead. In our passage, Jesus is sharing his goodbyes to the apostles. They want to know how everything affects Israel, but Jesus redirects their attention to the weightier things of the Kingdom.  Jesus instructs the apostles to focus on three things: 1) Wait and receive the Holy Spirit—don’t try to do things in your own strength; 2) Expect the Holy Spirit to bring the power of God—supernatural provision for every assignment; and 3) Bear witness to what God is doing everywhere you go—share every LIFE lesson.  As Christ’s disciple, these three things are for you, too!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-29-19

May 29, 2019

John 1:14 Living Bible (TLB)


How do you view forgiveness?  Is it hard for you to forgive others when they sin against you?  Even though many people struggle to do so, extending loving forgiveness to others is a very holy act. We are given the gift of forgiveness from God that we can actually give to others. When we forgive, we obey and reflect the Word or Voice of God.  Forgiveness is actually liberating for us; we do not have to carry around the weight of hurt and pain.  So, the next time you find yourself needing to forgive someone, please realize as you forgive that person you are actually being kind to yourself.

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