Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-16-16

Daily Reading:  8-16-16

Acts 7:44-53 The Message (MSG)


Sometimes humans can be very stubborn.  We can set our minds on what we want to believe even when faced with convincing Truth.  


Stephen was one of seven leaders chosen to supervise food distribution to the needy in the early church.  He was confronted and accused by Jewish leaders of dishonoring God’s temple in the process.  However, that was a lie to cover up the truth.  Stephen was simply telling people about Jesus and many were converting to Christianity.  Instead of defending himself against his accusers, Stephen took the opportunity to share his vibrant faith and relationship with God. He reminded these leaders of God’s love and provision for his people throughout history and how God was not limited to living in a temple made with human hands.  Now, through the Spirit, God can live in human hearts. 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-15-16

Daily Reading:  8-15-16

1 John 4:1-6 Contemporary English Version (CEV)


The message of Christ, the Son of God, coming in human flesh and dying on the cross is the message of Truth.  Christ died so that we could live forgiven and in fellowship with the Father.  The Spirit was sent so we could know the liberating power of God that lifts us out of dead living due of sin.  We can know vibrant life in Christ Jesus.  Voices that speak of anything else are not from the Spirit of God; in fact, it is the spirit of antiChrist. 


Don’t believe everything you read or hear.  You can identify someone who is telling the Truth from someone who is telling a lie based on whether their ways line up with Christ’s message.  Some leaders tell people what they want to hear; they do not denounce sin nor encourage a change in behavior.  They do not confess or promote the ways of God. Rather, they promote the spirit of antiChrist.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-12-16

Daily Reading:  8-12-16

Hebrews 10:32-39 The Voice (VOICE)


If you know Christ and He has brought light and vibrant life to your human existence, you are a member of the faith company.  In other words, we live by faith in the love and provision of God.  Hard times can come to every person; no one is exempt from the trials of life that can chip away at our faith.  However, we never give up, because Christ is our Hope. 


In his letter to the Hebrews, the Apostle Paul exhorted Christ’s followers to stay strong and endure every trial, because God would stay faithful to bring his promise of salvation.  

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-11-16

Daily Reading:  8-11-16

Hebrews 10:26-31 New Century Version (NCV)


Sometimes we know the Truth or God’s will on a matter, but do not really want to accept the Truth because it means we would have to acknowledge our will to sin.  In our passage this morning, the Apostle Paul reminds Christ’s followers to continue to allow His sanctifying work to be done in them.  When Christ speaks to specific sin in our lives, that sin must go on the cross so we can experience freedom.  Otherwise, we grieve the Spirit.  A turning away from this holy process the Father put into place for our spiritual growth is called apostasy.  We can choose to run the other direction from God, but eventually we will find ourselves back in the audience of His sovereign judgment.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-10-16

Daily Reading:  8-10-16

Luke 12:41-48


God has poured spiritual gifts into every one of His children.  These are gifts to be used for the exaltation of Christ and the advancement of the spiritual Kingdom.  It is unwise to handle these gifts irresponsibly, because God certainly comes with expectations.  God’s gifts are powerful and bring about the necessary results when used in obedience to God’s purposes.  We are wise if we realize God’s spiritual gifts to us are the very things that effectively draw more people into Kingdom living while on earth.  Our lives are the greatest witness to the reality of Christ in us.  In Christ, we are loving, sincere and filled with integrity, quick to witness to the goodness of God, trusting God for provision, and diligent with every task no matter what the size.  Our foreheads are sealed with the joy of our salvation.


In our passage today, Jesus has been teaching his disciples about staying ready for his return.  Jesus told his followers he would be leaving while the Kingdom was being prepared, but in the future he would return for them. They were to faithfully occupy until his return.  If Jesus returned today, would you be watching for him?  Would you be ready to give an account for your work on behalf of the Kingdom?

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-9-16

Daily Reading:  8-9-16

Hebrews 11:17-28 Contemporary English Version


Faith is associated with desiring God’s best for our lives.  As well, we can count on the fact that our faith will be tested when it comes to the things we prize the most.  Things in this world might seem good and inviting at times, but compared to the promises of God it offers only fleeting pleasures.  God offers an eternity of blessing.


The Apostle Paul continues his examples of faith in his letter to the Hebrews. 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-8-16

Daily Reading:  8-8-16

Hebrews 11:1-7 Tree of Life Version (TLV)


Recently on our Alaska vacation, John and I spent a great deal of time admiring God’s creative handiwork from afar.  Everything within me wanted to get close and enjoy it, but that was not possible.  So, I just kept my eyes focused on enjoying what I could see and basking in the revelation of God’s glory despite the distance.


Today’s Scripture continues the passage I taught on yesterday at C2C.  If we desire to please our Heavenly Father, every child of God must take an ongoing spiritual journey of faith.  Faith joins assurance with anticipation; a state of certainty with uncertainty.  We believe that everything God tells us is true.  For these giants of faith listed below, we can see they trusted the Father.  As children of God and disciples of faith, we must live each day knowing it is but a piece of the greater reward God will reveal one day.  God is a Rewarder of those who seek Him.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-5-16

Daily Reading:  8-5-16

Matthew 6:19-24The Message (MSG)


As His children, God asks us to be in step with His purposes (obedience) and be willing to offer all that we are and have at our disposal (stewardship) to increase His Kingdom.  If we are going to serve as ambassadors of God’s heart, we need spiritual vision to see things from God’s perspective. There is no room for our self-serving inclinations or entitlement attitudes, because they will cause our spiritual vision to be diminished.  The Holy Spirit not only feeds the Light within us, but He is the Light that makes Christ known to us. 


In our passage, today, Jesus is teaching his disciples about living in the Light of true worship.  A Christ follower cannot worship God and money.  Both require single-hearted devotion; there can only be one lord. We need to choose based on what is more permanent.  Jesus reminds his disciples they are immortal and therefore need to deposit in the security of the eternal Kingdom where no one can steal their investment.  Not only do we reap what we sow, we reap based on where we sow.  Jesus reminds every follower, “Seek first His Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33).

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-4-16

Daily Reading:  8-4-16

Romans 9:1-9  New Living Translation (NLT)


This world seems to be filled with leaders who throw out empty promises in order to get ahead.  I wish they understood the magnitude of this deception; making promises that one never intends (or is not able) to keep is sowing seed in the wrong soil.  I am still a firm believer that a promise is a promise.  If I promise to do something for someone, I need to follow through as best I can because I am a child of Promise. My word to someone else needs to be sown in integrity, because I want to spiritually reap from the promises of God.   Even though I have had to break a promise before, God never breaks His promise to us.  What does God promise to do?  He promises to make us His children if we are willing to repent and turn from our own way to follow Christ’s way with our lives. In other words, for those who are born from God above, practice His righteousness, and seeks to love his/her neighbor, God makes them His spiritual seed or child of Promise.  We are sown in spiritual soil to produce a harvest.


In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul is concerned about his Jewish brothers and sisters who continue to reject Christ.  It is their belief simply being physical descendants of Abraham is what makes them a child of Promise.  He explains it is not a matter of physical ancestry; rather, it is a matter of spiritual ancestry.  I call it a spiritual connection.  We are children of Promise when we take God at His Word and live by spiritual Guidance and Power (the Holy Spirit).  Beyond this one beautiful promise from Father God, we find a lifetime of spiritual potential and blessings as our inheritance.  We have to be willing to live as children of Promise; our lives guided by His Word.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-3-16

Daily Reading:  8-3-16

Luke 12:22-31 The Living Bible (TLB)


By the time you read this passage, I should be back home from a much needed vacation with my husband.  We needed a time to rest, relax, and enjoy the beauty of God’s presence in creation.  God desires that each one of us would relax, stop worrying, and simply enjoy Him.  We all need to step away from the demands of life from time to time in order to be replenished.


God will always meet our needs.  He has promised to provide for us when we make His Kingdom our priority.  We make the Kingdom of God our primary concern when we allow the Holy Spirit to work Christ’s righteousness in our souls (mind, will, emotions), so we can remain in peace and be filled with joy.


In our passage, today, Jesus is teaching his disciples about the need to trust God’s care for their lives.  If God’s people will pursue and trust Him, like creation does, we will find ourselves secure, safe, fed, and warm in His love.

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