If We Believe 2-25-16

Quest for Hope

If We Believe 2-25-16 

Romans 4:18-25


Yesterday in our quest for hope, we looked at the true Gift from God called salvation.  Today, we will continue with the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans when he used father Abraham as an example of growing hope and faith.  This faith Abraham extends to believe God’s promise counts him righteous with God.  Here’s the believer’s story:

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An Echo 2-24-16

Quest for Hope

An Echo 2-24-16 

Romans 3:21-26


Yesterday, we read about how creation magnifies the presence of Creator God.  That creation includes every human being; we are God’s handiwork created to love Him and take care of His creation.  Tonight, we will read about God’s presentation of Jesus as the sacrifice for our sin and our ability to now be an echo of his likeness.

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Living By Faith 2-23-16

Quest for Hope

Living By Faith 2-23-16

Romans 1:16-20


Yesterday, we praised God for answering our prayers; our hope in His loving care continues to grow as we receive His life through faith.  Today, in our quest for hope we will focus on the power of living by faith.  The Apostle Paul will be our guide this morning…

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God Answers Prayer 2-22-16

Quest for Hope

God Answers Prayer 2-22-16

Psalm 65:1-5


On Saturday, we found great hope in our understanding that Christ’s sacrifice was enough; Jesus paid in full for our sins.  Today, in our quest for hope we will focus on the God who answers prayer.

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A Whole New Approach 2-20-16

Quest for Hope

A Whole New Approach 2-20-16

Hebrews 10:11-18


Yesterday, we focused on the sacrifice of Jesus; a sacrifice for atonement that was made once and for all.  Today, we will be reminded in our quest for hope that no more sacrifices are necessary to be right with God; Jesus paid it all in full. Simply offering an obedient heart—a new heart—to the work of His grace is sufficient to please the Father!  Even though I would like you to read the whole passage listed above; here are a few verses listed below:

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The Scapegoat 2-19-16

Quest for Hope

The Scapegoat 2-19-16

Hebrews 9:11-14


Yesterday, our focus was on surrendering our weakness for Mercy’s Kiss—the power of Christ to conquer sin.  Today, in our quest for hope, we will look at two covenant systems referred to in the bible: the old and the new and what makes them different.  The old system involved outward cleansing ceremonies through the spilling of animal blood where only a priest could enter; it never brought a cleansing to the people’s conscience.  The new system provides a personal Savior—the sacrificial Lamb and the Scapegoat—who enters and does a complete cleansing of the inner person.  Someone say, “This is Grace!”

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Mercy’s Kiss 2-18-16

Quest for Hope

Mercy’s Kiss 2-18-16

Hebrews 4:14-16


Last night we enjoyed a great discussion with our lesson about the work of grace in salvation and our eternal hope in receiving, living, and serving in Christ’s power.  We must not allow unbelief to have any place in our hearts.  Today, we are going to reap a harvest by learning to reach for Mercy’s Kiss.

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Faithful in Belief 2-17-16 Conclusion

Quest for Hope

Faithful in Belief 2-17-16 Conclusion

Hebrews 3:7-15


Our scripture passage guides us to wisely search our hearts (cardio is the center of one’s being) every day; we are to search for evil or unbelief hiding within us. If Jesus defeated sin and death, how does evil remain an issue for the believer?  Evil exists in our world and we will always experience temptation.  Fear comes to rob us of our trust in God. 

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Faithful in Belief 2-17-16 Intro

Quest for Hope

Faithful in Belief 2-17-16 Intro

Hebrews 3:7-15


Yesterday, we were filled with gratitude as we read about how Jesus defeated death by offering himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sin.  The cross is really a symbol of love; the love of God for all humanity.  God is determined to make a way to have a relationship with His creation.  We simply need to accept His terms; the cross.  In our quest for hope this morning, we are going to look at some wisdom from the book of Hebrews on how to stay strong and faithful in our belief in the work of Christ. Jesus said, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent” (John 6:29).  If we do so, we can enter into God’s rest, because human effort accomplishes nothing eternal (John 6:63).

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Defeating Death 2-16-16

Quest for Hope

Defeating Death 2-16-16

Hebrews 2:14-18


Yesterday, we read about how Jesus rescues us from our weaknesses (inclination to sin against God) for the purpose of restoration.  In our quest for hope this morning, we are going to look at how Jesus defeated death.  Death can be a frightening thing to even think about let alone imminently face. Jesus understands our fear.

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