Beatitudes: Hunger for Righteousness

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminded his disciples and others that a person who hungered and thirsted for righteousness would be blessed.  The New Living Translation uses the word “justice” for the word “righteousness.”  Let’s explore this verse from both meanings; keeping in mind this is just one way to look at it.  I believe Jesus was pointing to the fact that when we choose to live moral lives–right by God’s standard–we are called blessed.  In a world that calls everything right–anything goes–what does that really mean?

God is love and Jesus was sent into this world to be the Son of love.  Christ told his disciples the greatest commandment was to wholly love God and others (Matt. 22:37-40). Righteousness is the love standard.  When we lay our lives before God and say, “I want whatever You desire for my life” that is righteous love for the Most High.  With that heart motive and act of obedience, we are hungering and thirsting for righteousness–what God has planned and purposed for us.  Unfortunately, if what God desires for us doesn’t line up with what we want to do in a moment, righteousness gets slapped to the corner, doesn’t it?  When we act to protect our way in spite of how it affects others, we are not submitting to the righteousness of God; we are not blessed or satisfied. 

How about justice?  Again, when we seek to take care of ourselves and “avoid” really caring for the welfare of others, we have resisted righteousness.  How is it that we can feel good about ourselves, when others are run over by our actions?  How is it that we can amass great wealth for ourselves, lay our heads on the pillow at night and sleep in peace knowing that others are going hungry at that very moment and we have done nothing to help?  No righteousness there, either.  There is always something God’s kids can do in his or her area of influence to release justice; even little offerings from a heart that hungers to do good is seen as righteous.  God calls us to be the righteousness of Christ; because of Jesus we posses within us a gift of being and doing right.  If we commit our lives to Christ, that righteousness will compel us to worship the God of love by doing the things we can do for others.  

I guess the best way to hunger and thirst for righteousness (justice) is to simply get ourselves and our agendas off our minds and surrender to the will and purposes of a God who loves and knows us better than we know ourselves.  A pure expression of love is supernatural.  God has given us the ability to manifest this kind of love on earth; but it requires sacrifice.  If you feel the love of God tugging at your heart to hunger and thirst for righteousness, today, simply choose to express a heart full of love by blessing others who need to experience and receive a touch that is out-of-this-world.  The Spirit leads the Way.

“God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.” (Matt. 5:6). 


Beatitudes: Meekness

What does the word “meekness” mean to you?  We don’t hear that word often, anymore.  It is rarely modeled by people.  A meek person is gentle and humble; Jesus Christ was described as being meek.  Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).  In other words, blessed or happy with enviable joy are the gentle and humble people in this world.

In a world that functions primarily through selfish ambition and power-hungry actions, meekness is an odd response from the Christian.  Of course, God’s Kingdom functions much differently than the world’s system, anyway, so we really shouldn’t be surprised when God calls us to respond in a meek manner to injustice or the prideful authority of others.   If we look at Christ, meekness is the Kingdom response to worldly abusive power.  I really think this means that rather than us using our power to deliver ourselves, we are to submit to God’s power by putting our hope in Christ to save and deliver us from our enemies in this world.  The reward for this “meek” attitude is that some day we will inherit the earth and reign for eternity in Christ.  For those people who pridefully demand to have power and authority now by stepping on the lives of others; they aren’t given power in God’s future Kingdom.   Pride and meekness cannot occupy the same space.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret–it leads only to evil.  For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. Psalm 37:8-9  

Beatitudes: Mourn

Jesus is always bringing comfort and, today, is no different.  My father’s health has once again taken a turn for the worst.  Today, he stopped breathing for a few minutes and then started up, again.  It is like an emotional roller coaster.  We thought we may need to say goodbye; that may be the case.  It has been a long and difficult journey to make with Dad these past three years.  It would have been more difficult without the loving care of Hospice and our amazing spiritual family.  But, it has also been a time of great comfort as we have been given the promise of the Comforter; the Spirit of Christ. Today, I was reminded that I do not need to go forward in my own strength.  Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”  Matt 5:4 

Wherever you find yourself, today, Jesus stands ready to love you in that place.  Whether we are enjoying times of great happiness (everything going well and smoothly; a place of fulfillment), or difficult times and sadness (a place that challenges and tries to shake our faith), God is with us.  That is a promise from God.  As God’s children, our Father never told us that now that we belong to Him we will never have to face injustice or sorrow.  Our promise is that God will never leave us or forsake us.  His presence is our Comforter.  Today, I intend to let the Comforter hold my heart, how about you?  Will you invite God to do the same for you?  God is for you, not against you!

Beatitudes: Poor in Spirit

I love the many lessons we can share from the Sermon on the Mount in which Christ gave the Beatitudes.  Can you picture it?  Jesus is sitting on the side of a mountain and as people began to draw near him, he started to teach them how to live in God’s favor.  “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Matthew 5:3 (NLT)

Blessed means happy and to be envied are those in God’s Kingdom; they receive God’s favor.  Jesus is referring to the physically poor in this verse, but he reminds them that their trust in God is what makes them blessed.  That certainly is a contradiction in the world’s terms, but the Kingdom does tend to turn things upside down. In the Kingdom, wealth, power, and authority are unimportant, because Jesus is the Ruler who gives generously to all.  The Bible reminds us God’s ways are not our ways.  God has created His children to be generous in all things, too.  When you and I give love even when others mistreat us, God says we are blessed.  When we choose to help others even when they use us; God says we are blessed.  When we forgo something for ourselves in order to give to those who have nothing; God says we are blessed.  Certainly, following Jesus is going to call for sacrifice when it comes to some earthly pleasures, but the results are eternal rewards in God’s favor. 

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation.  Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12


Need Some Light: Faith

God is always ready to help; of course we have to use our faith in order to please him.  I believe it is our faith that moves the hand of God; not really our needs, although He cares greatly.   Faith believes God is real, loving, and good.  We all must choose how we will respond to God’s invitation to a life of faith.  It will stretch your natural understanding of God if you choose to exercise your faith.  God’s ways and thoughts are higher.  He delights in revealing His love in new and fresh ways.

We need to make a choice to believe that God is our Creator and that He is overseeing our lives.  He desires to bring the light of truth into our darkness when we use our faith.  Do you believe God loves you and has your highest and best in His mind?  Max Lucado tells us, “God says that the more hopeless your circumstances, the more likely, your salvation.”  Certainly, when it is really, really dark; we have a great need for some light!  Seek the help of God by using your faith.  Faith works by hearing the Word of God; it is our instruction book.  The book of Light and Life when it comes to our faith. 

“Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.”  Hebrews 11:1    

Need Some Light: Fear

The storms of life, those times when we feel alone and helpless to battle our circumstances, toss our faith around don’t they?  They can cause us to experience escalating fear.  Scriptures tell us the disciples experienced fear in the storms, too.  And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.”  But straightway Jesus spoke unto them, saying, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid”  (Matthew 14:26-27).  What made fear arise in the disciples?

The disciples were pretty confident when they were with Jesus, but this time Jesus had sent them on ahead of him.  It was in the absence of Christ the disciples grew fearful.  Our storms may be a part of God’s plan for us.  God desires to strengthen our faith and he does that in stages.  Remember how Jesus was in the boat, with the disciples, sleeping during one of the storms and all they had to do was awaken him?  This time Jesus was nowhere in sight when the storm hit.  Christ removed himself for awhile to see how they handled their faith.  God had a purpose; the disciples were to cross the lake and Jesus would meet them there.  Sometimes, God allows the storms to come into our lives to see if we are going to be obedient.  God already knows the answer, but we need to reveal it to ourselves.  We never know the real strength and resolve within us until after the storm.  

Our storms may intensify without prayerful intercession.  Although the Bible tells us Jesus went to pray for the disciples, it does not mention the disciples took time to pray for their trip.  Prayer gives us direction and brings inner strength.  Always take time to pray for God’s will and the power of the Spirit to lead you each day.  Then, you will be ready for the storms when they hit.

Today’s Reading:  Matthew 14:22-33

Need Some Light: Anxiety

If we really pay attention, we can sense the darkness of anxiety trying to have dominion in our daily lives.  We wrestle anxiety in our minds and our emotions; anxiety affects our faith.  Jacob testified to that “wrestling” thing!  “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day” (Gen. 32:24).   Anxiety is a thief; it robs us of our strength.  Why do we give anxiety any power in our lives?  This lesson about Jacob reveals his reasons for anxiety; the power of loneliness, past sin and guilt, judgment, and fear of the unknown.

Loneliness keeps us isolated and makes it much easier to develop or even intensify self-pity.  We are to be confident in Christ and remain in a community of loving believers.  Don’t let yourself remain lonely; get into a fellowship where others can love and appreciate you.  They will help guard your peace.

Guilt will bring anxiety.  Poor Jacob never forgot what he did to his brother, Esau, whom he was to love.  He robbed him; mistreated him.  Therefore, he saw everything else in the light of his own guilt.  When you and I are guilty of sinning against another by not following the love instruction from God, we set ourselves up to think everyone is going to treat us like we treated others; we fear exposure.  Take the initiative and expose your sin to the Savior and receive forgiveness.  As well, if you have not walked in the love of Christ with someone whom God gave you to love, tell them you are sorry.  God will restore your peace.

The threat of judgment will cause us to have anxiety.  When Jacob heard that Esau was coming towards him with four hundred men, he knew he deserved whatever judgment came for his grievous actions against his brother.   He would be overpowered.  When you and I live right before God, we do not have to fear the judgment of others.  We need to trust that God forgives us and will soften the hearts of those whom we have mistreated. We cannot live in the fear of the past.  Choose to stay in peace.

The unknown is a tough place and can cause great anxiety in most people.  It is a time for faith.  Jacob wrestled all night, because he worried about what would happen in the morning.  You and I should not fear the past or the future; we should pray instead and leave it with God.  Our focus must be to learn from the past, make the decisions that make for a healthy present (today), and know that is our part.  Trust and guard your peace.

Jacob wrestled with the angel; a picture of persistent faith. The future is in the hands of Hope–Jesus.  Put your confidence in Christ and allow His peace to guard your thoughts and ways.  Allow me to share some words from Charles Albert Tindley;

If the world from you withhold

Of its silver and gold,

And you have to get along with meager fare,

Just remember, in His Word,

How He feeds the little bird–

Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there.

If your body suffers pain

And your health you can’t regain,

And your soul is almost sinking in despair,

Jesus knows the pain you feel,

He can save and He can heal–

Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there.

When your enemies assail

And your heart begins to fail,

Don’t forget that God in heaven answers prayer;

He will make a way for you

And will lead you safely through;

Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there.

When your youthful days are gone

And old age is stealing on,

And your body bends beneath the weight of care,

He will never leave you then,

He’ll go with you to the end–

Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there.

Today’s reading:  Genesis 32:24-30 

Need Some Light: Eternal Darkness

I love talking about happy places, times, and endings.  You know; abundant living in connection to Christ.   But, God’s Word reminds us that around the Light of His love, darkness can be found.  We are so used to the sunlight that follows the nighttime that we forget God’s Word talks about a darkness that is eternal.  The life of Judas can tell us about the darkness.  Picture the story.  Jesus is sharing a final meal with his disciples.  Judas, who is choosing to remain in the darkness, acts like he really cares about Jesus.  Oh, he might care about him, but make no mistake, Judas cares more about himself than anyone else.  It’s a dark process of thinking; selfishness.  The pressure of being near the Christ (the selfless One) is putting too much pressure on poor Judas.  He has to leave the presence of Love; “So Judas left at once, going out into the night” (John 13:30).  Yes, it is much more comfortable in the darkness when you’re selfish.  

Judas progressed into the darkness; one selfish step at a time.   His next move would be a deeper level of darkness; total resistance and betrayal of True Life.  Jesus came to teach us how to live as humans; to be our role model. He is the Rabbi and we are the disciples.  Christ longs to bring conviction and warn us of dark places so we will avoid them.  We need to heed his warnings.  You and I know when we do wrong things.  Those things condemn us; our conscience bears witness.  Those are little steps into darkness.  Judas’ life warns us that Christ can be with us and we can still choose the darkness; even eternal darkness.

Every day we must choose to dwell in the power of the Spirit to love and light the lives of others.  That’s the heart of Christ, isn’t it?  God has given us a life with a certain number of days.  Will we invite the light of Christ to help us connect in love to others each day?  We must make the choice. If we are honest, we know our selfish ambitions are empty and dark wells.  Or, will we sneak into the darkness like Judas, dwell on self, and loose our many opportunities to serve the King with our lives.  Here’s a poem for you to ponder:

The clock of life is wound but once

and no man has the power

To tell just where the hands will stop

At late or early hour.

To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed,

To lose one’s health is more,

To lose one’s soul is such a loss

As no man can restore.

So do not wait until tomorrow

To do His blessed will,

The clock of life may then be stopped—

The hands may then be still.

–Author Unknown–

Need Some Light: Nicodemus

There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee.  After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus.  “Rabbi,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us.  Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you.  Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”  (John 3:1-3).  Nicodemus pursued Jesus as he just had to know more about the mystery of salvation; the mystery of God’s love that offered “new life.”  His finite rational mind wanted to know the infinite work of God and gain some Light.  Nicodemus was a very knowledgeable man, a ruler of the Jews, who understood sin and separation from God meant death.  Jesus told him that salvation was for everyone because all of us have sinned (1 John 1:8). No one has ever lived a sinless life apart from Christ.  Since we are accountable to God, we need a way to be free from the penalty of sin. 

Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night?  Was it pride; because he didn’t want others to see?  Was it fear?  Maybe Jesus was leaving town the next day; certainly Christ moved from place to place.  Regardless of the reason, here is an example of a learned man in Greek, Roman, and Hebrew cultures who was compelled to find a greater truth.   Each one of the cultures, in which he lived, brought a piece of truth.  For the Greeks, truth could be found in the arts and philosophy.  In Roman culture, the government enforced their version of truth.  The Hebrews sought to fulfill truth with rituals and laws.  But all of these ways, left people empty, frustrated, and needs unmet; even Nicodemus. 

Only God can provide what we need through grace–to be spiritually born anew.  Jesus tells Nicodemus that this new life is experiential; so don’t try to grab hold of salvation with your rational mind.  God’s love for humans is truly a mystery; can you understand the love that would come from heaven, take on human form, and die on the cross for the sins of others?  We really don’t love that way, but God does.  When you and I accept the love of God found in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can enjoy a “new life” connection that lasts for eternity.  The Light of Christ is not a one time experience; it’s much, much more.  Actually, Truth’s (Jesus) invitation is to be spiritually renewed in God’s power and to live in the Light of love every day. Do you need some Light?  Connect to Christ and live for the glory of God. 

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6       

Grateful Hearts: Optimism

The world is full of potential and grateful hearts know the power of a positive attitude.  With so much negativity around us each day via the TV, radio, and newspaper, it is a challenge to keep that optimistic attitude up.  In those times, we must respond by dwelling on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable” (Philippians 4:8).  To dwell on these things is to dwell with God.

If we remain optimistic and look carefully as we go throughout our day, we will experience the miracles that God has provided for us along the way.  We can miss them if we are not paying attention with a positive attitude; to see the beauty of a sunrise, to hear the songs of the birds, to smell the fragrant flowers, to taste the food that nourishes and comforts, and to feel the embrace of a loved one.  Yes, we serve a God who longs to interact with us, not only in our spirits, but through our senses.  Please don’t miss the miracles God has for you, today; stay positively focused.

“I could go through this day oblivious to the miracles all around me, or I could tune in and enjoy.” Gloria Gaither