Genesis: The Beginning
Ishmael: God Hears 1-17-16
READ: Genesis 16
Yesterday, we looked closely at the covenant God made with Abram while in Canaan. Today, we will look at the birth of Ishmael—Abram’s son.
Genesis: The Beginning
Ishmael: God Hears 1-17-16
READ: Genesis 16
Yesterday, we looked closely at the covenant God made with Abram while in Canaan. Today, we will look at the birth of Ishmael—Abram’s son.
Genesis: The Beginning
The Covenant 1-16-16
READ: Genesis 15
Yesterday, Scripture revealed the importance of seeing beyond this physical realm into the things of the Spirit when looking at our lesson from Lot’s choice. In today’s reading, we will see Abram’s faith needs a boost; he is feeling discouraged about “how” God’s promise is going to take place when clearly…it looks impossible. The LORD God has proven Himself faithful to protect Abram and his loved ones (recapturing Lot from the enemy), but will He further reward Abram out of the abundance of His goodness?
Genesis: The Beginning
Abram and Lot 1-15-16
READ: Genesis Chapters 13 & 14
Yesterday, we read about how Abram was called by God, given a promise, and then had to face the difficulties of life that came against the LORD’s promise; these difficulties forced Abram, Sarai, Lot, with their “stuff” to start a new beginning in Egypt. Today. we will see the LORD’s goodness in action and the power of choice, again.
Genesis: The Beginning
God Calls Abram 1-14-16
READ: Genesis 11:10-12:20
Yesterday, we looked at the new beginning of nations brought about through Noah, as well as the building of the Tower of Babel by Ham’s descendants. Today, we will look at Shem’s descendants and the direction his family chooses to take as they wear the image of God.
Genesis: The Beginning
God, His Word and Babel 1-13-16, Continued
READ: Genesis 10:1-11:9
Chapter 10 is a bit of a “dry” read about the generational families from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. It’s the three-fold division of humanity from the seed of Noah. Seventy nations are listed—Japheth 14 nations (Greeks/Medes/Asia Minor), Ham 30 nations (Assyrians/Babylonians/Philistines), and Shem 26 nations (Semitic nations/lineage of Jesus Christ). Over a very long period of time, the Japhethites migrated westward, the Hamites south by southwest, and the Semites south by southeast.
Genesis: The Beginning
God, His Word and Babel 1-13-16
READ: Genesis 10:1-11:9
Yesterday, we looked at the blessings and curses associated with Noah and his descendants following the flood. Today, we are going to read about the building up of nations through Noah’s descendants over generations, as well as their migration. Scripture teaches the LORD God instructed Noah. Restated, the LORD released His Word to Noah’s care for this new beginning. In response, Noah did everything the LORD spoke to him. This shared and connected Word—from God to and through Noah—brings Yahweh glory and Noah blessing. (Please note the order—glorifying God by honoring His Word then receiving God’s blessing).
Genesis: The Beginning
Noah’s Promise from God 1-12-16
READ: Genesis 9
Yesterday, we read about the flood the LORD God sent as judgment against the acts of evil (wickedness) on the earth. Today, in Chapter 9, we will explore the blessing and merciful promise God made to Noah, his three sons and their descendants, as well as all the animals on the boat. We will also notice, God speaks a follow-up curse on the son of Ham, Canaan. It appears there are conditions to God’s blessing, doesn’t it?
Genesis: The Beginning
The Flood 1-11-16
READ: Genesis 7-8
Yesterday, our Genesis reading brought to our attention a world of wickedness—humans originally made in God’s image had allowed that perfect image of Love to be trashed. As we read further today, we notice God brings clarity to His initial instruction to Noah in order to get ready for the rain that will wash away the filth or false image (symbolic of baptism).
Genesis: The Beginning
Noah and the Ark 1-10-16
READ: Genesis 6
Yesterday, we read about Cain’s choice that led to Abel’s murder. Today, we will read about the wickedness that led to Noah’s instruction from God to build an ark.
We seldom think about it, but our Scripture today brings it plainly to our attention; it is possible for God’s human creation to break His heart. In the days of Noah, evil behavior is so prevalent the LORD God is sorry He created the human race (vv. 5-6). Humanity, as a whole during this time, prefers sin, corruption, and violence. In other words, humanity becomes a false image of God not the Truth.
Genesis: The Beginning
Developing a Human Culture 1-9-16
READ: Genesis Chapters 4-5
Now Adam and Eve are outside the garden, so life takes on a new beginning as a human culture or society develops. God leaves His word to this couple on how to practice faith and live outside the garden; they are to pass God’s instructions down as the culture grows.