The Beginning of Choice 1-8-16

Genesis:  The Beginning  

The Beginning of Choice 1-8-16

READ:  Genesis 3


Yesterday, we read how the LORD God created people.  Today we will read how because of a desire for authentic relationship based on trust, Yahweh–who is self-giving and unfailing Love–extends man and woman the freedom of choice.  

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God Created People 1-7-16

Genesis:  The Beginning  

God Created People

READ:  Genesis 2:4-25


Yesterday, we focused our attention on God’s creation of His Earth; on the sixth day people were a part of that creation.  Today, we will read an expanded explanation of God’s creation of human beings—it is like bringing a magnifying glass to small print so we can understand more—as God creates Adam and Eve.   The phrase that helps us understand this is an expanded explanation is the phrase, “When the Lord…”

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God and His Created Earth 1-6-16

Now that you have read Genesis 1:1-2:3, let’s break down some important words in each verse.

Genesis 1:1-2

v.1 “In the Beginning” refers to the beginning of when God created; not to the beginning of eternity.

v.1 “God” (Elohim—Creator and Judge is plural—supreme power) has existed in eternity.  

v.1 “Created” God—created the universe out of ex nihilo (out of nothing).

v.1 “Heavens and earth” refers to the entire cosmos.

v.2 “Formless” or “empty” refers to substance in the creation process.  God created matter that was otherwise without order/chaos.

v.2 “darkness covered the waters” darkness existed.

v.2 “Spirit of God”  refers to the Holy Spirit; Breath of God.


Genesis 1:3-31

v.3  “Then God said” refers to creative time of bringing order and the way God chose to create…He spoke and it manifest.

v.3 “Light” evidently existed prior to the creation of the sun (day 4).  Scripture teaches God is the source of light but it appears he made a temporary light at this time.

v.4 “God made space between or separated” the light/darkness; waters below and above the sky; land/sea.  In this separation, God gives form to creation and fills it so it is no longer formless or empty.   

v.5 “Day..Night”  God created time by determining what a day would be. Ends Day 1.

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Genesis Introduction 1-6-16

I invite you to enjoy the study of Genesis “The Beginning” for the next few weeks (ending Ash Wednesday).  Along with my own personal study, I have explored thoughts from other studies on Genesis.  May we all learn and grow from this time together.

Genesis is a book of beginnings that are waiting to be discovered.   The word Genesis is translated “Beginning.”

* The Beginning of Creation:  Our readings include the beginning of the universe and the beginning of humanity that is loved and taken care of by a sovereign God.  

* The Beginning of Choice: How sin happened and the suffering and death that followed human disobedience.  

* The Beginning of Redemption:  God makes and keeps His promises to be faithful to all He has created; so as we read we will see God’s follow up work of redemption.  

* The Beginning of Faith:  In return, humanity needs to remain faithful to the Creator, because only God can help humanity overcome the evil that plagues the human soul. 

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Expression of Worship

Worship at, Seminole FL

Worship PageGreetings Fellow Worshipers,

Connect2Christ Church is unique in that it does not pass an offering plate on Sunday during worship times. This is not because our tithes and offerings are not essential in our expression of worship or the stewardship of the church. Rather, this is because we believe God is looking for cheerful givers…not out of compulsion…but out of choice.  Tithing (giving a tenth of our income) and bringing Offerings (above the tithe) is Scriptural.  I teach and encourage God’s instructions for giving by providing His family the opportunity to be obedient; there is that choice I mentioned earlier. Therefore, we have collection cabinets in both foyers on the church campus. 

As taught by the Apostle Paul, “You must each decide in your heart how much to give.  And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.  For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.  And God will generously provide all you need.   Then, you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, ‘They share freely and give generously to the poor.  Their good deeds will be remembered forever.’  For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat.  In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you!  You will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.”  2 Corinthians 9:7-11

Our giving is a reflection of our depth of worship; giving is sacrifical and God is looking at our hearts during worship.  He knows our capabilities and our response.  If you are being spiritually fed by this ministry, please help to support it.  Maybe you cannot attend our campus, but you can still give on this website by going to the Home Page and clicking on the green Donations button in the upper left corner under our logo.  If you have questions about giving, please feel free to email me. Click here to email me.  Abundant blessings to you as you walk true to God’s Word…

In Christ,

Pastor Mary

Theophostic Prayer Connection

What is Theophostic Prayer Ministry?    

The term theophostic comes from two New Testament Greek words Theo (God) and Phos (light).  It is intentional and focused prayer that is Christ-centered and God reliant for its direction and outcome. 

It is encouraging a person to discover and expose the beliefs that are at the root of the emotional pain in his or her life; and then facilitating an encounter with the Holy Spirit through prayer, thus allowing the Lord to reveal His truth to the wounded person’s heart and mind. It is about healing the past to redeem the present. It is about lasting fruit that is exemplified through a transformed life bringing glory to Christ.

Messiah sets people free.  Free from life-long fears, shame, false guilt, anxiety, hopelessness, stress, worry, despair, and emotional pain.

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C2C Craft Connection

Every church should have a ministry filled with creative crafters and C2C steps into that realm.  We make arrangements, ornaments, cards, etc.  Presently, we are busy making Christmas goodies for our Gift Market.  We meet on Wednesday, but our schedule varies, so please check our calendar for our meeting days and times.  Questions: 727-230-9723.

C2C Congregational Care Connection

Caring for a congregation is a big assignment from the Lord and Barbara Talbott brings a loving heart and willing hands in Christ to make sure God’s family is feeling valued in practical ways.  Barbara has formed an extensive team to help Pastor Mary with providing excellent care and nurturing for our spiritual family during times of need and crises.  Homes, hospitals, and extended care facilities are visited. Food is prepared and delivered.  If you desire to become involved in this amazing ministry to our members, please call 727-230-9723.

Watch and Listen

If you missed your opportunity to attend Sunday Worship at Connect2Christ Church and want to catch up, you can watch Pastor Mary’s sermons by going to the Home Page and clicking on the green Watch and Listen button or the Sermons Menu tab.  Most of her sermons are available there.

C2C Bible Studies

Bible Study , Seminole Florida

Bible Study , Seminole FloridaC2C Church offers a one hour Bible Study every Wednesday at 7 PM and Thursday at 11:45 AM. This time is lead by Pastor Mary and is called L.I.F.E. Lessons. L.I.F.E. stands for Living In Fellowship Everyday. Scripture teaches that we are to fellowship together, and to learn for one another as we grow in Truth together. We begin our time by opening in prayer, and then we allow the Word to speak to our hearts. Please join us at 9398 Oakhurst Road, Seminole FL. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at 727-230-9723.

C2C Church also offers young adults a one hour time of growth in the Word on Thursdays at 7 PM. This group is called Follow1 and is overseen by a core team of young adults who have been with the group since it’s inception, and this team works closely with Pastor Mary. Thursdays are a time for the group to stay rooted in the Word. We begin our time in prayer, we allow the Word to minister to our collective hearts, and we take time to plan monthly outreach and fellowship events.