A Courageous Spirit: Worshiper

What comes to your mind when I say the word “worship?”  Do you picture a gathering of people in a religious building?  Perhaps you think of a style of service or maybe your thoughts move to music?  Just what does the word “worship” conjure up for you?

A courageous spirit understands worship to be ascribing worth and value to the Most High God.  In fact, the word “worth” is the root of worship.  That means worship calls for us to make a decision, with our lives, as to God’s worth.  God gave His Son’s life; so that we could give our lives back to Him. One for all; all for One.  In this one act of love, God was saying “you are worth my life; am I worth yours?”  

It takes courage to worship God with our lives.  We would rather worship by singing a few songs, reading some Scripture, listening to a sermon, and praying; than to actually turn our lives over to God by making Jesus, Lord.  God is always changing and shaking things up inviting us to make a stronger “connection to Christ,” and it would take a courageous spirit to surrender in true worship.  But, that is exactly what Jesus is calling us to do; courageously connect in worship.  He wants all of us; He wants us to give Him every nook and cranny of our being. God calls it worship!  If we are going to be courageous worshipers, we need the power of the Spirit and a surrendered heart that is willing to bow to the Word of the Lord.

“Because He is your Lord, worship Him.”  Psalm 45:11

A Courageous Spirit: Unfair Situations

I love it when things are fair, don’t you?  I mean I seem to be “wired” for things to go right all the time. alt Jesus said, however, as long as we live in the world we can expect difficulties; a certain amount of persecution.  As courageous Christians, how will we respond to the unfair situations and circumstances in life?  It certainly will take us leaving our human perspective and reaching for a divine perspective, because just accepting the unfair things in life seems to go against our created “soul grain.”

During difficult and unfair times, we need to remember that we serve an all-knowing God; He knows what is going on in our lives.  We serve a God of justice.  Our call is to live honestly before the Lord and our “neighbors.”  When we honor that call we probably limit many difficulties right there.  What about the other times, however, when we are seeking to live righteously in Christ and situations still get very unfair?  We then need to maintain a courageous spirit when responding to the trial.  Let’s look at some valuable insight from God’s Word for times such as these (I Peter 3:14-17):

1.  I know it’s hard, but God wants us to look at ourselves as being blessed at these times.  “But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed” (I Peter 3:14a).

2.  Our response is to be filled with faith; cast down fear.  “And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled” (I Peter 3:14b).

3.  We must claim the blood of Jesus and make Christ Lord over the situation.  “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts” (I Peter 3:15a).

4.  Witness to our hope in Christ’s salvation. “Always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (I Peter 3:15b).

5.  Make sure we have a clear conscience.  “And keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame” (I Peter 3:16).

Peter goes on to say that it is “…better if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong (I Peter 3:17).  We were created to live courageously for the glory of God.  Let’s press on no matter what tries to come against us. 

A Courageous Spirit: No Worries

Do you have a tendency to worry about things?  Many people use the word “worry” as a descriptive in conversations.  A friend might say, “I’m just worried about such and such…”  Do your thoughts venture toward concerns for things still ahead?  If so, Jesus has an answer for you.

“So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life–whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes.  Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing?  Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”  Matthew 6:25, 32-33

A courageous spirit does not spend a lot of time worrying about things that are still ahead; worry robs our energy.  It isn’t a fruitful use of our time; it’s passive and keeps us from accomplishing things that really need our attention.  Besides, worry can make us physically ill and that translate in my practical thinking that if I don’t worry I will probably live longer.  We try to control and take on too much.  God cares about the details of our days.  Oswald Chambers said it this way, “It is not only wrong to worry, it is unbelief; worrying means we do not believe that God can look after the practical details of our lives, and it is never anything but those details that worry us.”  I wonder if the reason we worry is because we have left God and His wisdom out of the picture.  Hmmm…

We need to be good stewards of our resources and plan for the future; plan wisely.  Carelessness in our stewardship can be avoided.  God has placed people all around us with wisdom and resources who can help us prepare for the days ahead.  So, do your part and plan for tomorrow, but don’t worry.  Make a wise choice to have a courageous spirit; choose not to worry and live a full life, today.  Today is a gift from God, so rejoice and be exceedingly glad!

A Courageous Spirit: Live Big

Our level of courage will determine whether or not we “live big.”  Most people say they want to courageously walk through new doors of opportunity and embrace change, but few will ever make the decision to do so.  Change is frightening.  Safety calls to us and tries to keep us from the bigger and deeper life God has prepared for those who love Him.  God rewards our faith-filled lives; a desire for safety tries to stand in the way of our faith.

God has big plans for us; those dreams fill our hearts and thoughts.  It’s all God-breathed and it comes with our Hope–Jesus.  Our faith must be confidently placed in God’s love and character.  We have to apply our faith in courageous ways in order to live out these big plans from God.  Don’t allow fear or the desire for safety to stand in your way.  When you know God is leading you to step out to embrace the new; use your faith and “live big” in Christ.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord.  “They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11  “And it is impossible to please God without faith.  Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”  Hebrews 11:6



A Courageous Spirit: It’s Contagious

Billy Graham once said, “Courage is contagious!  When a brave man (woman) takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened.”  As we get around other people who are busy listening to God and living for the truth of His love, our backbones grow in strength.  Truth, God’s Spirit, flowing courageously from others is inspiring.  I guess each of us better ask ourselves, “Is my courage contagious?”

If we are not courageously thinking and acting upon our convictions about God’s love and principles, then we may be stifling or even grieving the inspiration of the Spirit. Our spirits were created to be fueled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, our spirits must be producing the Holy fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, thoughtfulness, and self-control…Galatians 5:22) that spills forth and reveals courageous and confident living in God’s love for all.   It takes great courage to release the fruit of the Spirit in this world.  You know what I’m talking about.  It takes great courage to choose to love some folks.  It takes great courage to remain peaceful when all hell is coming against our lives.  Our courage is not based upon our strength; it is based upon the powerful truth of the Spirit. That makes us responsible to get into agreement with the Spirit, doesn’t it?  So, let’s stiffen our backbones and be courageous and contagious in this world.  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:7 

A Courageous Spirit: A Battle

It takes a courageous spirit to live among the challenges of our days, doesn’t it?  The spirit of the world intends to lead and expects us to obediently follow; demands our worship.  Courageous decisions are in demand if we are going to be Christ followers.  If Christ calls us to take a courageous stand for Him, we need to get ready for war.  Expect it.  The battle with fear is just around the corner and it is a doozy!

People sometimes get the idea that courage is the absence of fear.  On the contrary, courage is making a decision and taking action in spite of fear.  Many times Jesus said, “Fear not.”  That tells me that although fear was present, Christ followers were not to act on that fear.  Instead he or she was to “be” courageous.  Fear comes to stop us; Christ comes to lead us past it.  When we identify that Christ is calling for us to act courageous in the midst of a situation, he is expecting to rise up in us and bring His strength on our behalf.  Oh, and Christ intends to win; he has overcome the world. So, use your faith, cast down the fear, and connect with Jesus.  It’s how we follow and worship the Most High.

“So be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6   

SPAN Ministry

Did you know that SPAN stands for…


  • Singing
  • Praising

  • Acting

  • Nurturing


Eighteen musicians and singers serve on this whole ministry team.


We pray you will be blessed by these songs that were written and made popular by a variety of wonderful Christian artists/bands.


CCLI #3244111

CVLI #503721623

Creativity in the Inner Circle

Creativity is the activity of our God; Creator of all things.  Therefore, our “inner circle” needs to have creative influencers.  In other words, you need to include highly creative people in your circle.  These folks will bring a wonderful portion of God’s creative Genius–Christ–to your inspired visions and efforts; expanding a good vision to a great reality!

I love surrounding myself with creative people; the sky is the limit with these folks.  Their motto is: pull out the stops and dream BIG in Christ!  Personally, I can be somewhat creative.  That is not good enough when it comes to manifesting a creative vision or project from our God.  Why?  God loves the “family” context; enjoys when His family works together. The Spirit brings inspiration and power as we connect to Christ in one another. Therefore, we need to include creative people in our inner circle who will add and build to our ideas and plans.  If you are not especially creative, don’t worry.  Simply invite creative people to join your efforts.  It is exciting to work together in manifesting the inspired work of God in this world.  The Church–the Creator’s family–ought to be the most creative people around. So connect!

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.  He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.  He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see…everything was created through him and for him.”  1 Colossians 1:15-16 

The Inner Circle: A Mentor

I have been seeking to encourage you to understand the value and importance of the people within your “inner circle.”  Carefully choose the people you allow to influence you.  Within that circle you need a great mentor.  Christ wants to be your Ultimate Mentor; one on one times with Jesus cannot be replaced.   However, God also brings mentors who will help to bring growth and development to you and your life dream.  Let’s look at an example from the Bible.

Every Christ follower is also required to be a leader or mentor of others; it is how the Good News is spread throughout the world.  Elijah was the mentor of Elisha (1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2)).  It was God’s plan to spiritually groom Elisha through this strong prophet, Elijah. What types of things did Elisha learn through this connection?  Elisha began to understand his leadership call in life, how to wait patiently for the right leadership timing, and the necessity for surrender to divine Lordship.  It is the way we grow and develop into all God is calling us to be as His people.  A mentor is someone who takes a great interest in you and is willing to share and release things in his/her realm of spiritual influence to allow you to grow in character and develop as a leader. Be careful when choosing your mentor; choose someone who really models the love and grace of God. An immature and self-serving mentor is of little value in your inner circle, because he/she will halt your spiritual progress. 

When Elijah had completed everything God had intended him to do on earth, he said to Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.” Elisha said to Elijah, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor.” (2 Kings 2:9)  In the will and purposes of God, Elijah’s spirit rested upon Elisha as he continued living a powerful life in connection with God.

A Diverse Inner Circle

The Holy Spirit gives every believer amazing spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:4).  These gifts are unique and diverse.  I like to think of them as complementary gifts.  You might ask, “Complementary to what, Mary?”

The gifts God places within the people around you are to be complementary in their relationship to you.  As well, your gifts are to be complementary in relationship to others.  God works in different ways; the gifts we each have also work in different ways.  We need to make sure we bring people with diverse gifts into our inner circle.  Warning!  The enemy is very crafty; great as a Liar.  Many times the enemy will stir up your soul by getting you to second guess the intentions and motives of the people around you; to get you to be jealous of the spiritual gifts of others. People who can offer you pros and cons to your thinking are valuable to you.  Celebrate them; avoid feeling threatened.   Don’t buy in to the work of the enemy; he’s divisive and doesn’t want God’s gifts to unite.  Why?  Because there is great power in that place.  So, be excited about the gifts people around you have and find a way to allow them to personally help you to grow and develop.  Your life is about “your” journey.  No one can take or rob you of your value and place in God’s kingdom.

God views us as many pieces of love that should fit together to make one in Christ. The Bible says it this way, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” 1 Cor 12:7