Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-28-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.
With an unquenchable thirst, we open our hearts to welcome the kindness of God and in so doing, we drink from the heavenly Living Water who sets us free from the dry wilderness of sin, guilt, and spiritual barrenness that permeates the world.

“The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men, and His compulsion is our liberation.” (CS Lewis; Checkmate)

God’s Word or instructions are not only beneficial for humanity if we desire wisdom, it is a delight that nourishes a dry and thirsty soul. God designed and created us to thirst and desire his commands of love, so we can enjoy his presence. Therefore, the instructions of the Lord are the very gifts that revive us and give joy to our hearts. Thinking about God as the Giver of every possible good thing that exists is a proper mindset that will lead us into eternal life with him (James 1:17; Heb 11:6).

Certainly, we can become weighed down in life by guilt and fear, but we do not have to live in the world’s valley of dry bones. God is full of compassion; he is the liberator who comes and not only gives us beautiful and helpful guidance, but issues warnings about spiritual dangers we can avoid. He reveals his character of love and compassion and if we are open to the work of the Spirit, God will pursue and cleanse us from anything unrighteous hiding in our souls. It is important to remember what we say flows from what is in our hearts (Lu 6:45). In our passage today for the Psalter, David sings and asks God to help him with his thoughts and the words he utters. If every human being would invite God to soften and reshape the words we speak to one another, it would change the atmosphere around us. As a beautiful example, David brings his thoughts and words to the altar of God as an offering to receive and redirect.

Psalm 19:7-14 NLT
The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
    reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
    making wise the simple.

The commandments of the Lord are right,
    bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear,
    giving insight for living.

Reverence for the Lord is pure,
    lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
    each one is fair.
They are more desirable than gold,
    even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey,
    even honey dripping from the comb.
They are a warning to your servant,
    a great reward for those who obey them.
How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart?
    Cleanse me from these hidden faults.
Keep your servant from deliberate sins!
    Don’t let them control me.
Then I will be free of guilt
    and innocent of great sin.
May the words of my mouth
    and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
    O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

In our passage today from the prophet Isaiah, we learn reconciliation with God comes through listening, seeking, and calling on the Lord for salvation. This reconciliation is the only action that will quench humanity’s spiritual thirst. When we connect to Christ, we connect to the Living Water which begins to help us grow and produce the abundant fruit of God’s nature. We may not even know how spiritually dry, parched or thirsty we truly are until we call upon the Lord, he imparts the Living Water to our souls, and our lives begin to change. Only then are we satisfied, made alive with the eternal life of God, and productive for the Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Ro 14:17).

To choose to stay distant from God is to live foolishly and recklessly. We cannot comprehend the utter holiness of God’s thoughts with our human minds. Therefore, we need to align ourselves with his Word which gives us a glimpse of his divine nature and character. Friends, we must remain near to God, because the world has a way of hardening our hearts against the Compassionate One [Jesus] who actually came to liberate us from sin, death, and separation from God. Be reconciled with God, in Christ, and be spiritually alive!

Isaiah 55:1a, 8-13 NLT
Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink—
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
    “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
“The rain and snow come down from the heavens
    and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow,
    producing seed for the farmer
    and bread for the hungry.
It is the same with my word.
    I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
    and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
You will live in joy and peace.
    The mountains and hills will burst into song,
    and the trees of the field will clap their hands!
Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow.
    Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up.
These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name;
    they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being the Living Water that quenches our spiritual thirst. This world is a wilderness that leaves humanity dry, empty, and fruitless; but you provide your powerful Spirit to quench our thirst and fill us with your amazing presence when we seek you and your Kingdom. Thank you for the righteousness, peace, and joy you bring our lives every day. Continue to help us grow and prosper in the Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-24-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

Jesus is the Perfect Sacrifice, Shepherd, and Spirit who came from heaven to earth in order to reveal the Truth about Satan’s destructive nature of sin and God’s healing Gift of righteousness.

“You have described the downward journey well, but of the realm of light, have you no word? Nothing but that which all mankind have heard.” (CS Lewis; Poems)

In our passage from the Psalter, David shares a song that people even today continue to hold deeply in their hearts. The imagery of the Lord as our loving and caring Shepherd brings comfort for our weary souls [mind/will/emotions]. Only the Lord can bring genuine restoration for humanity. David served God as a shepherd of flocks and people, but he always knew it was the Lord who was the true Shepherd of the heart; the Shepherd of Truth. I have chosen to share this familiar passage from an unfamiliar translation, so we can bring a fresh listening ear to the Truth. God’s love is immeasurable and his grace more than sufficient for every need, so trust the Lord and invite the Spirit to fill your spiritual cup again and again.

Psalm 23:1-6 (VOICE)
The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.

He provides me rest in rich, green fields
    beside streams of refreshing water.
    He soothes my fears;

He makes me whole again,
    steering me off worn, hard paths
    to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.

Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness,
    I am not overcome by fear.
Because You are with me in those dark moments,
    near with Your protection and guidance,
    I am comforted.

You spread out a table before me,
    provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies;
You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,
    filling my cup again and again with Your grace.

Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me
    where I go, always, everywhere.
I will always be with the Eternal,
    in Your house forever.

Jesus, the visible image of God, came from heaven to lay his life down in order to ransom us from slavery to sin. He now lives to Shepherd us into righteousness. No longer must we be bound by this world’s wicked ways against God, we can live to bring honor and glory to the Name above all names. To accept Christ’s forgiveness is to accept him as the High Priest [Holy One bringing Atonement for sin] and Shepherd [Holy One bringing Righteous Guidance]. We can now live as worshipers with clean consciences, free from the fear of death by the gift of eternal Life, and free from the power of sin. Let’s think about it this way, we are free to live for Jesus! We do not have to follow the world or our sinful flesh. Instead, we can chose to follow the Son who leads us into the promises of the Father.

Hebrews 9:11-15 NLT Christ Is the Perfect Sacrifice
11 So Christ has now become the High Priest over all the good things that have come [or about to come]. He has entered that greater, more perfect Tabernacle in heaven, which was not made by human hands and is not part of this created world. 12 With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever.
13 Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer could cleanse people’s bodies from ceremonial impurity. 14 Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds [dead works] so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. 15 That is why he is the one who mediates a new covenant between God and people, so that all who are called can receive the eternal inheritance God has promised them. For Christ died to set them free from the penalty of the sins they had committed under that first covenant.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for putting everything for the world’s salvation into place. As well, we thank you for our salvation and liberty found only in Jesus our High Priest. We pray for the world to hear the Truth and receive salvation from your Righteous Hand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-23-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

When you and I are waiting on God to rescue us from the challenges of life and the work of evil, let’s invite Christ to sustain and reward us, during the wait, in any way fit for his purpose.

“Once the feet are put right, all the rest of him will follow.”
(C.S. Lewis; The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe)

In the Psalter, salvation is viewed and presented as God reaching down to rescue his chosen people from an evil world; therefore, in the Book of Psalms salvation does not include the wicked who have no fear of the Lord. Salvation rescues the faithful, judges sinners, and renews God’s rule of righteousness.

In our passage today, David waits patiently for God to rescue him; therefore, David’s faithfulness is rewarded: 1) God raises David out of despair and fills him with hope [joy of Christ]; 2) God sets David’s feet on a solid foundation while he waits [Christ our Cornerstone]; 3) God brings peace and clarity to David’s mind [mind of Christ], and 4) God fills David’s mouth with praise [witness to Christ].

Psalm 40:1-5 NLT (VOICE) A Psalm of David
I waited a long time for the Eternal;
    He finally knelt down to hear me.
    He listened to my weak and whispered cry.

He reached down and drew me
    from the deep, dark hole where I was stranded, mired in the muck and clay.
    With a gentle hand, He pulled me out
To set me down safely on a warm rock;
    He held me until I was steady enough to continue the journey again.

As if that were not enough,
    because of Him my mind is clearing up.
Now I have a new song to sing—
    a song of praise to the One who saved me.
Because of what He’s done, many people will see
    and come to trust in the Eternal.

Surely those who trust the Eternal—
    who don’t trust in proud, powerful people
Or in people who care little for reality, chasing false gods—
    surely they are happy, as I have become.

You have done so many wonderful things,
    had so many tender thoughts toward us, Eternal my God,
    that go on and on, ever increasing.
Who can compare with You?

All of these rewards given to David foreshadow the Gift of salvation for the world found in Christ. In our passage today, Paul reminds us Christ—the Anointed One—and love for him must be the controlling force in the lives of believers. That means we seek to see things from Christ’s perspective and obey his instructions because we long for the genuine spiritual Life he alone can give.

Christ revives every repentant heart and restores us to our proper image. Transformation and change are essential to the joy of our salvation; so, the Anointed One speaks Life into our stoney hearts and obedience into our worldly perspectives. Christ’s love places our feet on the righteous path and pointed in the right direction for relationship with the Father.

II Corinthians 5:14-15 NLT
14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us [urges us on]. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life [Since one died for all, then all died]. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the salvation you offer, the choices you provide, and the rewards you bring to the faithful. You are so good! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-22-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

“Pitch your demands heaven-high and they’ll be met.” (C.S. Lewis; Poems)

Psalm 78:23-39
But he commanded the skies to open;
    he opened the doors of heaven.
He rained down manna for them to eat;
    he gave them bread from heaven.
They ate the food of angels!
    God gave them all they could hold.
He released the east wind in the heavens
    and guided the south wind by his mighty power.
He rained down meat as thick as dust—
    birds as plentiful as the sand on the seashore!
He caused the birds to fall within their camp
    and all around their tents.
The people ate their fill.
    He gave them what they craved.
But before they satisfied their craving,
    while the meat was yet in their mouths,
the anger of God rose against them,
    and he killed their strongest men.
    He struck down the finest of Israel’s young men.
But in spite of this, the people kept sinning.
    Despite his wonders, they refused to trust him.
So he ended their lives in failure,
    their years in terror.
When God began killing them,
    they finally sought him.
    They repented and took God seriously.
Then they remembered that God was their rock,
    that God Most High[a] was their redeemer.
But all they gave him was lip service;
    they lied to him with their tongues.
Their hearts were not loyal to him.
    They did not keep his covenant.
Yet he was merciful and forgave their sins
    and did not destroy them all.
Many times he held back his anger
    and did not unleash his fury!
For he remembered that they were merely mortal,
    gone like a breath of wind that never returns.

Revelation 3:19-22 NLT
19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. 21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.
22 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”

Please take time to read over our passages for today. I will be teaching on them and leading a discussion this evening during our Lenten Bible Study at 7PM. I hope you will plan to join us in person at Connect2Christ Church or online through our website as we explore the Scriptures together.

Prayer: Father, please help us gain a greater awareness of how deeply you love us and desire to commune with us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-21-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

As believers, we need to see death as not only Satan’s unholy weapon against humanity, but as God’s holy weapon in Christ to conquer death and save those who call upon his name for eternal life.

“Christ shed tears at the grave of Lazarus and sweated blood in Gethsemane: the Life of Lives that was in Him detested this penal obscenity not less than we do, but more” (C.S. Lewis; Miracles)

Death is a difficult mystery for every human being to fully understand, explain, or face. The first response is fear. When humans are facing grave situations, nothing good seems to overshadow what is visible before us. Death appears larger than Life. In our passage from the Psalter, today, the psalmist praises God for responding to his cry as he faces a near-death experience. God allows this worshiper to be led into prayer, as well as experience being delivered from the cunning grip of death in order to reveal the power of divine Love and Life for humanity. Death may come to claim all natural creation; however, God calls humanity into a supernatural Life beyond the grave. Like the psalmist, humanity must pray and seek God’s mercy.

Psalm 116 NLT

I love the Lord because he hears my voice
    and my prayer for mercy.

Because he bends down to listen,
    I will pray as long as I have breath!

Death wrapped its ropes around me;
    the terrors of the grave overtook me.
    I saw only trouble and sorrow.

Then I called on the name of the Lord:
    “Please, Lord, save me!”

How kind the Lord is! How good he is!
    So merciful, this God of ours!

The Lord protects those of childlike faith;
    I was facing death, and he saved me.

Let my soul be at rest again,
    for the Lord has been good to me.

This testimony for the psalmist reminds us of the permanent salvation put into place by our Savior—the Life of Lives—who leads us by faith as an example to follow. In our New Testament passage today, the author of Hebrews reminds us Christ went outside the existing religious system and laid down his sinless life on God’s holy altar—the Day of Atonement—and he paid the death penalty for humanity. The old covenant system of ongoing animal sacrifice for sin has been fulfilled and our sinless Messianic Lamb has called believers into Life eternal. Life forever awaits beyond the grave for those who identify with Christ the Righteous One. Unfortunately, death and suffering belong to those who identify with this sinful unrighteous world and choose to reject Christ. May we follow the Savior out into the world each day and tell others about the eternal Life beyond death our Christ has made available.

Hebrews 13:11-16 NLT 11 Under the old system, the high priest brought the blood of animals into the Holy Place as a sacrifice for sin, and the bodies of the animals were burned outside the camp. 12 So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood. 13 So let us go out to him, outside the camp, and bear the disgrace he bore. 14 For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.
15 Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. 16 And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for helping your children put fear and death into perspective, today. Let us cast our gaze upon you the All-powerful Author of Life. Holy Spirit, help us to continually keep the Kingdom in view as we live in this temporary world. Empower our witness to the Truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Curtis Tumicki 03-18-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

God is calling us into perfection by renewing us and making us like Christ.

“Why is God so present a commander in our time of prosperity and so very absent a help in time of trouble?” (C.S. Lewis/A Grief Observed)

In this passage, David is writing this psalm to give praise to the one true God and reminding us that He is the one who does the saving. People would turn to the things of the world for saving. Needless to say that those things would only provide temporary satisfaction. It will only last for a short amount of time. The life with Jesus will last for eternity. In Matthew 10:32-33, Jesus says that if you acknowledge me before others, I will acknowledge you before my Father who is in heaven. If you deny me before others, I will deny you before my Father who is in heaven. Willie Robertson, star of the show Duck Dynasty, says that stuff is temporary, but Jesus is eternal. He will take care of our enemies so that they are not a problem to us. While I am not saying that those enemies will go away forever, He will take care of them as long as we are tuned into His word and His direction.

Psalm 68:17-21 (NLT)

  1. Surrounded by unnumbered thousands of chariots, the Lord came from Mount Sinai into his sanctuary. 18. When you ascended to the heights, you led a crowd of captives. You received gifts from the people, even from those who rebelled against you. Now the Lord God will live among us there. 19. Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. 20. Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death. 21. But God will smash the heads of his enemies, crushing the skulls of those who love their guilty ways.”

In this passage, Jesus offers a prayer of thanksgiving. During this prayer, He talks about we should turn to Him to find rest. As we go about living our lives, I believe that we would get to the point where we are on the verge of being burned out. In other words, we take our foot off of the gas pedal and start to wind down. When this happens, we would have the mentality to start giving up. I want to challenge you by saying this: rest, but don’t quit. When we are physically exhausted or tired, we would sleep in our beds. When we are spiritually exhausted or tired, we need to turn to God for our source of comfort and rest. As stated in the previous paragraph, we would turn to worldly things (alcohol, drugs, pornography, etc.). We need to turn to God, especially when we feel like quitting. Remember to rest, not quit.

Matthew 11:25-30 (NLT)

  1. At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. 26. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way! 27. “My Father has entrusted everything to me. No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” 28. Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that we, as Your children, will be tuned in to what You say and not the world. I pray that we would take the time to rest, but not to quit. I pray that we would be reminded of this every single day. We cannot quit, especially when it comes to kingdom work. Lord, I pray that You will continue to fuel us every day with Your love, grace, wisdom, understanding, and mercy. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-17-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

Creator God is intrinsically good; therefore, his instructions or commands are good and it should be humanity’s delight to yield to this Creator in obedience.

“Human will becomes truly creative and truly our own when it is wholly God’s, and this is one of the many senses in which he that loses his soul shall find it.”
(C.S. Lewis; The Problem of Pain)

Because God is good, he will never ask us to do something that is not also intrinsically good. Our role as the created is to obediently yield to the Creator and it should be a joyous response for us since God is so good; but is it? Self-surrender and a return to God’s ways of righteousness is never “easy” for a human being unless we have made loving and pleasing God with our whole lives our primary goal. In our passage from the Psalter, today, David sings about the goodness of God to rescue and protect him from people who seek to maliciously slander him in order to create conflict in his soul (war). David proclaims God as Creator, so the response of his will is to seek God’s mercy, goodness, and deliverance to thwart the plans of evil being formed against him. Evil will arise, but like David let’s yield to God with our wills because God is greater and more powerful than anything evil tries to do. God has mysterious plans to save the lives of his children from evil.
Psalm 140:1-8 NLT A psalm of David.

O Lord, rescue me from evil people.
    Protect me from those who are violent,

those who plot evil in their hearts
    and stir up trouble all day long.

Their tongues sting like a snake;
    the venom of a viper drips from their lips. Interlude

O Lord, keep me out of the hands of the wicked.
    Protect me from those who are violent,
    for they are plotting against me.

The proud have set a trap to catch me;
    they have stretched out a net;
    they have placed traps all along the way. Interlude

I said to the Lord, “You are my God!”
    Listen, O Lord, to my cries for mercy!

O Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescued me,
    you protected me on the day of battle.

Lord, do not let evil people have their way.
    Do not let their evil schemes succeed,
    or they will become proud. Interlude

We see God’s plan for salvation manifest in the life and anointing of Christ who defeats evil. In our New Testament passage today, Paul is writing to the church at Colosse about the Laodicean church [a few miles away]. Paul wants the two churches to come together in God’s love to grow stronger in their faith in Christ’s salvation and deliverance. Paul knows heresy is trying to rise up to rob God’s people of genuine faith; he reminds them about the deception of evil. When we accept Christ into our hearts and lives, we are just beginning the journey of new life and faith in God’s goodness to save us from evil. Every day we must choose to follow Christ knowing God is intrinsically good in his plans for us. If we are not careful to follow Christ and allow the Word to revive our souls each day, we may find ourselves becoming more like the lukewarm Laodiceans than like Jesus (Rev 3:14-22).

Colossians 2:2-6 NLT
2 I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. 3 In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

4 I am telling you this so no one will deceive you with well-crafted arguments. 5 For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. And I rejoice that you are living as you should and that your faith in Christ is strong.

Freedom from Rules and New Life in Christ
6 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for rescuing us from evil as we obediently stay in that safe dwelling place in Christ. We understand not everything that happens in our lives is good. Sometimes we just have to choose how we will respond when evil tries to rob our joy. Holy Spirit, help us yield to the Father’s plan for our lives each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-16-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

Father God has moved beyond all human understanding to love us, in Christ, and to make a dwelling place in the restoring work of the Spirit, so we can enjoy his divine presence and promises forever.

“For those who love God will desire not only to enjoy Him but ‘to enjoy Him forever,’ and will fear to lose Him.” (C.S. Lewis; Reflections in the Psalms)

In our passage today from the Old Testament Psalter, David sings praises to God who knows everything about him—even those things David tries to hide from others—and God still chooses to love him, anyway. In every season of life, whether David is walking through the darkest valley of death/failure or climbing the mountain of godly living/success, the Holy Spirit is there to be the Helper who comes along side him. Even though the kind of love and devotion God extends is hard for David to comprehend, the little understanding he has causes David to press on in hope and cling to God more intently. David begs for God to cleanse his sinful heart, so he can remain in God’s presence and not take his Spirit away (Ps 51:11).

Psalm 139:7-12 NLT
I can never escape from your Spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!

If I go up to heaven, you are there;
    if I go down to the grave, you are there.

If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me
    and the light around me to become night—
    but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
    Darkness and light are the same to you.

Let’s take this lesson further into the New Testament Gospel of John. Living in God’s presence—his house—should be the goal for every human being. In God, human lives are made whole. In Christ, human beings connect to the godly life of the Father and the promises of heaven. In the Spirit, humans enjoy divine fellowship and eternal life. In our passage today, as Jesus is planning to ascend to heaven, he seeks to comfort his disciples. Jesus assures his followers he will be making room in his presence (a place of indwelling) for them through the parakletos (Spirit). Eternity with God has been prepared for believing hearts. When we invite Jesus to dwell in our hearts and forgive our sins, he sends the Spirit to be our Helper. So, let’s open our hearts up to God’s beautiful indwelling presence and allow the Spirit to grow a greater depth of the divine life in us.

John 14:1-7 NLT Jesus, the Way to the Father
1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. 2 There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3 When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. 4 And you know the way to where I am going.”
5 “No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. 7 If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”

Prayer: Lord, when you descended from heaven to save your creation, humanity prepared no room for your birth. Yet, in love, you still offered your sinless life in exchange for our sinful lives so we could enjoy the room in eternity you were preparing for us. As believers, we offer you room in our hearts; this is what we long to give. We welcome and praise you for the indwelling of your Spirit and the new birth of our salvation. Now, we can enjoy your beautiful presence today, tomorrow, and forever. We are holding onto you! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-15-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

Christ is the Living Word, so when the Bible is lovingly and wisely taught through Spirit-led proclamation it leads us to Christ who is the One who can actually bring spiritual life and guidance to our lives.

“It is Christ Himself, not the Bible, who is the true word of God. The Bible, read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers will bring us to Him (CS Lewis; Letters).

Psalm 27:4-8 NLT
The one thing I ask of the Lord—    the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,    delighting in the Lord’s perfections    and meditating in his Temple.

For he will conceal me there when troubles come;    he will hide me in his sanctuary.    He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Then I will hold my head high    above my enemies who surround me.At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy,    singing and praising the Lord with music.

Hear me as I pray, O Lord.    Be merciful and answer me!

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”    And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

Isaiah 56:1-2 NLT
 This is what the Lord says:
“Be just and fair to all.
    Do what is right and good,
for I am coming soon to rescue you
    and to display my righteousness among you.

Blessed are all those
    who are careful to do this.
Blessed are those who honor my Sabbath days of rest
    and keep themselves from doing wrong.

Please take time to read over our passages for today. I will be teaching on them and leading a discussion this evening during our Lenten Bible Study at 7PM. I hope you will plan to join us in person at Connect2Christ Church or online through our website as we explore the Scriptures together.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for life and the many blessings you extend to your children each and every day. Continue to lead us toward spiritual prosperity and growth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 03-14-23

Intro: During this Lenten season, every devotional will begin with a quote from C.S. Lewis (author and theologian), followed by two readings: 1) A passage from the Psalter and 2) a writing from one of the Old Testament prophets or New Testament authors. We will look at both passages as a whole through the fulfilling work and wisdom of Christ—Truth.

God is love and creation was created to share that love in the world; therefore, we will find ourselves vulnerable to the pain love endures unless we choose the alternative and foolishly hardened our hearts with selfishness.

The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell. (C.S. Lewis; The Four Loves)

In our passage from the Psalter, we are reminded that God rejects those who sin [rebel] against his commands of love. God offers humanity unfailing love and as we live and love his way we are welcomed into his beautiful and glorious presence to enjoy fellowship and oneness. Many times people misunderstand the love of God as being unconditional acceptance, but that is not a scriptural stand in Truth. Actually, God accepts us where he finds us in the wilderness in order to lead us out of vulnerable selfish love and into godly sacrificial love. We must decide if we are going to protect and preserve our own selfish inclinations, or submit, trust, and obediently find our protective refuge in God’s glorious love.

Psalm 5:5-12 NLT
Therefore, the proud may not stand in your presence,    for you hate all who do evil.

You will destroy those who tell lies.    The Lord detests murderers and deceivers.

Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house;    I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe.

Lead me in the right path, O Lord,    or my enemies will conquer me.Make your way plain for me to follow.

My enemies cannot speak a truthful word.    Their deepest desire is to destroy others.Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave.    Their tongues are filled with flattery.
O God, declare them guilty.    Let them be caught in their own traps.Drive them away because of their many sins,    for they have rebelled against you.
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;    let them sing joyful praises forever.Spread your protection over them,    that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
For you bless the godly, O Lord;    you surround them with your shield of love.

Since we are to imitate God, we are called to express his love in all we say and do. Jesus laid down his life of perfect love, so we could have the power to walk in the light or truth of God’s love with the help of the Spirit. Therefore, as worshipers, our selfish inclinations must be left on the altar to be burned by the consuming fire of God. On the path of righteous love, believers will step beyond mere affection into self-sacrificing service to God and neighbor.

Ephesians 5:1-6 VOICE
1 Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.

3 Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people. 4 Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. 5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.

6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him.

Prayer: Lord, please help us to grow stronger in your love each day by making us more sensitive to sin. Make us aware of the sin that tries to hide under the cloak of complacency. In Jesus’ name. Amen.