Daily Devotional 10 Days of Prayer (10/12/24) Day 10

I was diagnosed with autism when I was six years old.  Since then, there have been people who have told me that it was impossible for me to achieve my goals and ambitions.  Here I am years later and I am still proving those people wrong.  Every moment I get up, it is a victory because it is another day to prove people wrong.  I count it as a huge win for sure.  “With man, this is impossible.  But with God, all things are possible.  These are not just words, this is a statement that Jesus spoke.  Man thinks that there are impossible things and tasks that we cannot achieve.  The reality is that when we have God by our side, then He has given us the ability to achieve it.  In Philippians 4:13, the apostle Paul writes that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.  That doesn’t mean that we can everything.  This means that God has gifted us with different abilities.  Because He has gifted us with those abilities, we ought to be growing in those.  God is along for the ride, meaning that He is always going to be with us on our journeys no matter what.  

In today’s passage, we see Peter mentioning how God has gifted us.  Indeed He has, however, we need to serve within our giftedness.  One reason why people would not serve in church is because they would often be placed in a position where it is not their strengths.  In other words, they are voluntold to be in that position.  Church should be something that we get to do, rather than something that we have to do.  When all the different parts come together, it creates something that is meaningful.  We need to understand that when we serve, it is not about us.  It is about edifying, or the lifting up, the name of Jesus.  We need to remember that whenever we are serving.  


1 Peter 4:10-11 NLT- “10. God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another.  11. Do you have the gift of speaking?  Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you.  Do you have the gift of helping others?  Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.  Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.  All glory and power to Him forever and ever!  Amen.”  


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all You do.  Thank You for showing us and revealing things that need to be revealed to us.  Help us to praise You though all seasons of life.  While we recognize that this world is going to bring all kinds of confusion and chaos.  While this is something that we cannot control, help us to turn to You and be tuned into Your channel.  Only You know what it best for us.  Because You have our best interests at heart, give us the strength and courage to keep pursuing You.  In Jesus name, amen.  

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