Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-12-24

Intro: Each year I pray to know myself the way I am known by God; it is an ongoing journey of faith and discovery. Through the years, what I have learned about myself is God has made me rather intuitive about people in general, but especially about the family of faith. I tend to be self-aware and most of the time have a fair understanding of my weaknesses, strengths, and motives, as well as discerning what inspires, motivates, or detours others. These are gifts from God to help me focus on my personal growth, as well as the spiritual formation of others within my care in relationship with God. The goal before me is bringing the healing love of God to people so they can experience the Truth for their lives: Jesus. What does it take to convince you God knows exactly who you are every moment?

In our passage for today, Jesus connects with Philip and Nathaniel in order to begin their journey of faith toward the Truth. Philip has been a follower of John the Baptist, but John quickly tells his disciples Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away sin and it is time to follow Him. Philip encounters Jesus through His personal invitation; in that moment, Philip is convinced Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. Philip quickly locates his friend, Nathaniel, to invite him to meet Jesus. Nathaniel is hesitant to believe anything good or excellent from God could come out of Nazareth—the Jews considered Nazareth a low-living and sinful place. Philip does not judge Nathaniel’s prejudice, instead he invites Nathaniel to see and experience Jesus for himself. Truth and salvation come to Nathaniel, because Jesus reveals He has been watching him. When God reveals His omniscient [all-knowing] nature through Christ, we have a revelation the Lord has always been near us. That understanding engages our faith and seeking God through faith becomes the goal for our futures.

We should never forget hope comes to lead us out of spiritual Nazareth; Jesus draws us out of the sinful places in which we have lived. His Light begins to lead us to the abundant places of faith where we know Him and we know ourselves. He never forces His way upon us, but if we will listen carefully we will see and know ourselves as we are seen and known by God. People seem to be looking for their identity in a sinful world; however, only Jesus—who formed us in our mother’s wombs—knows the Truth and can guide us toward that discovery.

John 1:43-51 (VOICE)
43-44 The next day Jesus set out to go into Galilee; and when He came upon Philip, He invited him to join them.

Jesus: Follow Me.
Philip, like Andrew and Peter, came from a town called Bethsaida; and he decided to make the journey with Him. 45 Philip found Nathanael, a friend, and burst in with excitement:

Philip: We have found the One. Moses wrote about Him in the Law, all the prophets spoke of the day when He would come, and now He is here—His name is Jesus, son of Joseph the carpenter; and He comes from Nazareth.

Nathanael: 46 How can anything good come from a place like Nazareth?

Philip: Come with me, and see for yourself.
47 As Philip and Nathanael approached, Jesus saw Nathanael and spoke to those standing around Him.
Jesus: Look closely, and you will see an Israelite who is a truth-teller.

Nathanael (overhearing Jesus): 48 How would You know this about me? We have never met.

Jesus: I have been watching you before Philip invited you here. Earlier in the day, you were enjoying the shade and fruit of the fig tree. I saw you then.

Nathanael: 49 Teacher, You are the One—God’s own Son and Israel’s King.

Jesus: 50 Nathanael, if all it takes for you to believe is My telling you I saw you under the fig tree, then what you will see later will astound you. 51 I tell you the truth: before our journey is complete, you will see the heavens standing open while heavenly messengers ascend and descend, swirling around the Son of Man.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this lesson, today, from the Word. Please keep our hearts tender like Philip and open to a change in thinking like Nathaniel. May sharing the gospel and growing in spiritual maturity be our focus and goal, because we know that is your desire for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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