Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-06-24

Throughout Scripture, God is very straight-forward and clear about the salvation he offers to humanity. The Hebrew root word for salvation or to save is “yesha/Yeshua.” So, God’s salvation is based solely on the Rescuer, Yeshua/Jesus, who brings us freedom from sin and death. As we receive this freedom from the Lord, we should be very aware this means ongoing change or transformation in how we think and live.

Jesus offers us ongoing deliverance; yet, we cannot claim Yeshua (the Savior) and not receive yesha (the salvation he offers). We are saved to live as children of Light (heavenly glory) and to live any other way is wicked and refusing what Yeshua actually offers. We have been spiritually delivered from a world of sin and death in order to connected to Christ; so, why would we return to the misery and bondage we created through our fleshly efforts instead of growing the fruit of Christ’s Spirit that actually brings freedom?

In our passage today, we can observe true and false faith. Asaph, one of David’s musicians, sings about the righteous attitude of thanksgiving that should approach the salvation “yesha” our “Yeshua” offers. Praise should be on our lips and obedience guiding our lives all the time and if not, we are simply pretending to be people of faith—Yeshua’s followers. Obviously, we are not ‘perfected’ saints and we fail and fall short of God’s glorious standards; yet, we are saints covered by grace being led forward in faith toward the Light or Truth of God’s glory.

One day Yeshua will certainly judge the world, but he will begin with those called according to his name—the Church. We need to praise God for offering us the Truth so we can live by it. This world is deceived; however, on the earth is the Truth abiding in God’s sons and daughters waiting to be exalted and revealed. Yeshua’s integrity, morality, and honesty is within us; Immanuel—God with us! So, please know honor, purity, and Truth are gifts we have been given by the sacrifice of our Savior and for which we must now give praise with the sacrifice of our lives! What are we called to sacrifice for salvation? Wickedness!

Psalm 50:16-23 NLT
But God says to the wicked:
“Why bother reciting my decrees
    and pretending to obey my covenant?
For you refuse my discipline
    and treat my words like trash.
When you see thieves, you approve of them,
    and you spend your time with adulterers.
Your mouth is filled with wickedness,
    and your tongue is full of lies.
You sit around and slander your brother—
    your own mother’s son.
While you did all this, I remained silent,
    and you thought I didn’t care.
But now I will rebuke you,
    listing all my charges against you.
Repent, all of you who forget me,
    or I will tear you apart,
    and no one will help you.
But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.
    If you keep to my path,
    I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”

Prayer: Lord, I pray for your followers to understand we are never called to simply “be” good people, but to “become” godly people. Going through the motions of trying to honor your laws is not what you require. You require us to exalt Yeshua in the innermost part of our beings and live the Truth out as our daily Bread. Help us become what we profess to be in Yeshua. We thank you and praise you for our daily BREAD! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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