Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-18-22

January 18, 2022

Intro: The Apostle Paul established the church in Corinth and because he wrote so many letters to them, we know more about this church [ekklesia—assembly of God’s believers] than any other church in the New Testament. This assembly of believers wanted to be influential for God in their city, but Corinth was morally corrupt—sexually out of control—and the city seemed to have more power and influence over the believers who were losing the morality battle with their own lives. They were not focused on the peace of God or the fellowship of Christ; they were focused on themselves.

Paul’s letters were sent to correct these believers as they struggled with morality problems, doctrinal problems, church government problems, spiritual gift misunderstandings, authority problems, etc. The church has problems and they need answers, so Paul calls them to unity—every believer making Jesus the Lord of his or her life. Then, Paul builds them up by focusing on their strengths as he corrects and confronts each problem with truth. He loves them into right attitudes with one another, as well as stirs the desire within them to put on the mind of Christ. Paul spiritually guides the believers in Corinth to get their eyes off from themselves and on to Christ.

Who or what will capture your focus, today? Whatever dominates your attention will seek to control you. It you are dealing with problems, please give each one to Jesus. By trusting him with those problems—things you probably cannot control anyway—you are learning to make him Lord of all.

1 Corinthians 1:3-9 (VOICE)
3 I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, will shower you with grace and peace.

4 I am continuously thanking my God for you when I think about the grace God has offered you in Jesus the Anointed. 5 In this grace, God is enriching every aspect of your lives by gifting you with the right words to say and everything you need to know. 6 In this way, your life story confirms the life story of the Anointed One, 7 so you are not ill-equipped or slighted on any necessary gifts as you patiently anticipate the day when our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, is revealed. 8 Until that final day, He will preserve you; and on that day, He will consider you faultless. 9 Count on this: God is faithful and in His faithfulness called you out into an intimate relationship with His Son, our Lord Jesus the Anointed.

Prayer: Lord, so many things in the lives of your children could be different if we would just keep our gaze upon you. Help us, Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name.

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