Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-25-19

2 Timothy 3:10-15 New Living Translation (NLT)

Every Christian who follows the commandments of God will experience persecution. Persecution has to do with oppression or affliction and can come in the form of physical, social, emotional, mental, or spiritual pressure. Evil never gives up the quest in trying to destroy our relationship with God by attacking our faith, trust, and devotion to Christ through persecution. It would be great if evil people would choose for themselves to reform and repent before Almighty God, but we cannot stop living for God if they do not change and do the right thing.

Please do not allow the world’s culture to taint your view of life. Do not be conformed to the world’s way of seeing and doing things (Rom 12:2). God is the Giver of Life and we were created to live for him (Job 33:4). Every Christian’s first concern should be to please God (1 Thes 4:1). So, live today in a way that pleases God and don’t worry about what the enemy is doing. Until God takes Satan down once and for all, we will have to stand by faith in Christ, endure, and overcome the persecution of evil. Remember, God is for you so who can really be against you? (Rom 8:31).

2 Timothy 3:10-15 Paul’s Charge to Timothy
10 But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance. 11 You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra—but the Lord rescued me from all of it. 12 Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.

14 But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. 15 You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, I know I can trust you to bring good things into my life even when I am experiencing times of persecution. I refuse to bow down to the things evil sends to attack my faith; I will not be overcome by evil. Lord, you are the Overcomer, so I offer myself to you and look for you to keep me strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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