Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-11-19

2 Peter 1:16-21 The Voice (VOICE)

There is no substitute for experiential learning and spiritual revelation to build our faith. When God shows you something majestic about himself, it is like it becomes etched in your heart. For example, Peter was with Christ at the Mount of Transfiguration with James and John. They saw the glory of the Lord. They saw the realities of Moses and Elijah—thought long dead but certainly alive. Nothing would ever be able to take the experience from these disciples of Christ. They saw the glory of God touch the earth; they watched Christ become momentarily transformed and overshadowed by Almighty Father God. They heard the Voice of God affirm the Son. When that happened, they knew God loved them and wanted to affirm them, too.

What can we learn from their experience? God wants to bring each one of us the light of truth; a truth that lights up our hearts with faith. If you want to know the heart of God for you, get in his Word and learn how God revealed himself to men and women of faith in the past. Then, ask God to reveal his heart to you about your life and his plan for you. Ask him to affirm you with his love. Invite God to bring you some experiential learning opportunities in his grace that will prompt spiritual growth in you. Spiritual renewal brings revelation, growth, and power to overcome the enemy. Satan cannot rob the spiritually vibrant man or woman of faith.

2 Peter 1:16-21
16 For I want to remind you that when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, we were relying on what our eyes had seen of His glorious majesty, not on cleverly told fables. 17 You see, God the Father lavished honor and glory upon Jesus when the voice of the Majestic Glory echoed from heaven and said, “This is My beloved Son, and My favor rests on Him.”18 We witnessed this—we ourselves heard this voice from heaven—when we were with Jesus on that holy mountain. 19 We have a fuller confirmation of the message of the prophets. You would do well to pay close attention to this word; it is like a light that shines for you in the darkness of night until the day dawns when the morning star rises in your own hearts.

20 But notice first that no prophecy found in Scripture is a matter of the prophet’s own interpretation. 21 Prophecy has never been a product of human initiative, but it comes when men and women are moved to speak on behalf of God by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for providing your Word to guide my understanding of your heart. Your biblical witnesses and heroes of the faith inspire me to press in for more of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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