Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-27-19

Psalm 24:7-10

As human beings and Christ-followers, we face some form of spiritual battle everyday. The battle you face may be different than the battle I face, but no matter how you look at things the common factor is we all face an enemy who wages war to gain dominion in our lives. This is called a spiritual battle and even though this battle begins in the spirit realm it is experienced in the temporal realm of human life. Therefore, we must stop empowering the battle through negative and defeating thoughts and words and begin to empower the Lord, because He is strong in battle and no enemy can stand against him. When you find yourself facing great opposition or challenges, stop…drop to your knees and invite the Lord who is mighty in battle to bring victory. Speak what the Word of God says about you and about the Lord’s power to save. Then, lift up your head, because salvation is coming to fortify your spirit! He is the King of glory and the Savior of your soul. Let a spirit of thanksgiving overtake you with this knowledge.

Psalm 24:7-10

7 Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.

8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
the Lord mighty in battle.

9 Lift up your heads, you gates;
lift them up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.

10 Who is he, this King of glory?
The Lord Almighty—
he is the King of glory.

Prayer: Lord, you are my King of glory. Thank you for fighting my battles for me. You will never be defeated and when I invite you to fight for me I am always victorious. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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