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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-24-20

Acts 7:30-34 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Earthy matters relentlessly try to capture our full attention; leaving little room for spiritual realities. That is why we need to fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). Our flesh can try to hinder our hearts and minds from applying the Word to our lives. We may need to endure for a season, so we can receive the blessings God has in store for us. We are human beings and we need the work of the Spirit to clear the way for our spiritual maturity. Otherwise, we can find ourselves living by our flesh and in our own strength; rather, then rising in the glory of God.

In our passage today, Luke has us listening to a speech Stephen issues to the Sanhedrin—religious counsel—about the blessing of Messiah. Stephen shares about Israel’s strained relationship with God, but how God chose to remain faithful to love his people, anyway. Stephen retells the history of Moses and how God’s glory is seen in the burning bush; God mercifully hears the cries of his people and sets Moses aside to deliver them. God instructs Moses to take off his sandals; a symbol of removing earthly matters from his mind and heart in readiness to accept spiritual realities. As Moses removes his sandals, may we remove ours, as well. Prepare to receive the blessing in Messiah.

Acts 7:30-34
30 After forty years had passed, while he was in the desert near Mount Sinai, the Messenger of Yahweh appeared to him in the midst of a flaming thorn bush.

31 Moses was astonished and stunned by what he was seeing, so he drew closer to observe this marvel. Then the Lord Yahweh spoke to him out of the flames:

‘I am the living God, the God of your ancestors.
    I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’
“Trembling in God’s presence and overwhelmed with awe, Moses didn’t even dare to look into the fire.

33 “Out of the flames the Lord Yahweh said to him:
‘Take the sandals off your feet,[sign of respect]
    for you are standing in the realm of holiness.

I have watched and seen how my people
    have been mistreated [tormented] in Egypt.
    I have heard their painful groaning,
    and now I have come down to set them free.
    So come to me, Moses,
    for I am sending you to Egypt to represent me.’

Prayer: Lord, may I place earthly matters under your spiritual realities; may you receive the respect and honor you are due. Rise up and be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name Amen.

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