Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-6-21

Psalm 118:14-17
The Lord is my strength, and He is the reason I sing;
    He has been there to save me in every situation.
In the tents of the righteous soldiers of God,
    there are shouts of joy and victory. They sing:
    “The right hand of the Eternal has shown His power.
The mighty arm of the Eternal is raised in victory;
    the right hand of His has shown His power.”
I will not die. I will live.
    I will live to tell about all the Eternal has done.

Our Scripture, today, reminds us the Lord is our Strength, Song, and Salvation. We cry out to the Lord when our situations in life overwhelm us and he reveals himself by bringing inner strength and support. We sing songs of praise to the Lord even in trying times and he reveals his presence by spilling joy and purpose into our souls. We trust the Lord for salvation and he reveals his faithfulness to bring us eternal life. These are all promises God makes to us as his children, so rejoice today by proclaiming him as your Strength, Song, and Salvation to someone who desperately needs him but may not know it!

Prayer: Lord, I sing a new song with my life every day in some way because each day is a beautiful beginning in my ongoing experience with you and your powerful grace. Thank you for your wonderful gifts of love poured into my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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