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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-11-17

Daily Reading 7-11-17

Romans 3:1-8  Living Bible (TLB)


There are some things in life that should be overlooked, but sin is not one of them.  Do you think God overlooks your sin?  In his epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul reminds his listeners that everyone sins and stands guilty before a holy God.  With that in mind, the best way to handle the truth of that statement is repentance; a turning from sin in order to live for God.  


People love to make excuses for why certain sins are all right and others are not, but in reality sin is sin and God hates sin; he will judge it.  God sent the Holy Spirit so we could be delivered from sin and instead live in his righteousness.  God is good and will always be righteous, but we are his children who are to be growing into the image of Christ.  If we are not growing in righteousness, more than likely we are making excuses for the sin we want to practice.


Romans 3:1-8

3 Then what’s the use of being a Jew? Are there any special benefits for them from God? Is there any value in the Jewish circumcision ceremony? 2 Yes, being a Jew has many advantages.


First of all, God trusted them with his laws so that they could know and do his will.[a] 3 True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises to God, does that mean God will break his promises? 4 Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this?[b] That God’s words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.


5 “But,” some say, “our breaking faith with God is good, our sins serve a good purpose, for people will notice how good God is when they see how bad we are. Is it fair, then, for him to punish us when our sins are helping him?” (That is the way some people talk.) 6 God forbid! Then what kind of God would he be, to overlook sin? How could he ever condemn anyone? 7 For he could not judge and condemn me as a sinner if my dishonesty brought him glory by pointing up his honesty in contrast to my lies. 8 If you follow through with that idea you come to this: the worse we are, the better God likes it! But the damnation of those who say such things is just. Yet some claim that this is what I preach!


Prayer:  Lord, thank you for guiding me toward righteous living; I need your help and power.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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