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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-24-19

If you were told that doing one specific thing would give you a spiritual advantage over your enemies, make you wiser in decision-making, and cause you to understand and enjoy fullness of life, would you do that one thing?  Most of us would say, “Absolutely!”  It’s a no brainer!   Well, Scripture tells us over and over again that obeying the Word of God is the one thing that can provide favor, wisdom, and understanding for our lives.  Yet, weekly I chat with people who rarely open the Word God, read it, or seek to live it.  If we know God wants to provide for us and we never take what he offers for provision, we are simply rejecting his help.  Jesus said, “Everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven” (Mat. 10:33).  Please don’t ever forget that Jesus is the Word of God; the Truth made flesh.

In our passage today, the psalmist is reminding Israel of the benefits of following the Word of God; applying the Truth brings spiritual maturity.

Psalm 119:97-104


Oh, how I love all you’ve revealed;

    I reverently ponder it all the day long.

Your commands give me an edge on my enemies;

    they never become obsolete.

I’ve even become smarter than my teachers

    since I’ve pondered and absorbed your counsel.

I’ve become wiser than the wise old sages

    simply by doing what you tell me.

I watch my step, avoiding the ditches and ruts of evil

    so I can spend all my time keeping your Word.

I never make detours from the route you laid out;

    you gave me such good directions.

Your words are so choice, so tasty;

    I prefer them to the best home cooking.

With your instruction, I understand life;

    that’s why I hate false propaganda.

Prayer:  Father, I take you at your Word and look to grow by obedience to your instruction.  Thank you for your provision and help.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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