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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 9-22-21

John 8:21-30 (TPT) “I Am Not from This World”
21 One day Jesus said again, “I am about to leave you. You will want to find me, but you will still die in your sins. You won’t be able to come where I am going.”

22 This so confused the Jewish leaders that they began to say, “Is he planning to commit suicide? What’s he talking about—‘You won’t be able to come where I am going’?”

23 Jesus spoke up and said, “You are all from the earth; I am from above. I am not from this world like you are. 24 That’s why I’ve told you that you will all die in your sins if you fail to believe that I AM who I AM.”

25 So they asked him plainly, “Who are you?”
“I am the One I’ve always claimed to be.” Jesus replied. 26 “And I still have many more things to pronounce in judgment about you. For I will testify to the world of the truths that I have heard from my Father, and the Father who sent me is trustworthy.” 27 (Even after all of this, they still didn’t realize that he was speaking about his heavenly Father.)

28 “You will know me as ‘I AM’ after you have lifted me up from the earth as the Son of Man. Then you will realize that I do nothing on my own initiative, but I only speak the truth that the Father has revealed to me. 29 I am his messenger and he is always with me, for I only do that which delights his heart.” 30 These words caused many respected Jews to believe in him.

In our passage today, Jesus continues to speak to the crowd, religious leaders, and the disciples. This time his teaching comes as a warning. They need to understand life from a divine perspective, because they are trying to use their human intellect to comprehend the divine mysteries and character of God. So, Jesus sets them straight. Here’s what he says, “You are all from the earth; I am from above. I am not from this world like you are. That’s why I’ve told you that you will all die in your sins if you fail to believe that I AM who I AM.” Much like many people in our world today, these folks are not even close to identifying or understanding the truth because they do not accept the One True God, nor believe his Word offers precious salvation. Deception is always waiting for the open door of unbelief.

Over and over again in Scripture we are reminded through each lesson that God’s thoughts are not human thoughts and his ways are not human ways. As the Creator of heaven and earth, God has a whole different perspective of life and reality than you and me. While we tempted to focus on the earth and all of life’s temporal challenges here; God knows the name of every human being on earth who has never accepted the Christ and therefore will not be with him in eternity and he weeps. God is love so he pursues every person and longs to welcome him or her into relationship if they will accept his gesture of love; his willingness to die for their sins. He wants to tabernacle with every human being, but he never violates a person’s freedom of choice. May we take our eyes off from our problems long enough to understand the heart of God and how this evil world must break his heart. May we weep with him and know that he wants to reveal his love in us to others. Do something selfless: Exalt Christ—God incarnate—and be a lesson of love for him, today.

Prayer: Lord, when I am tempted to use my human understanding to either accept or reject your Word, help me quickly call upon the Spirit of Truth. I stand against any deception that may try to creep into my mind and instead reach for your Word that gives me Wisdom and understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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