Daily Devotionals

The Word of God is beneficial to knowing God’s will for our lives.

According to the Apostle Paul, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. “(2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)

So, let’s spend time in the Word everyday.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-05-24

Today is Election Day; Americans will choose their next President/Vice President, vote on senators, representatives, and judges whose term will end 2025, as well as vote on several proposed amendments. It has been a very challenging journey due to all the political rhetoric and character smearing flowing from both parties,

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Daily Devotional from Jen Auer 11-04-24

How do you handle being wronged? Do you retaliate, are you quick to defend yourself, or do you seek revenge? How often do you trust that God will bring true justice? Today, we are looking at the end of Romans 12 where Paul is instructing the Christians in Rome to

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Daily Devotional from Curtis Tumicki (11/1/24)

In Galatians 5:22-23, the apostle Paul speaks about the fruit of the Spirit.  Out of those fruits mentioned, the one that stands out to me is joy.  If there is one emotion that we are lacking is joy.  How is this the case?  People are finding temporary joy in other

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Daily Devotional from Curtis Tumicki (10/31/24)

It seems like people are putting their faith and worshipping those things that are not from God.  For instance, people today are fixated and drawn on the latest piece of technology and some would even making it a priority to make it well known to others.  Personally, technology is a

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Daily Devotional from Curtis Tumicki (10/30/24)

If there is one blessing that we can take for granted is that we have different senses that help us navigate through life.  Our senses include our smell, our touch, our vision, etc.  Out of those senses I have mentioned, the one that we use most frequently is our vision. 

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Daily Devotional from Curtis Tumicki (10/29/24)

If there is one thing that the world is producing, it is the fact there is evil all around us and people are being sucked into the foolishness and the lies that the world is producing.  I’ve mentioned this before, but people can get twisted and confused about all kinds

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