Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-14-25
There is a tendency in the fallen flesh of human nature to speak lies. We may want those things we are saying to be true;
The Word of God is beneficial to knowing God’s will for our lives.
According to the Apostle Paul, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. “(2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)
So, let’s spend time in the Word everyday.
There is a tendency in the fallen flesh of human nature to speak lies. We may want those things we are saying to be true;
Worship that leads us into missional service is the goal for believers. Worship is really coming into oneness in Christ through adoration and devotion; yet, worship alone is only part of our purpose while on earth. If believers are reborn and renewed by the Spirit in the image of Christ,
The world is confused and sometimes I am startled by the folks who buy into the deception. God’s children are called to live in Christ’s wisdom; and we know true wisdom when we hear it. That means believers also know foolishness when it travels past our discerning ears. In our passage
Jesus calls us to be peacemakers; blessed is our future when we work for peace (Mat 5:9). We need to study that word “peace” and the work of peacemaking in more detail, because people tend to have the wrong idea about it. Sin disconnected us from God in whose image
Peter reminds us that the word “pastor” isn’t merely a title, it’s a serious calling on one’s life to be a shepherd of God’s flock that is placed under their care. Shepherds (pastors) guide the flock (or spiritual Family), they provide biblical nourishment, they seek after the ones who stray,
God is so good to give us “a second chance” with our acts of faith. I often remind people, God just gives believers more tests, because complete failure is not an option. He is our Champion and he just keeps spurring us on to victory. He wants glory for us.
As human beings, we like proof—evidence that something is true, but did you know the biblical definition of proof is trial, test, or to find by experience. God’s promise to save us includes reconciliation, participation, cleansing, protection, peace, trust, and restoration and he proves himself honorable and trustworthy even when
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Life is a journey and God has created us for relationships–connections. Therefore, our goal, on the path of life, is to be in agreement with God’s desires by developing and supporting healthy relational connections. Learn More
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