Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-25-19

April 25, 2019

Acts 5:17-26 New Life Version (NLV)


How would you describe the emotion of jealousy?  When it is used against you it feels like opposition and when it rises up in you it feels like rejection.  In the Bible, the word jealousy has both a positive and negative meaning.  God is described at times as a jealous God, but it is always positive and based on his concern for us because we belong to him. God’s jealousy causes him to be angry at sin and then turn to restore people to himself because he cannot bear to be separated like a Groom for his Bride. When the Word speaks of God’s jealousy it always has to do with his faithful protection for those whom he loves; the depths he will go to call his children back into his care.  


Human jealousy is a result of sin in the heart; it is negative and can bring destruction to relationships.  Jealousy is fear based and is awakened in humans by something that may exalt others over self or provide greater pleasures or advantages for which we desire for ourselves.  Think about the jealousy that rose up in Cain over Abel, brothers over Joseph, and Saul over David.   St. Augustine once said, “He that is jealous is not in love.”  The Apostle Paul teaches, “Love is not jealous…” (1 Cor 13:4).  In our passage today, Christ’s new missionaries are flowing in the anointed power of God to heal people and the Temple priests and religious leaders are jealous. Instead of acknowledging Christ and joining with the Spirit-led apostles, they try to fight them and diminish them.  But, when God is in something and he sends us, no weapon formed against us will prosper.  So although these leaders may initially look like they have the upper hand and they think they are representing God, the Lord reveals otherwise and the Truth continues to be preached.  Don’t allow jealousy to have dominion over you; stay connected to Christ because he can be trusted with your heart as you serve him.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-24-19

April 24, 2019

Acts 5:12-16 Contemporary English Version (CEV)


Would you describe yourself as an honest person?  Scripture teaches we must be authentic and honest with God and others; the Word commands it.  This authenticity is referred to as integrity and it is associated with the root word of shalom or peace.  Integrity is the state of being whole or undivided.  At the cross, Christ made peace with God in our behalf.  As we allow God to make us whole, we begin to live in his integrity. He brings the proper shape to our character. Power is released to us as we mature spiritually.  We cannot bear false witness—lie—and still walk in God’s power.  Sometimes, we don’t have the power of God flowing through us because we are not operating in the integrity of Christ.  Have you associated God’s power with the integrity of your words or actions?  


During Jesus’ ministry, he performed many miracles and signs that pointed to God’s power living in him.  Now, the Apostles are experiencing that same kind of power; the power to heal and deliver people from the bondage of darkness.  Truthfully, people are somewhat afraid of meeting with the apostles, because they have heard about what happened to Ananias and Sapphira when they lied to Peter and God. Do you know what happened to this couple? They died as soon as the lie came across their lips (Acts 5:1-11).  


On the other hand, Peter understands the power of lies, because he lied about knowing the Lord.  He suffered greatly with his own verbal sin.  But, because of the blood of Messiah, Peter experienced the forgiveness of God and a new beginning in his integrity.  Peter is determined not to make the same mistakes and therefore he connects with the power of God to heal others.  Peter, the teachable spirit, walks in integrity and power! 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-23-19

April 23, 2019

Psalm 118:17-23


In the midst of an ever-changing world, how important is it to you to have a solid foundation for your life?  I want stability even in the midst of unsettling times; in fact, I crave it. Life will happen, but it does not need to cause me to throw up my hands and give up. I am not a victim; I am victorious in Christ (1 Cor 15:57).  We were created to enjoy life, so how is that possible when we really cannot control life?


The answer is found in acknowledging our life “Cornerstone.”  God has provided Jesus as our Cornerstone (Matt 21:42).  It is the work of Christ to bring a solid foundation, shape, and stability to our lives.  He helps us endure and overcome any storm or challenge life brings.  We were created to live. The life God has in store for us is prosperous and engaging; we are to live in the power outflowing Christ’s resurrection and experience the power that raised Christ from the dead even in the midst of suffering (Phi 3:10).  As we face life each day, our part is to stand on the foundation of God’s love found in Christ and “Whatever we do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Col 3:17). We must give thanks and live with a spirit of gratitude each day, because the Lord is our Savior. So, when life sends you a challenge, look at that challenge as a way to watch Christ work in your life.  In our passage, the psalmist calls God’s people to acknowledge the goodness and faithfulness of God to provide for his children. Alleluia—Praise ye Yah! (Praise the Lord!)

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-22-19

April 22, 2019

Psalm 118:1-2; 14-16, 24 New Living Translation (NLT)

What difference does the resurrection of Christ make in a life?  Actually, the difference the risen Lord makes is huge!  With the Lord, we can be victorious in this life and the life to come; eternal life.  Life will change, but God never changes.  He brings us security and hope.  No longer are we victims to the attacks of the enemy; instead we are righteous in the army of the Lord.  We are never alone and no weapon formed against us can prosper.  Our faith in Christ is the cornerstone and foundation for our victory!  In Christ, we are more than conquerors!  Be confident for greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4).


The resurrection of Christ the Messiah has given us the victory we needed to overcome sin and death.  He is the first fruit of the righteous and redeemed of the Father.  Let your hearts be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, today, for God has overcome the grave; therefore, we overcome the grave.  Be filled with joy, because your Savior and God is in control of your life and he is determined to do glorious things in and through you.  Nothing that tries to come against you and God’s will for your life can prosper, because the Lord is with you and all of creation must bow to his authority.  Allow God to bring change and growth to your life, because he alone knows what will give your life meaning and purpose.  Call upon the Lord for salvation each day, for he is good!  REJOICE!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-20-19

April 20, 2019

John 19:38-42 New Living Translation (NLT)


Today is the fortieth day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God. We have had a full journey over the past forty days in the Word of God. I pray you have been blessed by the Word. For the past month or so, we have highlighted many ways God demonstrates his love for us, but no greater truth can we gain than this:  God sent his Son to die for us, so we could experience peace with God.  Through the cross, Christ himself has brought peace to us (Ephesians 2:14).  When we believe in the atoning work of Christ for our sins, we are offered a vibrant relationship with Almighty God.  Have you taken God at his Word about that offer? 


Joseph and Nicodemus were secret followers of Christ until Father God called them to go to Pilate and ask for Christ’s body so they could bury it with dignity and respect.  The body of Christ was laid in a tomb nearby the cite of crucifixion; a garden tomb.  According to Genesis, God gave life to humanity in a garden (Eden), but sin caused hostility with God. Once again in a garden, Christ will give his life as a peace offering, so humanity can have another chance to enjoy a vibrant relationship with God.


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-19-19

April 19, 2019

John 18:28-19:30


Today is the thirty-ninth day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God.  Today is Good Friday and we celebrate the King of Glory as we read the story of the Father’s great love for the world.  Do you know the depths of God’s love for you?


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-18-19

April 18, 2019

John 13:1-17, 33-35 New Living Translation (NLT)


Today is the thirty-eighth day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God. This is Holy Thursday and it is a perfect time to focus on the loving heart of Jesus; a pure Kingdom heart.  Jesus is God in the flesh and he came to teach us the ways of love.  He came to serve us and make us ready as fellow servants for the work of the Kingdom. Do you have a servant’s heart?


There are a lot of people who want to be leaders in this world, but according to Jesus a true leader is a humble servant who knows how to love others.  To love sacrificially like Christ requires action.  Jesus was a living example of God’s love and now we are to be living examples of Christ’s love.  So, the kind of love Jesus commissions his disciples to share sets them apart from the world.  Christ did not call just some of his disciples to be servants; he calls every one of us to take a humble posture and be a blessing to others.  


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-17-19

April 17, 2019

John 13:21-30 New Living Translation (NLT)


Today is the thirty-seventh day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God. We serve a very merciful God.  Jesus knows our hearts and he knows exactly how we are going to respond to every test, trial, or temptation.  He understands the power of our flesh and the war we may wage against the work of the Spirit.  Yet, the Lord loves us unconditionally. He extends mercy and forgiveness. The psalmist writes, “How kind the Lord is! How good he is!  So merciful, this God of ours!” (116:5).  Over your lifetime, have you been aware of the overflowing mercy of the Lord for you?


In our passage today, Jesus knows Judas is going to betray him.  Have you ever been betrayed? It’s a painful experience.  A biblical definition of the word ‘betray’ is ‘to deliver up in a breach of trust.’  Judas is ready to betray Jesus, but the Lord does nothing to stop it, nor does he stop loving Judas or treating him with respect.  Why? Because even this betrayal is a part of God’s plan for salvation; a living testimony to the love and mercy of God for us as sinners.  So, Jesus stayed in a posture of worship—oneness—with the Father and the Spirit and remained merciful in the face of betrayal.  Each one of us has in some form betrayed the Lord.  Yet, he extends mercy and grace in exchange.  Be ready to extend mercy every day, because soon someone you know may need it.


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-16-19

April 16, 2019

John 12:23-29 Contemporary English Version (CEV)


Today is the thirty-sixth day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God. This journey we have been making in our prayer time to experience a Kingdom heart is a personal journey that gains momentum with each passing day.  For example, today is Holy Tuesday and it is overwhelming for my heart to think that God would be willing to suffer for my sin, disobedience, and iniquities.  It’s personal.  God suffered for me.  Actually, the Lord suffered injustice, oppression, and abuse because of me; he suffered under the load of my sin, guilt, and shame. He did the same for you. The love of God for us is so great he was willing to suffer the immense weight of our unrighteousness in order to offer us his light righteous yoke as followers (Mat 11:29).  To wear Christ’s yoke, we must be willing to love eternal life more than this present life.  In your prayer time, do you praise the Father for his Suffering Servant?


Isaiah prophecies about the Messiah, “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.  After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge My righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities (53:10-11).  Jesus said he came into the world to suffer for the glory of the Father; to bring about the forgiveness for our sins.  We celebrate the work of Messiah, but let’s not forget the suffering he took upon himself, so we could know and enjoy the fullness of God’s love and grace.  


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-15-19

April 15, 2019

John 12:1-8 Good News Translation (GNT)


Today is the thirty-fifth day of our 40-Day Lenten Series, “Praying for a Kingdom Heart.”  Lent should be a time of prayerful reflection, repentance, and restoration as we draw closer to the heart of God.  As we draw closer, we learn from the Spirit what it means to have life in his name.  This life in his name brings Light or illumination and reminds us of our oneness with Christ; we are in him and he is in us. It is a picture of worship; the Lord is worthy of our worship.  We bring our lives to God and in a holy exchange for salvation we are connected to Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the early church in Colosse teaching them, “Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father (Col. 3:17).  Are you learning to live life in his name?


In our passage today, we note Mary knows what it means to live life in Jesus’ name.  Mary releases extravagant worship for her King.  Remember, worship is at the center of the Christian life.  Although she does not realize it, Mary is a lead worshiper in this moment as she anoints the feet of Jesus with perfume and dries his feet with her hair.  This anointing is a public demonstration and declaration of Mary’s faith in Jesus as the Messiah; she cares nothing about what others around her think because she is focused on worshiping the One who alone is worthy of all praise. Therefore, the Lord honors her. In fact, the gospel of Matthew shares the story about Mary, the anointing perfume, and quotes Jesus, “Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what Mary has done will also be told, in memory of her” (26:13).  Within days, Jesus will wrap a towel around his waist and wash the feet of the disciples.  He will tell the other disciples, “If I as your Teacher and Lord have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet.  I have given you an example to follow.  Do as I have done” (John 13:13-14). The disciples are learning to live in Jesus’ name. 


During Lent, we will be using the acronym P.R.A.Y. as we pray for a Kingdom Heart.  P=praise, R=repent, A=ask, and Y=yield.  May God bless you as you spend time in God’s Word and in prayer today.

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