Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-15-18

August 15, 2018

John 6:35-40 Good News Translation (GNT)

In a world which seeks to diminish the reality of the Christ—the Resurrected Messiah and Savior of the World—we who have accepted Him and know his living presence have a big mission ahead of us.  We need to reveal the Truth of His love resident within us and operating through our lives. The Spirit of Christ is alive in believers!  For Christians, Jesus is the Bread upon which we feed—the Living Word.  As we eat, we begin to understand his heart and love for his Creation; the depth of his sacrifice to save us.  He sustains us and nourishes our souls with good things.  We can know the Lord, experience grace, and receive healing.  We see through the eyes of the Savior, because we sip from the cup of his eternal salvation and are satisfied.  

In practice, Christ came to connect humanity with God; he is the way the truth and the life with Abba Father.  We do not need to face our emptiness, pain, or problems by ourselves; God longs to live life with us. He knows we are powerless apart from him to bring any lasting change; he alone is the Savior.  Christ in us seeks to lift the hearts of the brokenhearted in our path.  Christ prays through us, gathers, and heals the emotionally wounded and oppressed who have lost hope.  Christ is the Influencer who turns the thoughts of the downtrodden toward the unmerited favor and grace of God.  Let’s face it, the whole world needs Jesus!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-14-18

August 14, 2018

2 Peter 3:8-15 New Life Version

God’s purpose for this world is salvation and recreation; he longs for God-serving people to dwell in the beauty which he originally created and human will actually destroyed.  He patiently waits for people to want the same beauty he alone can create.  Scripture teaches one day this world will pass away and all things will be made new; God will bring beauty for ashes in the world. Life on earth as it was once known—in darkness and sin—will be no more.  Likewise, when Christ comes into our lives and brings salvation, all things in our spirits become alive and new; again he brings beauty for ashes.  Life as we once lived it—in darkness and sin—is to be no more.  He wants to renew our minds, wills, and emotions so we will be replicas of what he created us to be in the first place.  The world and humanity were originally created to occupy the glory of the Lord.

He is the Creator of Beauty and will one day recreate.  So, let’s make sure our lives are ready and invite the Spirit to make us burdened for those who are not ready.  In that way, we will reach out and tell everyone we know that Jesus is alive and brings salvation to anyone who will believe. People need to get ready for the New.  Christ alone can make humanity holy and ready for new life and a new dwelling.  Tell someone today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-13-18

August 13, 2018

Ephesians 5:1-14 New Living Translation (NLT)

As Christians, our actions should truly reflect our faith; the light of God’s love should shine from our lives.  Jesus taught this same truth in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:13-16).  You ARE the Light of the World and people are watching to see if what you say with your mouth aligns with your actions.  It is a big responsibility to live in the Light of Christ; it is a big responsibility to make sure our lives are imitating God. If we are aware we are walking in disobedience in an area of our lives, we need to turn and realign our lives with Truth.  Christ shines the light and way for us.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-10-18

August 10, 2018

Galatians 6:1-6 The Message

Every believer will make mistakes in life; we are imperfect people who are loved by a perfect God. We carry flesh-dwelling imperfections, but we learn how to put them on the cross and receive a spiritual blessing.  Believers desiring the Lordship of Christ do not knowingly practice sin against God, but we still sin because like children we want our own way.  Our flesh is strong and our ability to bring it under the authority of Christ requires divine power; otherwise, we are too weak to walk in righteousness or share good deeds with others.  God knows all about our strengths, as well as our weaknesses and imperfections.  He knows our personality quirts and he knows our emotional bents or inclinations toward sin (living for self or flesh rather than living for God).  

His knowledge of our true selves is why he allows us to face different situations; they become LIFE lessons.  He wants us to lean on his strength at those times by taking responsibility for identifying our weaknesses.  He watches if we will be merciful with others, because we are all in the same spiritual state of needing a Savior.  God is not wanting us to fail; far from it.  He is wanting us to listen and learn how to be led by the Spirit into a spiritually healthy place of unity.  He desires to gain our attention and guide us to a right place long before we make mistakes.  We will all say or do wrong things at times, we will all need forgiveness, and we will all need to take responsibility for our lives and grow.  This process is called spiritual formation.  To press on and not quit we must realize, with every lesson we learn, a seed of righteousness is planted in our hearts and we will harvest good things in our lives as a result.  Galatians 6:9 reminds us “And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.”  Truly, our witness becomes even greater because we see more clearly God’s love at work in our lives.

I have really needed our Scripture reading this morning and I delight in sharing it with you.  I am in awe of the goodness of God and the timeliness of His Word to my heart.  Wow, God is so good.  I pray you are blessed, as well.  Have a wonderful weekend.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-9-18

August 9, 2018

Romans 15:1-6 The Message (MSG)

To embrace the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of our lives means to connect to what he values and the direction he wants us to go in life.  The Lord has a plan for our lives; he has positioned the people we will meet and the influence we will be in bringing them to the knowledge of the Savior.  Christians are people of influence set up by God.  True influence is much more than what we say to people.  It is how we make them feel when we are around.  Crowds followed Jesus because he made them feel valued when he spoke Truth into their lives.   Do people sense Jesus in you?

I imagine many of you reading this devotion can testify to an experience of being with someone who professed Christ, but actually made you feel inadequate by criticizing or condemning your personhood, faith practice, or lifestyle.  These are the finger pointers in life; they hold themselves as the standard of true Christianity and judge everyone else around.  It’s a pride issue in their lives, because Jesus never did that to people.  In fact, when the religious leaders brought to Jesus the woman who was caught in adultery and asked him to judge her, he first turned to these leaders and asked which one of them was without sin.  They did not care how they made this woman feel; they extended her zero worth. They were bent on framing Jesus as an unholy man. Jesus did not condone her adulterous lifestyle, but he loved her into a change by helping her see a bigger picture of her life than she was able to see before meeting him.  He revealed to her the weakness of others (all humanity has a sin nature) so she did not feel alone and inadequate before a holy God.  Jesus covered her shame, extended her personal worth, and influenced her to turn in a new direction; he challenged her to live for God in the strength of God.

The Apostle Paul was not telling the Roman church (or us) to ignore the sin that robs people; we are not to be people pleasers. We are God pleasers.  Paul simply was challenging the Christ followers to be “faith influencers for the weak.”  We are to be ready in a moment’s notice by being loving influences in the world guiding people to a loving God who alone can bring change.  Who will God bring into your realm of influence today?  Be ready to love not judge; guide them to Jesus.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-8-18

August 8,2018

Isaiah 55:1-3, 6-9 New Life Version (NLV)

When I was younger, I had an image in my mind of what would constitute a full life.  Although, I have enjoy many wonderful experiences, some things I once thought were vitally important proved not to be fulfilling.  Now that I am older, I can tell you my perspective on what makes a full life has changed “greatly.”  I value joy and fellowship with Jesus brings great joy.   In his Word, God has promised to provide a spiritually rich and satisfying life—a great full life—for all of his children.  Money can’t by it; only feeding on God’s love, listening, and living God’s way can provide it.  

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-7-18

August 7, 2018
1 Corinthians 12:27-31
The Body of Christ–believers under Christ’s Lordship and authority–has been given amazing gifts through his limitless Grace.  Spiritual gifts are not only essential to building Christlike character in God’s family, the gifts are the power for believers to live as examples and influencers of the gospel of Truth–God’s love manifest for humanity in Jesus the Messiah. 
In our passage today, the Apostle Paul encourages believers to value the spiritual gifts–some of which he lists–but to never forget that the greatest gift of all is God’s love or Agape (pronounced ah-GAH-pee).  It is not the spiritual gifts themselves that bring the power, it is faith in the Spirit of Agape that accomplishes all things.  If we are truly eager to grow God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, we must value Agape above all things.  Agape is at the center of reconciliation–the act of getting God and people connected to Christ.  
Longing for the wellbeing of others is the essence of Agape which is not based on feeling; rather, it is a choice and is identified by how it puts the welfare of others above self.  It was Agape that caused Christ to offer up his life for the sins of the world so humanity could experience the forgiveness of sin and know God who is Agape.  It is the work of the Spirit of Agape that motivates us to enthusiastically tell others about Jesus Christ and model the love he imparts.  If you want to make a statement for Christ, today, please stand on the platform of Agape–let your love for others motivate what you do.  We are to love those who are easy to love, as well as those who are not.  Only Agape can help us love our adversaries or antagonists.  All of heaven watches our love walk; power awaits those who are committed to Agape.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-6-18

August 6, 2018

Ephesians 4:17-24 New Living Translation (NLT)

In his letter to the church at Ephesus, the Apostle Paul teaches the early Christians that Christ has called them to be different in character and behavior.  In fact, the world should notice a difference in how Christ’s followers live and treat people.  Christ calls us to be humble, gentle, patient, extending love to others while remaining united in the bond of peace.  We accepted salvation based on Christ’s terms that we would give him our old life (put it on the cross) and follow him to newness of life.  Let’s allow him to do the work in our hearts and minds that make us more like the One we are supposed to be following; connect to Christ and live.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-3-18

August 3, 2018

Psalm 51:1-12 New Living Translation (NLT)

In our Wednesday LIFE Lessons Bible Study, we spent more time on the Beatitudes found in the gospel of Matthew; the attitude of being in Christ which should be every Christian’s goal.  Blessings abound in God’s Kingdom.  We abide in that spiritual realm of blessing when we understand: 1) our spiritual poverty (emptiness apart from Christ); 2) as we mourn for his world who is lost to him; 3) the need for a spirit of meekness (quiet strength); 4) the value of being hungry and thirsty for righteousness (right living before a holy God); 5) the power of extending mercy to others; 6) the necessity of being pure in heart (undivided in devotion to God); and 7) the work of remaining in peace (shalom) with God and others.

David recognized his spiritual poverty, God’s call to meekness or humility, the hunger for God’s presence that had departed, and his sin that had caused him to be unclean before a holy God. David cried for mercy based on God’s kindness.  He saw clearly his sin and the need for spiritual cleansing and restoration.  We’ve all sinned against the love of God and we must bear the responsibility of knowing that truth.  In Christ we have a righteous sin offering.  May we allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, may we hunger for more of God each day, and may we be willing to live with the attitude of Christ. Enjoy a blessed weekend.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-2-18

August 2, 2018

Psalm 78:23-29 New Living Translation (NLT)

As I write this devotion, the wind is blowing past the window and the sound of gentle thunder is echoing in the distance.  It’s peaceful and almost reassuring to my soul as I read our passage today about how the heavens and earth are God’s domain to command.  Our psalm today tells the story of the Israelites and how God took care of them.  He fed them manna and quail to sustain them.  At God’s Word heavenly food rained down and at God’s command the wind changed in direction and actually brought quail to the camp of the Israelites. However, the people who were taken out of slavery so they could experience the abundance in the land of promise, all too quickly forgot the wonders of God and his faithfulness to them. We must guard our hearts so we do not repeat history.

We always have a choice in our relationship with God, because his salvation offer is the same today.  By a declaration of our faith in the work of Christ on the cross, the Lord takes us out of slavery to sin and selfish living.  He calls us to join him on a new journey toward a land of promise where he will become our Provider.  We can rejoice in God’s provision or grumble when he turns in a direction we do not really want to go.  The Christian journey is all about trust and, if we are faithful to follow him, eventually we will look back and see the wisdom of God that has been acting in our behalf.  Stay the course.

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