Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-23-18

April 23, 2018

1 Peter 5:1-5  New Living Translation (NLT)

What makes a good or great leader for the work of God?  Is it education alone?  Is it experience alone?  Scripture teaches the making of a good leader has everything to do with character and spiritual formation.  A leader who is listening to and following the Spirit will care for God”s flock and be eager to wholeheartedly serve each member.  He or she will be motivated by what can be imparted to others that feed them, rather than by what can be gained personally.   And, here is something very important to keep in mind; a good leader humbly leads by example.  During his earthly ministry, Jesus followed the Spirit, loved and served the Father’s flock, and led as a humble example.  Would Christ’s true shepherd’s today be any different?

Before Christ ascended, he told Peter, “If you love me, feed my sheep.”  In our passage today, we can tell Peter was doing the very thing the Good Shepherd had asked of him.  Scripture teaches one day Christ will come out into the open with his rule.  At his second coming, Christ will take his rightful place as the Great Shepherd. Every Christ follower will bring something valuable to the Kingdom; we will then find ourselves governed and positioned under his reign for eternity.  Will you be ready for what he has called you to be and do?

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-20-18

April 20, 2018

Psalm 23 New Living Translation (NLT)

Contentment is a very valuable condition in which to live; a state of happiness, satisfaction, and ease of mind.  When we are content, we are mentally and emotionally satisfied with where things are in our lives.  That does not mean everything is great; rather, it means we are content in the care of the Father.  Biblical contentment has to do with trust and confidence because we are satisfied that God knows who we are, what we have, and where we are going. 

Jesus teaches we are to be content with no worries, because the Father knows all things.  If you find yourself struggling with worry, it is time to spend some time with the Lord and receive the assurance of his love and gain his peace.  He truly desires to shepherd each one of us into a state of contentment.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), the Great Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20), and the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4).  If we are willing to follow our Shepherd, he will lead us into contentment. David learned contentment from the Shepherd, as well.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-19-18

April 19, 2018

Acts 3:17-26 New Living Translation (NLT)

When we are warm and tired, something refreshing to drink is a great comfort.  Sometimes in our spiritual life we need the refreshment of the Spirit for the draining difficulties of our natural life.  We do not always know what has drained us or worn us out, but we are aware when we need refreshment.

Peter tells those who will listen about the refreshment that comes from the presence of the Lord.  In ignorance, the people killed their Source of refreshment.  So, Peter tells them how to reconnect and get the necessary refreshment for their spirits.

To enjoy heavenly refreshment, we must turn from our sinful self-preserving busy tendencies and rest in the holy work of Messiah who comes to liberate us and restore us. Our part is to cooperate with the restoration process.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-18-18

April 18, 2018

Psalm 150 New Living Translation (NLT)

There are so many great lessons from the Psalter for God’s people—His worshipers.  The Psalter is essentially a book of songs.  Music has always played a big part in worship; it is not something enjoyed only by our culture.  We see singing, dancing, and playing of musical instruments in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament.  Praise is essential for our journey; we are called to praise the Lord with every aspect of our being.

I hope you take time to read the Psalms at least once each year.   In Psalm 1, the writer wants us to know there are two paths laid before God’s human creation: the path of the godly and the path of the wicked.  Even though God leads us toward the godly path, we must choose to travel it and remain faithful.  In the final song, Psalm 150, all of God’s creation is filled with praise because of his faithfulness to fulfill all he has promised if we will simply stay on the godly path.  Enjoy today’s reading and praise the Lord!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-17-18

April 17, 2018

2 John 1-6 The Message (MSG)

Because it seems to be easy for humans to get off God’s righteous path, we always need to be reminded of what is most important.  Pastors are to bring God’s people back to the basics, because false teachings are always trying to usurp the Truth.   The Word of the Lord—the Bible—is the foundation of understanding God’s heart and the infinite reach of his love.  God is love so when we give what the Word defines as love we are revealing the Truth and presence of God to others.

In our passage today, we witness the Apostle John’s focus for his flock.   As their pastor, he reminds the early church what is paramount as a Christ or Truth follower; loving one another.  The ingredient that should always be found in a true Christian community is an abundance of God’s love flowing in and through the spiritual family.  We genuinely care for one another and we believe the best of one another. Love does not step all over others in word or deed in order to exalt, satisfy, or protect the flesh; that is the world’s way.  Love does not demand its own way; that is stubborn and controlling flesh.  Love is patient and kind; like God.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-16-18

April 16, 2018

1 John 3:10-16 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Lord knows all things about those who belong to him.  He knows the sincerity of our hearts.  He knows the words we speak.  He knows our attitudes and actions toward other people.  He knows because as believers he lives in us.  That is why he convicts us when we are not acting in love toward one another.  He looks for agreement between the love we have received from him and the love we actually extend to others.  When there is a discrepancy; the Spirit convicts us of unrighteousness.

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul tells us “we know.”  What do we know?  We know what real love is because real love has been extended to us in Christ.  We know when we are operating in that love and when we are not because the Holy Spirit corrects us.  We know when others are operating in that love and when they are not, because our hearts are grieved and wounded.  We know.  So, let’s stop pretending to love people and really love them even when it calls for a sacrifice.  Let’s love others the way Christ loves us. You belong to him…serve him, get into agreement with him, and make him Lord!  However, with that decision, be prepared for the world to hate you and Satan to make you a target for trials.  Satan wants you to stop loving like Christ, because the love of Christ changes and restores everything it touches. Christ’s love makes all things new. 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-13-18

April 13, 2018

Psalm 4:4-8 New Living Translation (NLT)

David reminds us we can trust the Lord to take care of us.  In the midst of life’s challenges, the Lord is the One who brings us into peace.  Peace comes with agreement; we must agree with God who is perfect Love.  So, we journey out of a state of disagreement (that which opposes God’s way) and into a state of agreement or peace.  

That means there is no room for us to hold onto things like anger, resentment, bitterness or disobedience.  God who is Love is not in those things.  If you lack peace, relinquish those emotions and actions that are peace-robbers and take you out of agreement with God.  Instead, trust yourself to the Lord’s care.  He will bring you into peace and he will protect you with His Love.  He is the perfect Lover of your Soul.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-12-18

April 12, 2018

1 John 2:18-25 New Living Translation (NLT)

In our passage today, the apostle John reminds us about the spirit of antichrist; the spirit that denies the Father and the Son.  The phrase “the last hour” describes the time between the first and second coming of Jesus Christ.  At one time or another, I am sure you have heard someone say, “I believe in God, but I do not believe Jesus is his Son.”  Well, according to Scripture, “Anyone who denies the Son, does not have the Father, either” (v.23).  

The Spirit of Christ has been given to those who believe in the work of the Son; the Spirit causes us to know the difference between the truth of God and the lies of Satan.  Therefore, the Spirit is an incredible Gift from the Father and the Son so we can know the truth and live it.  We recognize deception because of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus will always be God’s divine Son and his sacrifice for the sins of the world is permanent.  Jesus is the Truth and the Holy Spirit guides people to Jesus.  Anything that is preached or taught that contradicts these truths comes from the spirit of antichrist and are inspired by lies.  

If you have never done so, now is the time to believe, connect to Christ, and live in the Truth of God’s love.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-11-18

April 11, 2018

Mark 12:18-27 New Living Translation (NLT)

All things in Scripture point to eternal life; essentially all things point to Christ who is life.  What life will be like in eternity we can only imagine, but Christ said it would be amazing because the Father has prepared it for us.  Jesus also said we had to trust our future to him and the power outflowing his resurrection.  Jesus taught about the resurrection; he told his disciples and followers he would rise in three days.   Because of Christ, we must believe in our own resurrection.  

The Sadducees held to the Law of Moses and were unwilling to look deeper into the spiritual truth of which Christ spoke.  They did not believe in the resurrection; they were trying to force the Word of God to say what they wanted to believe. Jesus sidesteps their question by pointing to their ignorance.  Jesus was not implying people would not recognize their partners in eternity; rather, he was simply saying eternity is not merely an extension of this life.  It is a new life with a new King and new physical and natural rules. It’s a whole new realm called reality.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-10-18

April 10, 2018

1 John 2:12-17 New Living Translation (NLT)

Faith–hoping for the unseen things of God–is developed over time and through experiences.  On the other hand, worldliness–craving the things of this world–comes naturally/innate.  Worldliness is really an internal state of the heart.  We must pay attention to what our heart longs for the most; we can find answers to where we are in our faith journey by doing so.  

God values things like meekness, generosity, fruitfulness, and a spirit of self control.  We are not to be led by our feelings or cravings.  We are to be led by the Spirit of God who exalts the Lordship of Christ.  So, today, deliberately indulge yourself in those things God values; make the Lord smile.

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