Lamb of God 2-12-16

Quest for Hope

Jesus the Lamb 2-12-16

John 1:29-34


Yesterday, we took an honest look at our hearts; we realized because of sin/selfishness we needed a heart for Jesus who is the Living Expression of selfless Love.  How do we become a living expression of God’s love when clearly our lives tend toward sin/selfishness?  How do we hold onto our Hope when we recognize this reality?  In our passage this morning, John the Baptist points to Jesus in the crowd and says, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Why did John call Jesus the Lamb of God?

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A Heart for Jesus 2-11-16

Quest for Hope

A Heart for Jesus 2-11-16

John 1:14-17


Lent is a time for honest reflection.  It is a time to be reminded of humanity’s ongoing sin against God’s selfless love; humans prefer selfishness and this choice separates us from the divine presence.  God is pure love and cannot occupy the same space as selfishness; He is Light and in Him is no darkness.  Each of us enters the world born with selfish and self-exalting inclinations and because of Grace, we are now invited into the redemptive process as children of God—children learning the ways of holy love.  Because of Jesus we can know the truth of our original identity—created in the image of God—receive the forgiving mercy of God, and grow in the power of Grace (God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense).  Do you long for truth about yourself wrapped in tender mercy?  

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Blessing the Sons 2-10-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Blessing the Sons 2-10-16

Genesis 48, 49, 50


In our reading yesterday, Israel (Jacob) and Joseph are reunited and the family is set up—compliments of Pharaoh—for a new life beginning in Goshen.  They will be taken care of during the next five years of famine, because of the goodness of God to send Joseph to Egypt years earlier as an instrument of salvation.  Today, Israel is going to bless all the sons before he returns home to God.

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The Brother’s Return 2-8-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

The Brothers Return 2-8-16

Genesis 43-44


Yesterday, we read about Joseph’s brothers coming from Canaan to buy grain in Egypt. Their trip was filled with drama and self-revelation (recognizing their sin against Joseph). They returned home, but were told not to come to Egypt again to buy provision without their youngest brother, Benjamin. Today, we will read about the brother’s second trip to Egypt with Benjamin.

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Begging Brothers 2-7-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Begging Brothers 2-7-16

Genesis 42


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph went from the prison to the palace by interpreting Pharaoh’s dream; seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.  Today, we will find Joseph during the seven years of famine.  He is distributing food to the needy; the famine is far reaching beyond Egypt.  As he looks out into the crowd gathered, Joseph immediately recognizes his ten older brothers waiting in the food line; they had traveled from Canaan for provisions.

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Dream Pharaoh Dream 2-6-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Dream Pharaoh Dream 2-6-16

Genesis 41


Yesterday, we read about Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker being in prison under Joseph’s care.  He comforts them and interprets their dreams; all is fulfilled.  Joseph asks the cupbearer, when he is reinstated into Pharaoh’s staff, to remember him to Pharaoh and put in a good word, but two years have gone by and Joseph is still in prison.  Today, we will read about how in one divine appointment, Father God connects Joseph’s ability to interpret with two strange dreams of Pharaoh for the purpose of providing food for His human family.

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Joseph Interprets Dreams 2-5-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Joseph Interprets Dreams 2-5-16

Genesis 40


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph became the overseer of Potiphar’s house.  We also read how Potiphar’s wife lied about Joseph’s behavior and this innocent man found himself in the royal prison.  Today, we will stay in the prison with Joseph to encounter Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker.

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God, Judah, Tamar, and Dishonor 2-3-16 Cont.

Genesis:  The Beginning

God, Judah, Tamar, Dishonor 2-3-16

Genesis 38


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph and his dreams caused such hatred among his brothers they sold him into slavery.  The dreams were actually given to reassure God’s people he was orchestrating things, but the brothers did not see it that way, so they took steps to silence the dreamer.   While Joseph is enslaved in Egypt under the rule  of Potiphar, our reading shifts our focus off from Joseph and onto Judah—the ancestor of the tribe of Judah.   FYI, King David and Jesus were descendants of Judah.  Tonight, we travel to Adullam (translates deceptive) where we watch the unrolling life choices of Judah, his sons, and his daughter-in-law, Tamar.    Adullam was a royal city in Canaan; NW of Hebron by 15 miles.  The life stories in Chapters 37-38 will reveal a moral contrast between Joseph and Judah.

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