Now that you have read Genesis 1:1-2:3, let’s break down some important words in each verse.
Genesis 1:1-2
v.1 “In the Beginning” refers to the beginning of when God created; not to the beginning of eternity.
v.1 “God” (Elohim—Creator and Judge is plural—supreme power) has existed in eternity.
v.1 “Created” God—created the universe out of ex nihilo (out of nothing).
v.1 “Heavens and earth” refers to the entire cosmos.
v.2 “Formless” or “empty” refers to substance in the creation process. God created matter that was otherwise without order/chaos.
v.2 “darkness covered the waters” darkness existed.
v.2 “Spirit of God” refers to the Holy Spirit; Breath of God.
Genesis 1:3-31
v.3 “Then God said” refers to creative time of bringing order and the way God chose to create…He spoke and it manifest.
v.3 “Light” evidently existed prior to the creation of the sun (day 4). Scripture teaches God is the source of light but it appears he made a temporary light at this time.
v.4 “God made space between or separated” the light/darkness; waters below and above the sky; land/sea. In this separation, God gives form to creation and fills it so it is no longer formless or empty.
v.5 “Day..Night” God created time by determining what a day would be. Ends Day 1.