Daily Devotional from Lauren Chouinard 09-08-23

From September 4th through September 14th several Connect2Christ Church Family members will be leading our devotional time. This will allow us an opportunity to learn more about our brother’s and sister’s hearts for Christ through each of their devotions.

My Name Is: Lauren Marie Chouinard

Why Did I Join C2C Church: my family was searching for a new church. I knew about C2C Church because I helped my mom for seven years at their church Markets. Everybody seemed so sweet and loving! They prayed over my mom while my dad was in hospital for 32 days! So, we tried a church service one time as a family, and we loved it so much! I feel loved by everyone! I love pastor Mary. Coming to C2C Church was the best decision I ever made! I love my C2C Church family very much; I love it as my second home! It’s where I belong!

My Spiritual Gift: is that I have a heart of gold! I love so big, and I am so caring! I’m told that I brighten everyone’s day when I walk into the room! I love everyone! I know and remember everyone’s name. I love praying with people and I feel so loved by God! I feel so compassionate towards people!

Here is My Testimony of How God Has & Continues to Touch My Life: I do have to say without God I wouldn’t be here because I had a tough life when I was a baby. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t talk, and I was so sick, but God healed me. God has done amazing things in my life! He has always been there for me. I know He has more amazing stuff for my life. I’m so blessed He brought me in to C2C Church because I was able to share my testimony at church and I loved it! He blessed me with a beautiful job at Seminole DQ where I have worked for 11 years. I love Jesus and I’m excited for all of the stuff he will do in my life!

Scripture Passages That Have Spoken Over My Life: (Acts 27) I love the apostle Paul when he talks about going through a storm! I love that one because it’s so good! God is always there to comfort me when I’m in a storm. I always love that! God allows storms in our life because He knows we can handle it. I also love the one about love is patient and kind it doesn’t not boast, or envy and it is not self-seeking! Love never fails! (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

I Challenge You: to never ever give up! I recommend you raise the bar very high because I know you can do it because you can do absolutely everything! I can do all things through Christ Who strengthen me (Philippians 4:13)! Love God and love your family! Give some hugs to everyone! Tell someone you love and appreciate them! Spend time with your loved ones because you don’t know when their time is up! Give them love and hugs! Don’t listen to other people if they say you can’t do something you tell them you can do it! Prove them wrong! Don’t let the devil win because Jesus wins! You can do it! Because Jesus is your way maker! He is working in your life even when you don’t see it He is working!

Prayer: In Jesus; Name I want to Thank You, Jesus, for my wonderful family and my beautiful house and my church and my friends! Thank You, God, for always being there for me. Thank You, Jesus, for everything! You’re amazing God! I love You, Jesus! Thank You for making me Your daughter, a daughter of the One True King! I love You, Jesus! Thank You for keeping me safe! Thank You for loving me and caring for me! Everything I say or do I want it to all point to You! All God’s people say, amen!

Daily Devotional from Toni Eldred 09-07-23

From September 4th through September 14th several Connect2Christ Church Family members will be leading our devotional time. This will allow us an opportunity to learn more about our brother’s and sister’s hearts for Christ through each of their devotions.

My name is Toni Eldred. I am currently in the position of Media Coordinator at C2C Church. I also hold the title of Chair of Missions, am a leader in our Chapter of Royal Neighbors and will occasionally sing for the Praise Team. To say that I love my church would be an understatement!

I moved to Florida, from New Jersey, in 2002. My parents would visit us every year, sometimes twice a year. My mom would often ask me if I found a church to go to. That question was met with reluctance, not because I didn’t believe in God, just because, I guess, I didn’t have the time?!

As I rode on my exercise bike, at the gym across the parking lot from, what I knew was a bank, I slowly watched it transform into a “church.” I decided at that moment that this would be MY NEW church. I wanted to do the right thing, not so much for my mom, but for myself.

My idea of going to church was to attend service, receive the message, sit in the back, talk to no one, and leave. WELL, God had a different plan for me! That was not going to happen at C2C Church. With no looking back, I am planted firmly within my church.

My Spiritual Gifts: are Exhortation/Service; Faith/Mercy; Administration.

Ephesians 6:11 NLT
“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

Hebrews 6:19 NLT
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”

I Challenge You: to spread the word. Find someone who needs Christ. Talk about Him with strangers. Bring someone new to church!

Prayer: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the knowledge and the strength to carry on each day. I am so blessed to know You as my Father. I thank You for each and every little blessing You bring into my life. I will honor and serve You always. I promise to continue to do good work for Your Kingdom. In Your Holy Precious Name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Rich Tumicki 09-06-23

From September 4th through September 14th several Connect2Christ Church Family members will be leading our devotional time. This will allow us an opportunity to learn more about our brother’s and sister’s hearts for Christ through each of their devotions.

Written by: Rich Tumicki

Why I joined C2C Church: I joined C2C Church because this is the first church where I truly felt like I belonged. The people were kind and welcoming and I never felt judged in any way. It was clear that the Lord led us to this church to continue to serve Him. It was evident from the beginning that this church was different because we focus on a relationship and NOT religion. I kept thinking that this was too good to be true, but week after week, God continued to reveal that this was the right church home for us. While I understand that no church is perfect and all churches have their challenges, the way this church handles things is quite incredible. God is always at the center and Love is always present.

My Spiritual Gifts: Administration and Leadership

Here is the Testimony of How God Has & Continues to Touch My Life: I was raised Catholic and did not truly know what it meant to have a relationship with God until much later in life. I was asked on my very first visit to a Baptist church if was I saved? I had no idea what that meant. After continuing to go to church with Lisa, who was my girlfriend at the time, I wanted to continue to learn, and I was fascinated to see the differences between the Catholic church and a Baptist church. It was only until about 10 years ago that I really learned that a relationship with Jesus is the most important thing aside from accepting Him as my Savior. As I continued to serve, I knew there had to be more. I always seemed to be putting out fires and was being distracted from the true reason for serving. As I continued to be discouraged with people, I never gave up on Jesus. I knew He had a better plan. Fast forward to today, God is and has continued to touch our life in mighty ways. He is always faithful even when we think He is not working.

He shows up at the right time, every time! It is not always about “the stuff,” it’s about the joy that we have. I could cite example after example of what God has done in our lives. He has moved us physically, emotionally, and spiritually consistently. He continues to be faithful, and I trust Him wholeheartedly. Even when things don’t go the way I planned, I know that He has provided the best way for me. Everything happens for a reason. My life is not perfect, but the way I approach adversity at home and at work is so much different today. He continues to work in me, and I will continue to serve and follow Him wherever He leads me. The hardest part is trying to identify where He wants me. I could not imagine my life without Him.

One of the scriptures passages that has spoken over my life is:

Romans 8:28:

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

I Challenge You: to look for good in every circumstance and always ask what it is that He wants you to learn in every situation that you face. No more lip service let’s serve Him together and truly make a difference in our community.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Who You are and how You love us the way You do. I know that You have an incredible plan for each of us. We must submit ourselves to You daily and follow Your lead. Lord, guide our path and allow us to listen to Your guidance. I pray for our country and our leaders at all levels. Bless our nation and allow us to serve You until You are ready for us to come home. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Nancy Knight 09-05-23

From September 4th through September 14th several Connect2Christ Church Family members will be leading our devotional time. This will allow us an opportunity to learn more about our brother’s and sister’s hearts for Christ through each of their devotions.

Written by Nancy Knight:

I joined C2C Church as one of the founding members in 2010. Being a member of C2C Church is a privilege and a blessing. I am able to have a relationship with Jesus and to share His love with many others.

I feel my spiritual gift is teaching. I love teaching others about the love of Jesus, and I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with others in regard to Jesus. I also feel like I have the gift of feeling the emotions of others. I do not know if there is a name for that, but I do know that I am “in tune” with the feelings and emotions of others.

God has touched my life and continues to do so. He has brought miracles to the trials that I have faced by providing me spiritual comfort and by putting others in my life to help guide me. He has brought beauty from ashes. He has provided me with opportunities to touch the lives of others, and He has put others in my life to touch me. He has allowed me to use mistakes from my past to help those currently experiencing the same problems.

2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance,”

This is a verse that I keep close to my heart. I have a family member that is struggling with his beliefs, and this verse gives me comfort that God will be patient with him.

I challenge you to commune with Jesus each and every day, to put your relationship with Him above all others, and to pray about your spiritual gift(s) so that you can be a blessing to others as Jesus has gifted you to be.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for this opportunity to share with others about the blessing you are to me. You are a loving, giving Father, our comforter and healer. Lord, we ask forgiveness of any sin we have committed in thought, word, and deed. Lord, I ask that each person reading this devotion realize how loving and faithful you are. Please give others insight into the gifts you have given them, so that we can all work together for your kingdom. These things I ask in your name. Amen

Daily Devotional from Peter Talbott 09-04-23

From September 4th through September 14th several Connect2Christ Church Family members will be leading our devotional time. This will allow us an opportunity to learn more about our brother’s and sister’s hearts for Christ through each of their devotions.

My name is Peter Talbott. I am a founding member of Connect2Christ Church, and I am currently serving as the church Administrator and the convening member of the Board of Directors.

My spiritual gifts are:

Exhortation (I deliver the announcements and the invocation during Sunday worship, and I have also brought the message on occasions when Pastor Mary has been absent.)

Apostleship (As stated above, I am a founding member of the church and have been a member of the board since that time. I played a major role in the purchase of the church building in 2013 serving as the negotiator between ourselves and Regions Bank.)

Giving (I work closely with the church treasurer to ensure that the church finances, income and expenses are accurately kept, and all salaries and invoices are paid in a timely fashion. I develop the annual church budget in conjunction with the Board of Directors for presentation to the congregation at the church’s annual meeting.

Leadership (I work closely with Pastor Mary and the Board of Directors in guiding the church both in worship and mission according to the direction in which we believe God is leading us.)

God touched my life many years ago by placing me in leadership positions at the two previous churches I attended – one in Connecticut, one in Florida, and now at C2C Church. He most recently touched my life five years ago when I had a massive heart attack. Many of you know I passed away three times in the operating room but the skilled hands of the cardiologist and others on the staff at Morton Plant Hospital plus God’s intersession gave me life. Pastor Mary has told me on several occasions that God didn’t have a place ready for me and that I had additional work to do both in my family and our church. I am truly blessed to continue my life’s journey.

One of my favorite pieces of scripture is:

2 Chronicles 7:14

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

I believe the only way our country will regain its world leadership position is if EVERYONE realizes that we must stop worshiping at the foot of the idol of wokeism and self-centeredness and recognize that Jesus and only Jesus is the answer to the degradation of our society.

I challenge you to pray regularly for our country.

Prayer: Thank You for my country, Lord, for my family and friends and the freedom that we have enjoyed up to now. Keep Your hand on this my nation and give our leaders wisdom to see Your ways and to look to You for the direction that we, as a nation, need to go. But also, Lord help me hold the things of this world lightly, knowing that my true citizenship is in heaven, as part of Your heavenly kingdom. Amen

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 09-01-23

Intro: One week ago Gracie, our little 7 y/o dog, completely tore a ligament in her left leg that required immediate surgery. It is a mystery how Gracie injured her leg, because one minute she was running with excitement through the house and the next minute she was limping to her bed unable to stand. Something happened to her inner stability as she was running the race. Our lesson from Scripture today, reminds me of this situation with Gracie and how believers can be injured spiritually causing us to limp in faith if we run toward sin.

The church in Thessalonica has been running the race in their relationship with Christ who is being revealed and glorified in the lives of believers. However, along comes some false teaching and it causes the followers of Christ to lose their footing, strength, and endurance to stand strong. Because they are being fed lies, they begin to waver in their faith during a time of persecution and with that momentary doubt the enemy charges in with fear. So, the believers write a letter telling Paul about this increasing persecution they are experiencing, as well as wanting to know when God will send relief from their suffering. In other words, when will the Lord be returning to deliver and gather his children of righteousness?

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul writes back to exhort the Thessalonian believers to stop wavering in their faith and hang onto the Holy Spirit, because two things must take place before the coming day of the Lord [the return of Christ]. First, there must be a “great” apostasy—believers rejecting the Lord by refusing to follow the Truth—Christ. Second, there must be an unveiling of the lawless one—the Antichrist—who will oppose Christ by seeking to fill the world with wickedness. Evil works in the hidden places of the heart to rob, steal, and destroy the faith of Christ’s followers; to bring fear, doubt, and abandonment of genuine faith (John 10:10).

Besides the Old Testament Book of Daniel, the New Testament also refers to Satan’s human instrument of evil whose character is defined by sin—the Antichrist—should you like to read more:
The Man of Sin—2 Thessalonians 2:3
The Son of Perdition—2 Thessalonians 2:3
The Lawless One—2 Thessalonians 2:9
The Antichrist—1 John 2:22
The Beast—Revelation 11:7 & Revelation 13:1

So, we must understand the plan of God in Christ to work through his redemptive children to unveil righteousness while at the same time the Antichrist is working through his destructive children to unveil wickedness. We must make a choice who we will exalt, because at this time God is holding back the advancement of evil through the work of the gospel, the Holy Spirit, and the Church—the children of righteousness. How long will God restrain evil? The answer seems to be until God reveals the Truth of the gospel, recalls the Holy Spirit to heaven, and removes the Church [raptures his children] from this worldly realm. During this time [tribulation], the Antichrist will have his way—hell on earth—until Christ returns with his righteous warriors to defeat evil and set up his Kingdom on earth.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 VOICE
7 For the mystery of sin is already working its way through the world; He who holds him [evil one of lawlessness] back now will continue to suppress him only until He [Spirit of Christ] is pulled out of the way. 8 It is then that this rebellious one will be finally unleashed. But the Lord will slay him with the breath of His mouth; and with the splendor of His coming, He will bring him to his predetermined end. 9 Still the rebellious one arrives with all sorts of power, performing signs and fake miracles sanctioned by Satan; 10 he employs every manner of wicked deception to wile away those who are destined for eternal death because they reject the love of the truth that leads to salvation. 11 Because of this, God sends a deceptive influence over them so they will wander from the truth and believe the lie. 12 As a result, God will judge all of those who did not entrust themselves to the truth when it faced them but instead reveled in wickedness.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the Truth revealed in your Word, today. Help us to choose wisely whom we will serve, because each day may be our last here on earth. We never know when you will call our name or return for your Church. We are not assured of spending eternity with you by our own goodness; rather, we are assured of being welcomed into the heavenly glory because we have received and chosen to live the Truth found only in Christ. Help us to pay attention and be ready. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-31-23

Intro: The other day I was watching our one year old granddaughter, Amana, mimic her father as they were playing in the kiddie pool. When our son, Jimmy, would spin or splash in the water, she would watch him and then try to do the same. When he would laughed or make faces in the spraying water, Amana would followed right along. It was such fun to see them playing together. Jimmy is an amazing man of God; a father filled with love. Amana loves and trusts her daddy, so she is very quick to imitate him.

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul encourages believers to be imitators of our Father. That seems like an impossible thing to accomplish, doesn’t it? God is so holy and just; his love is perfect and his compassion never fails. However, we know through the life, nature, and character of Christ we are to mimic him, because in following him we are pleasing to the Father. So, in the power of the Spirit, we need to approach life with that desire and obediently seek to mimic the One we confess to wholeheartedly and sacrificially love.

It is a tendency for believers to condemn unbelievers for their lifestyles, but I do not believe it is our place to do so even though we must never condone sin. Jesus did not model that action for us. With that said, I do believe it is our responsibility to pray and share the love of Christ with unbelievers so they will come to know the Lord. It is right for us to live the Word of God and to be ready to give our testimony. However, we are encouraged to help each other, as believers, stay the course in imitating Christ and allow the Light of Truth to shine through our transformed lives. Every believer is to mimic Christ—imitate God with his or her life. When we practice sin, we are children of disobedience—we are not imitating or following Christ. Let’s not pretend to be believers; instead, out of gratitude let’s challenge one another to live in the Light of God’s love.

Ephesians 5:1-6 NLT Living in the Light
1 Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.

3 Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people. 4 Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. 5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.

6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him [children of disobedience].

Prayer: Lord, thank you for leaving such an amazing example for us to follow. It can be an overwhelming challenge to stay the course while in this world, Lord, but thank you Holy Spirit for always being there as our Helper. Thank you for surrounding us with other believers so we can help and challenge one another toward victorious living. We praise you for being our Shelter during the hurricane and we ask for ways to bless others while we all go through the cleanup process. For those hardest hit by the hurricane, we pray grace and provision for them. Please continue to guide and direct our lives. Lead us forward in your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-30-23

Intro: It is easy to praise the Lord when everything around us is going smoothly and we feel secure. In those times, we have an awareness of the presence of God with us based on our feelings and our positive circumstances. However, it is not near so easy to praise the Lord when we face the storms of uncertainty, pressure, or feel distanced from the Lord due to negative or overwhelming circumstances.

Right now, the residents of much of Florida are scrambling to know what to do to protect themselves and their homes, as well as make the decisions on where to go with the mandatory evacuations imposed. We might be tempted to feel anxious, agitated, or fearful, because that is a natural and human response to our situation. And yet, the same God who was with us in the beautiful day we experienced yesterday, is the same God who is with us in the approaching storm, today.

In our passage from Matthew, we need to take a lesson from a woman of praise; Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus—is a woman devoted in faith to her Lord. Mary pours out spikenard and anoints her King. She does not understand everything Jesus is saying or even why she is inspired to such a place of sacrificial worship, but she is “all in” with her praise. Her actions of praise are so loud it unsettles the other disciples who are present. Therefore, Jesus pours out praise and blessing for his daughter, because he desires for others [into the future] to know the value of her praise and choice to exalt him.

Your praise is important, too. So, wherever you find yourself today, please take time to praise the Lord for his presence with you and look around you to see how your loud acts of praise can be instrumental in touching the lives of others who have yet to meet and praise the King for themselves. May God keep us safe in his Mighty Strength and Righteous Love, today.

Matthew 26:6-13 NLT Jesus Anointed at Bethany
6 Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy [considered an outcast]. 7 While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume [worth a year’s wages] and poured it over his head.

8 The disciples were indignant when they saw this. “What a waste!” they said. 9 “It could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.”

10 But Jesus, aware of this, replied, “Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me? 11 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. 12 She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial. 13 I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for inspiring praise within us each day. May your praise be continually on our lips and may our loud acts of praise to exalt you be noticed by the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-29-23

Intro: Sometimes as we think about God, we may confess his involvement in creation is perplexing and quite the mystery for our human minds. The one thing we should believe and understand is that God is sovereign and therefore, always in control of his creation. He wisely directs the course of the universe, the world, and all creation, and he justly determines the way to salvation. He has put everything into place in order to connect himself with human beings and provide for victorious living. Therefore, the proper response to God should always be praise.

Praise (Heb: shabach—shaw-bakh’) means to loudly commend or glorify God in a voice of triumph. We can praise God through prayer, singing, writing, serving others, evangelizing, and much more. Obviously, singing is a very popular way to praise the Lord. In fact, a doxology is a short hymn of praise; a way to verbalize the glory of the Lord who brings us spiritual victory.

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul uses verses from the Book of Job to write a doxology and exhorts God’s people to “shabach” praise and glorify the Lord (36:22). As believers, we serve the King of Glory—the Lord strong and mighty in our lives (Ps 24:8). The Lord is the revealed glory of God and one day he will reveal a whole new level of that glory when he returns to set up his Kingdom. Then, we will know as fact what has been a mystery. So, let’s choose to praise the Lord, today, and tell someone about him!

Romans 11:33-36 NLT
33 Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!
For who can know the Lord’s thoughts?    Who knows enough to give him advice?
And who has given him so much    that he needs to pay it back?
36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.

Prayer: Lord, we praise your name in all the world and proclaim our victory in you. How wonderful to serve you—the One who has absolute power and wisdom. We trust you to take care of us, Lord, no matter what storms come our way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Jen Auer 08-28-2023

Before we look at today’s passage in Romans 2, let’s recall the first chapter.

When Paul begins his letter to the Romans, he starts by thanking them for their faith. He wants them to know that he realizes that “God’s Good News” about Christ, is being revealed through them and talked about all over the world (1:8). He uses the words of the prophet, Habakkuk, to end the first section of chapter one and before he goes into the second section to ensure that they (we) understand “God’s Anger at Sin”: “Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.” (2:4)

In today’s passage, we see that Paul is not finished with teaching about sin as he goes on about “God’s Judgment of Sin”. He ended chapter one with a list of sinful and wicked deeds, but he wants everyone to know that even if they can cross off every sin he listed, they are still guilty of sin, because we are all born with a sinful nature, and far too often we all judge our fellow brothers and sisters. The only sinless One is Jesus, Who is also the only Judge. No one can avoid God’s judgment. All religious leaders, all non-religious leaders, all religious people, and all non-religious people will one day face Jesus for judgment, and as Paul reminds us that “day is coming when God, through Christ, will judge everyone’s secret life” (2:16) because only Jesus knows the true motives of our hearts.

Friends, we must stop doing what is evil. Paul gives us the list and he also reminds us to stop judging others with our minds, hearts, words, actions, and inactions. We need to be walking out our salvation every second of every day and asking Jesus to strengthen our roots in Him so our faith and relationship with Him can grow deeper and more intimate. We know there will be trouble for those who keep on doing what is evil, but we also know there will be glory, honor, and peace from God for all of those who do good (v.9-10). Good does not mean good works, Paul tells us that good is seeking after the glory, honor, and immortality that God offers (v. 7). This offer is to spend eternity with God, and if we truly want it, we must allow Jesus to have His way in and through us so others can see Him and be drawn to His unending love and eternal kingdom today!

Romans 2:1-11 (NLT)
God’s Judgment of Sin

1 You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. 2 And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. 3 Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things? 4 Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

5 But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. 6 He will judge everyone according to what they have done. 7 He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. 8 But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. 9 There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing what is evil—for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. 10 But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all who do good—for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, reveal to me the areas of sin that I need to work with You to correct within my life. I want to grow in my faith, and in my relationship with Christ, and I know that sin will hold me back. Jesus, thank You for Your forgiveness. Help me to put a watch over my words, I want to speak more like You. Help my actions to be in alignment with Your actions. I want my heart to be in oneness with Your heart, and for people to see You in and through me. Please use me to grow Your Kingdom. I ask all of this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.