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God Horizons: Your True Identity

“When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy.  You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”  Luke 1:44

I want to take you back, over 2000 years ago, to a small town with a teenage girl, Mary.  She is entrusted with a Promise that has been delivered by an angel.  God places that promise within Mary; she is to give birth to Christ. It defies all logic; all reason.  It seems out of context; it looks like she is dishonored.  She ponders the word given by the angel; the message that she is highly favored and loved by God. She chooses to believe.  No one really knows for awhile about the Promise in Mary.  The ones that do, find it impossible to believe.  It’s a huge gift, but carrying and explaining such a Gift is difficult.  Staying among the people who have known her and viewed her as a child with nothing significant yet to offer, makes it impossible for her to have the right perspective of herself–seeing herself from God’s horizon.  How will she gain that proper vantage point?

God takes her to be with others who have experienced something wonderful from God; something they are seeking to understand, too.  Mary is sent to visit and spend time with Elizabeth. Elizabeth has been given a Word–a Promise–from God, as well.  There is nothing so powerful as to be with people who have a vision from God for which they are seeking to give birth themselves.  It makes the Promise within each of us leap for joy!  It’s the beauty of the Christian spiritual family who share a “living faith.”  Within the Church, there should always be members of the “family” who are excited about what God is doing in his or her life that lifts us to another level of believing.  Surround yourself with people who have a drive to learn more about the Incarnate–God the Son being birthed in his people.  When we are with people who love and nurture the Promise within us, miracles can be expected.  The Incarnate is free to grow and develop in the womb of such a healthy church body.  It is my deepest desire to create such an environment for the “family” and in connection to Christ we will.  Welcome to the “spiritual womb” called C2C Church!

“Relationships with Christians are crucial if we stand any chance of forming an identity that takes into account who we are in God’s eyes.  Only God’s eyes reflect who we truly are; all others distort…”  (The Godbearing Life by Dean & Foster, p 48, 1998).