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Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-17-20

Psalm 81:13-16 (TPT)
O that my people would once and for all listen to me and walk faithfully in my footsteps, following my ways.
Then and only then will I conquer your every foe and tell every one of them, ‘You must go!’
Those who hate my ways will cringe before me and their punishment will be eternal.
But I will feed you with my spiritual bread.
You will feast and be satisfied with me,
feeding on my revelation-truth like honey
dripping from the cliffs of the high place.”

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: As God’s people, we must grow in our love for his ways; faithfully walking out each day in a way that honors our Living God. We are called to represent him in all we say and do. We must trust him and remain in his shalom (wholeness/peace) and sufficiency to care for us as his children. In this place—worship—God fights our enemies and engages in our battles. There is no one more Mighty or more Victorious to fight our battles. Our part is to walk in Truth and to feed on the nutrients that occupy the spiritual life of grace. Lead on O King Eternal!

Prayer: Lord, I pause and linger in your presence, today. Feed me and satisfy me in your wholeness. Fight my battles and deliver me from evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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