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Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-27-20

Psalm 130:5-6

I am counting on the Lord;
    yes, I am counting on him.
    I have put my hope in his word.

I long for the Lord
    more than sentries long for the dawn,
    yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: We must trust God’s Word; we have every reason to do so. Within the pages of Scripture, God reveals his unfailing love for his sinful human creation. The Lord desires to have a relationship with humanity that is built upon trust in his goodness and hope in his love for us. God’s Word actually imparts hope to our souls; it contains the promises of God that he will rescue us from anything that seeks to destroy us if we will humbly turn to him. When we long or hope for something, we wait expectantly for it. Hope in the Lord!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your Word and for imparting hope to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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