Ministries of C2C Church

Connect2Christ Church offers many creative ministry opportunities. Ministry is very personal and powerful; a place for each person to share how God’s love has changed his or her life.  We seek to grow and create more ministry opportunities for God’s family each year.  Ministry is what helps believers “grow up into Christ” and become the mature community who goes out into the world and lives the Gospel (Ephesians 4:15). Followers of Jesus Christ are passionate and joy-filled ministers of the gospel–sharing the Good News of God’s love for everyone.  

Music Connection

C2C Church Singers
Some of our C2C Church Singers

Pete Bottichio and Karan Chisholm lead our Music & Praise Teams.  Not only do these two have extraordinary spiritual gifts, they lead a group of very gifted people who love Jesus.  Our entire worship team volunteers to bring passion and love to the worship environment each week. Music is the melody of the heart and a great way to connect to Christ and exalt the Living Lord.

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C2C Sunday Worship

c2c connections

c2c connectionsWorship is a place of spiritual connection and agreement; living surrendered to the will and purposes of God. It is more than a church service where we pray, praise, and preach.

I agree with Tommy Tenney’s definition, “Worship begins the moment you say yes to every task, service, project, or activity instigated by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.”  That’s the depth of worship we seek to achieve. We believe mission flows from worshiping in Spirit and Truth.  Our only Hope to accomplish our goal is in our connection to Christ.

Jesus makes a Way for communion with God; the Body that was broken and the Blood of the new covenant. Christ gave His life so that we may enjoy eternal life.

How special are the times when we share and celebrate communion together. It is a beautiful reminder of God’s love for us; the Redeemer who bought us with a great price so that we may know true freedom.

God alone knows who we were created to be and do; each person an original masterpiece of the Creator (Ephesians 2:10).

As we seek to live in a place of agreement with God’s plan, we can become authentic in purpose and fully alive; physically and spiritually. Our lives will change.  Our lives will influence others.

Please join us as we connect our faith to worship the Most High this Sunday. Refreshments will be served from 9:15AM-9:45AM. Our corporate worship time is every Sunday at 9:45 AM.  Nursery Available


Seminole Church, C2C Church

C2C Church, Seminole Florida
C2C Church, Seminole Florida

Connect2Christ Church is a Non-Denominational Church Located in Seminole Florida. We are built on the foundation of Connecting Worship with Missions in our Local Area.

  • Our Worship is  – Inspiring, Uplifting and Focused on God!
  • Our Music is – Singing, Praising, Acting and Nurturing.
  • 18 Musicians – Serve on our Ministry team. Check Us Out!

Making Connections…

We are so happy you have chosen to connect with us through our Seminole Church website.  Life is a journey and God has created us for relationships–connections.  Therefore, our goal, on the path of life, is to be in agreement with God’s desires by developing and supporting healthy relational connections. In the power of the cross, we find ourselves reaching vertically to God and horizontally to our fellow traveling companions; 2 powerful ways to connect to Christ we call worship and mission.

Since our sovereign God is the Source of life, we need to make that relational connection the most important. By doing so, we honor the eternal covenant (promised agreement) God made to love and provide for His people.  This connection positions us to open ourselves up to make Christ the Lord of our lives; a posture of worship–connect to Christ.  Making this vertical connection is the beginning, but we must continue making more connections.

Jesus commanded, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  A second is equally important:  Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:37-39 NLT)  Our responsibility as God worshipers is to connect and reach out to others who need God, through mission–connect through Christ.

In this world, we find escalating challenges; discouraged and desperate people in need of an experience with the Love of God found in Christ.  An experience so powerful, he or she will want to make the rest of life’s journey connected to the Savior.  God’s Word is a Light and God’s Spirit leads the Way for eternal connections.