Interruptions are Messy Day 13

Interruptions are Messy

ReRead:  Mark 2:3-4

Wednesday 3/4/15   Day 13  

Ponder:  Four friends are making a plan for this paralyzed man to have an audience with Jesus.  They go to extremes to intercede for him. There are no doorbells or cell phones to gain attention.  Yelling over the crowd would not be an option. The doorway is blocked, so obviously with all the hindrances in place someone suggests they dig a hole through the roof and lower the man down beside Jesus. Seriously? It’s messy! God pays attention to this faith; it’s extraordinary and driven.  Note, it is not the faith of the paralytic that moves God’s compassion, it is the faith of this man’s friends who are determined that hearing the words “no room near Jesus” is not acceptable.  

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