Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-20-19

February 20, 2019

Luke 11:37-41 The Voice

It doesn’t happen near often enough, but I love when our family gets together for a sit down dinner; time spent talking, laughing, and sharing about life (and eating great food, of course!)  Jesus did much of his teaching over dinner.  It was a time to teach, listen, and grow from the thoughts shared of those gathered around the table.  

Jesus was always prompt at telling the truth and in our passage today, he tells the truth and spiritually smacks those listening upside the head.  Actually, Jesus offends people before they even get started with dinner. He calls them a “walking contradiction.”   What will our takeaway be today as we read from the gospel of Luke? Is it possible we care more about the external things of life than the internal things which are actually eternal?

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