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Living with Interruptions Day 9

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:48-49

Friday 2/27/15   Day 9

Ponder: Are you aware when Jesus is standing still because someone else has called for kindness?

Jesus is leaving Jericho. I am sure his disciples are trying to protect him and his time.  Certainly, he doesn’t need to deal with another problem or needy person, right? If we are listening to the Word, we know this mindset is wrong. We read in our passage when Bartimaeus boldy cries out in faith, Jesus stands still.   Picture that; Jesus hears him and stands still.  What does that mean?


Practice:  What causes you to stop and stand still when it comes to cries for kindness? In our present culture it can be easy to make excuses as to why we do not extend self-sacrificing kindness.  After all,  some people do nothing to help themselves, right? Some people are takers and never givers. What if God’s idea of kindness or mercy is more like a hand up rather than a hand out? What if Jesus is standing still because he wants his disciples to take this opportunity to mentor and/or help someone else into His love?  Will we listen or will we try to silence the voice?

Prayer:  Abba, allow me to recognize when you are standing still and when I need to act according to your will.  Holy Spirit bear witness to the truth in my heart each day.  I want to know you more and follow you more closely. I want to emulate your love.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Mission:  Jesus was not able to help everyone in need. We cannot meet that demand either.  Pray and ask God to show you ways that you may participate in helping another person with a hand up into His love.

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