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Jesus, the Interrupter Day 19

Jesus, the Interrupter

Read:  John 4:4-23

Wednesday 3/11/15   Day 19  

Ponder:  The desert that led to Jacob’s well has made the Master fatigued and thirsty. It’s the hottest part of the day; twelve noon.  Jesus is tired from the walk, overwhelmed by the heat, and interrupted by thirst; a human experience. In the Samaritan village called Sychar Jesus positions himself by the well and hopes for a drink of fresh cool water.

Practice:  We’ve all experienced being tired, hot, and thirsty; it’s miserable and the only thing on our mind is getting a drink to satisfy the thirst and find a little shade. Water is necessary for physical life. The Living Water, Jesus, is necessary to quench our thirsty souls. The bearing down heat of the world can overwhelm us; we can get weary of living faithfully to God. God’s Word brings power to endure and press on; it quenches our dehydrated minds, will, and emotions. Jesus understands our need for spiritual water and begs us not to forsake coming to His well of Living Water.  So don’t forget to go to the well and sit; Jesus allowed thirst to interrupt him and we should, too.  Allow the well of God’s Word to clean you.  The shadow of the Almighty will bring relief and the Spirit will provide what you need.  So, drink.

Prayer:  Lord, I confess some days I feel extremelly thirsty and worn out.  Thank you for this reminder to position myself at your well.  Fill me to overflowing as I open myself to Your Word.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Mission:  When God allows you to see people who are overwhemed and parched from dealing with life, tell them Jesus is the River of Life, and to be quenched with the Word is to be eternally satisfied.  

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