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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-15-18

November 15, 2018

Psalm 16 The Wisest Decision

David made a life time commitment to the Lord and in our psalm today, he describes the benefits of that decision that brought him peace and joy.    The fullness of God’s presence found in David’s commitment sustained him in this life and brought him hope for eternity.  The world brings fleeting pleasures, but at the righteous hand of God, we can know true and lasting pleasure as he takes us from being a refuge to making us an heir in Christ Jesus.  Jesus never promised his followers a trouble free life; rather, he promised to always be with us and to guide our paths.   Pray for God to make you hungry for eternal pleasures and fill you with heavenly joy as you trust him with your life.

Psalm 16

Protect me, Lord God!

    I run to you for safety,

and I have said,

    “Only you are my Lord!

    Every good thing I have

    is a gift from you.”

Your people are wonderful,

    and they make me happy,[a]

    but worshipers of other gods

    will have much sorrow.[b]

I refuse to offer sacrifices

of blood to those gods

    or worship in their name.

You, Lord, are all I want!

    You are my choice,

    and you keep me safe.

You make my life pleasant,

    and my future is bright.

I praise you, Lord,

    for being my guide.

Even in the darkest night,

    your teachings fill my mind.

I will always look to you,

    as you stand beside me

    and protect me from fear.

With all my heart,

I will celebrate,

    and I can safely rest.


I am your chosen one.

You won’t leave me in the grave

    or let my body decay.


You have shown me

    the path to life,

    and you make me glad

    by being near to me.

Sitting at your right side,[c]

    I will always be joyful.

Prayer:  Lord, please help me celebrate with great joy today the pleasure of your presence.  You make my heart glad and my soul satisfied.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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