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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-28-19

February 28, 2019

Psalm 99:1-5  Contemporary English Version (CEV)

To be Christ followers is to acknowledge God has a claim on our lives and we are to live under his authority and leadership.  It is no longer about living according to the dictates of our flesh; it is about living under the authority of God’s Word.  He alone is fair and just; he shows no favoritism. Sometimes we think God doesn’t care about our thoughts, desires, or what would make us “happy;” but that is a false perception.  He loves us and knows more about our selfish and corrupt flesh than we do.  If the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, it is because God sees the harm that sin can do.  He knows all things.  He is gentle, kind, and the Spirit’s work is to connect us in his perfect shalom.

In our passage today, the psalmist reminds us about God’s greatness, mercy, and might.  Our response should be “Yes” and “Amen” to that truth.  God is great, full of mercy, and brings his might to help us live each day.  Praise for the Lord should continually flow from our lips.  Charles H. Spurgeon once said, “It ought to be our daily delight to magnify so good and great a God.”

Psalm 99:1-5 Our Lord Is King

Our Lord, you are King!

    You rule from your throne

above the winged creatures,

    as people tremble

    and the earth shakes.

You are praised in Zion,

    and you control all nations.

Only you are God!

    And your power alone,

    so great and fearsome,

    is worthy of praise.

You are our mighty King,

    a lover of fairness,

    who sees that justice is done

    everywhere in Israel.

Our Lord and our God,

    we praise you

    and kneel down to worship you,

    the God of holiness!

Prayer:  Praise your name, Lord!  It is my delight, today, to magnify you!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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