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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary – 9-01-20

Psalm 17:15
As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.

Yesterday we looked at the first verse of Psalm 17, and today we are looking at the last verse. To awake in God’s likeness, would mean that King David was praying about what heaven is like after he leaves the earthly realm, and he describes seeing God. This verse tells me two things about King David: 1. he looked forward to eternity in the heavenly realm and 2. he longed to be satisfied just by being in the presence of the Almighty and nothing else.

Isn’t it awesome to know that one day, in the heavenly realm, you and I will see God face-to-face? Well, let’s be honest, you and I will probably be on our knees and weeping tears of pure joy. Nevertheless, we will see Him, and we won’t need anything else, only Him. We know that we can’t see God here in the earthly realm, as no man, on earth, has ever seen Him except for Jesus (John 1:3). So, in the meantime, we must be living for eternity with God now.

Think about yesterday, if yesterday was your last day on this earth, do you believe you accomplished in that 24 hours what God had planned for you? If you had met up with Jesus, face-to-face, do you think He would have approved of the things you said and/or did yesterday? If the answer is no, well, it’s a good thing you have today. We must be in alignment with eternity, by eternal living now, because remember, we are citizens of heaven (Phil 3:20) and we are called to act accordingly.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live for eternity today, tomorrow, and every day that you have me on this earth. I long to be satisfied by You alone. Please forgive me when I put people, tasks, or things ahead of You. You are my first love, and I want my words and actions to be pleasing to You. Jesus, I pray a special blessing over Pastor Mary and her family. Be with them as they are away from home. Please provide Your comfort, strength, and peace. In Your Precious Name, Jesus. Amen.

Written By: Jen Auer

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