A Courageous Spirit: A Praiser

A recent reading in the book of Psalm was a great reminder to me of the importance of praise.  I am not talking about the praise of mankind that we share building up one another.  Rather, I am talking about the expressions of our lips that should bubble over and articulate the amazing goodness of God in every moment.  What are your lips saying?

We chat with others about many things every day; but let’s not allow that chatter to replace the praise of God that should continually spring forth from our lips.  God is good; our faces should reflect that glorious truth operating in our lives.  We are loved, healed, and restored through our connection to Christ. Our words should be filled with thanksgiving; the world needs to know our immense gratitude.  It takes courage to tell others about our Source from whom all blessings flow; the Living Hope and focus of our eternal praise. 

The advice of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a famous preacher and theologian, to all Christians was to “Wash your face every morning in a bath of praise.”  Share your praise of God with others.  Our faces–countenance–and our words must be bathed everyday in the praise of God.  We were created to bring glory and honor to the Most High.  Christians, courageous ones, are praisers.  Did you wash your face this morning? 

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.  Let the whole world know what he has done.  Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.  Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.  Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord.”   Psalm 105:1-3