Living with Interruptions Day 11

Living with Interruptions

ReRead: Mark 10:52

Monday 3/2/15   Day 11 

Ponder: All of Bartimaeus’ life was marked with interruptions of hardship and suffering. This blind beggar now has an encounter with the Living Grace of God, Jesus. Bartimaeus cries  out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” In other words, “Messiah, save me.” Jesus replies, “What do you want me to do for you?” Batimaeus answers, “Rabbi, I want to see.” In other Words, “Teacher, I need revelation or truth.” Jesus tells the beggar, “Your faith has saved you.” Immediately, he received his sight. With abounding gratitude, Bartimaeus follows Jesus down the road.

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Living with Interruptions Day 10

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:49-51

Saturday 2/28/15   Day 10

Ponder:  An encouraging word can mean so much; it is sometimes a refreshing surprise for our weary souls.   We need reassurance that we are loved.

At first, people are under the impression that Jesus does not have time for Bartimaeus, but then Jesus calls to him.  Bartimaeus throws off his coat and he springs forward.  The blind man runs right to the feet of Jesus the minute he calls.  Jesus asks, “How can I help you?”  Perhaps another way to translate the question is, “How may I redirect you toward love?”  

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Living with Interruptions Day 9

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:48-49

Friday 2/27/15   Day 9

Ponder: Are you aware when Jesus is standing still because someone else has called for kindness?

Jesus is leaving Jericho. I am sure his disciples are trying to protect him and his time.  Certainly, he doesn’t need to deal with another problem or needy person, right? If we are listening to the Word, we know this mindset is wrong. We read in our passage when Bartimaeus boldy cries out in faith, Jesus stands still.   Picture that; Jesus hears him and stands still.  What does that mean?

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Living with Interruptions Day 8

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:47-48

Thursday 2/26/15   Day 8

Ponder:  If Jesus was to pass by us would we be driven to call out to him?  Would we abandon what others thought and grab ahold of Christ’s attention by asking for mercy?  Is that what we would ask Jesus to extend or do for us?

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Living with Interruptions Day 7

Living with Interruptions

Read:  Mark 10:46-52

Wednesday 2/25/15   Day 7  

Ponder:  Our culture seems to be defined by interrupting communications. We can experience constant phone calls, text messages, and emails.  It is not unusual to be interrupted by all of these things as you are trying to get out the door to an appointment.  Can you relate to having interruptions when you have someplace else to be?  How do you respond to the demands for your time?

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Interruptions as Opportunity Day 6

Interruptions as Opportunity 

ReRead:  Mark 5:34 

Tuesday 2/24/15   Day 6   

Ponder:  The very day this desperate woman reaches out to touch Jesus she is healed. Her life is forever changed in that moment. Joy permeates her being; truth flows from her lips.  However, I’m also very sure, even in the midst of this joy, she remembers how she felt for the past twelve years.  She remembers how she was treated by others and how she was shamed. She will not forget where she has been.  This healing did not erase the pain she had felt, nor the rejection she had experienced; it did change the way she looked at God, herself, and others.  She received a new glimpse of love.

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Interruptions as Opportunity Day 5

Interruptions as Opportunity

Monday 2/23/15   Day 5 

ReRead: Mark 5:30-33 

Ponder:  Please notice that both the woman and Jesus is aware of the healing.  Jesus is actually on his way to touch Jairus’ daughter when he is interrupted.  This woman falls at the feet of Jesus (just like Jairus) and tells him what she has done; she touched him. Jesus gives this broken and hurting woman and opportunity to be real with him; to tell him the truth.

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Interruptions as Opportunity Day 4

Interruptions as Opportunity

ReRead:   Mark 5:27-29

Saturday 2/21/15   Day 4


Ponder:  Are you quick to interrupt Jesus by asking for help? Do you think about the magnitude of other people’s problems and decide your’s are not worth bothering the Master?  Or, maybe you think you can handle your own problems by yourself.

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Interruptions as Opportunity Day 3

Interruptions as Opportunity

ReRead:   Mark 5:24-26

Friday 2/20/15   Day 3

Ponder:  I cannot answer for you, but I will confess that my cell phone brings constant interruptions.  Sometimes the calls are simply casual or informative; sometimes the calls mean painful life changes for those whom I love.  Can you, or those you love, relate to painful news and the need to search for answers from God?   

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