Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-23-20

Psalm 146 Our True Help
Praise the Lord!
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
I will praise the Lord as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.
Don’t put your confidence in powerful people;
there is no help for you there.
When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: True confidence is place in God alone as our Helper. Praise is one way to guard against false confidence, because it takes our minds off our problems and focuses our thoughts on the goodness of God and his character. Praise lifts our perspective from the earthly to the heavenly realm; we can better understand the heart of God as we praise. Man was never created to be the savior; that job is already taken. So, let’s place our hope where it belongs…upon Almighty God and his great love for us.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the perfect love you pour over your children. I place my confidence in you as the Savior I need during these challenging times. Thank you for being my Helper; I look forward to fulfilling the plan you have for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-21-20

Psalm 23:5-6 (TPT)

You become my delicious feast
even when my enemies dare to fight.
You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my heart overflows.

So why would I fear the future? For your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: The enemy does not have a chance when Christ in you rises up through you to live the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord is gentle and kind as he guides us, but he is the Lion to the enemy who seeks to rob us. Our duty to our King and Lord is to get into agreement with him. Are you fearful of the future? Please don’t be afraid. You are pursued by a holy and good God. Run to him and invite his goodness to fill you until your heart overflows.

Prayer: Lord, please anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit. Fill my heart until I overflow with your goodness and love. Make me a blessing to others and keep me moving forward for the advancement of your Kingdom. Be glorified in my life, today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-20-20

Psalm 23:4 (TPT)

Lord, even when your path takes me through
the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: When the Lord conquers our hearts, we simply cannot be conquered by fear. Perfect love casts out fear and Jesus is perfect Love! (1 John 4:18). Allow the Word of God to have authority over your life and live in the peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). In all your ways, today, acknowledge and serve him (Pro. 3:5-6). There is no need to fear, because Jesus is near. Praise God!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being near me and conquering the darkness that tries to bring fear. You are the Light I need—the Light the whole world needs. As I stand to honor your authority and live by your Word, thank you for bringing strength to my life, as well as the lives of my loved ones. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-18-20

Psalm 23: 1 (TPT) The Good Shepherd
David’s poetic praise to God
The Lord is my best Friend and my Shepherd.
I always have more than enough.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: The word most commonly used for “shepherd” is taken from the root word ra‘ah, which is also the Hebrew word for “best Friend.” This biblical translation includes both meanings. In our passage today, David praises the Lord in a beautiful and adoring way. We can learn a great deal from David in how he views his Friend who always provides “more than enough.” The Lord is the Good Shepherd—our Good Friend—so let’s follow him.

Someone near you, today, may need a friend. Perhaps they are frightened by the status of our country or the spread of the virus and you can be the friend who brings hope by turning them toward the Lord. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me” (John 10:27-28). Your Friend, Jesus, makes that promise to not only you, but anyone who calls upon his name. Share with others the name of your “best Friend.”

Prayer: Lord, I have more than enough and I know you have provided for me. How beautiful is your supply, because you not only take care of me, but you enable me to be generous with others and encourage them to enjoy a friendship with you, as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-17-20

Psalm 81:13-16 (TPT)
O that my people would once and for all listen to me and walk faithfully in my footsteps, following my ways.
Then and only then will I conquer your every foe and tell every one of them, ‘You must go!’
Those who hate my ways will cringe before me and their punishment will be eternal.
But I will feed you with my spiritual bread.
You will feast and be satisfied with me,
feeding on my revelation-truth like honey
dripping from the cliffs of the high place.”

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: As God’s people, we must grow in our love for his ways; faithfully walking out each day in a way that honors our Living God. We are called to represent him in all we say and do. We must trust him and remain in his shalom (wholeness/peace) and sufficiency to care for us as his children. In this place—worship—God fights our enemies and engages in our battles. There is no one more Mighty or more Victorious to fight our battles. Our part is to walk in Truth and to feed on the nutrients that occupy the spiritual life of grace. Lead on O King Eternal!

Prayer: Lord, I pause and linger in your presence, today. Feed me and satisfy me in your wholeness. Fight my battles and deliver me from evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-16-20

Psalm 81:8-12 (TPT)

“Listen to me, my dear people.
For I’m warning you, and you’d better listen well! For I hold something against you.

Don’t ever be guilty of worshiping any other god but me.
I am your only God, the living God. Wasn’t I the one who broke the strongholds over you
and raised you up out of bondage? Open your mouth with a mighty decree; I will fulfill it now, you’ll see! The words that you speak, so shall it be!
But my people still wouldn’t listen; my princely people would not yield to me.
So I lifted my grace from off of their lives and I surrendered them to the stubbornness of their hearts. For they were living according to their own selfish fantasies. Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: God commanded his covenant people to celebrate the Festival of Booths every year as a way to remember how he provided for his people as he led them into the Promised Land. Even though the people were disobedient, God was faithful to love them. Apparently, there came a time when God lifted his grace (provision) off their lives, because they stubbornly worshiped other gods and stopped listening to their Savior (they listened to the world). Don’t allow the world’s voice to be the loudest in your ear right now. Instead, yield to the Living God! He is your Provider.

Prayer: Lord, I am your booth or tent; You live in me. Help me to listen and yield, because I need you to provide for me. Thank you for your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-14-20

Psalm 95:10-11 The Voice (VOICE)
For 40 years I despised that grumbling generation and said, ‘Their hearts are unfaithful; they no longer walk in My ways; though I call, they do not listen to My voice.’
That is why in My anger I swore, ‘They will never enter into My rest.’”

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: When our hearts wander rather than staying focused on God’s authority and sufficiency to provide, we miss out on many acts of his goodness. For forty years the Israelites grieved their Maker. If we are going to know God’s will and ways, we must trust him. Our unbelief hinders our worship, because it offends God. We struggle to hear, because we refuse to listen and obey. Our wills must learn to bend—to be refashioned by our Redeemer. True worship brings renewal and leads us toward improvement in every practical area of our lives. Certainly at this time with all the hysteria over the coronavirus, your trust in God–as well as your reliance upon his wisdom and provision–is a test of your faith. Stay the course, make your words positive and faith-filled, and see the goodness of the Lord. He loves and cares for you. Do not allow fear to be your god.

Prayer: Lord, put a watch over my lips that I may not grumble against you even when I do not understand your ways. In my heart, I know you see perfectly—I do not. I will remain grateful for your goodness and sing praises to your name. Thank you for allowing me to enter your rest; where I cease my striving and simply follow the Spirit into abundant living. Thank you for growing my trust and faith through whatever means you choose, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-13-20

Psalm 95:7b-9 The Voice (VOICE)
Today, if He speaks, hear His voice.

    “Don’t harden your hearts the way they did in the bitter uprising at Meribah or like that day they complained in the wilderness of Massah.

Your ancestors tested Me, wanted Me to prove Myself though they had seen that nothing was too great for Me.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: Hearing God’s Voice in our worship is especially precious. When our hearts are open or pliable and we are willing to listen, we can gain amazing affirmation or wisdom from the Lord. Our passage today reminds us of the Israelites and their exodus from Egyptian slavery. The people argued with God (Meribah means argument) and their lack of trust tested God’s patience (Massah means tested). Therefore, God allowed that generation to perish in the wilderness; they never crossed over to the Promise Land God had provided for them. Their faith was not focused on God’s power to take them there. Our will is connected to the hardness or softness of our hearts. If we are not willing to trust and obey God, then we have not actually entered into worship; God always gives us reasons to trust him.

Prayer: Lord, I desire to get to the point in my listening skills to hear your Voice clearly once and then step into obedient action. This is what it means to worship in spirit and in Truth. I cast down anything within me that would seek to rebel against your authority or test your patience. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-12-20

Psalm 95:6-7 The Voice (VOICE)

Come, let us worship Him. Everyone bow down; kneel before the Eternal who made us.

For He is our God and we are His people, the flock of His pasture, His sheep protected and nurtured by His hand.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: It is always an extra blessing when we enter into actions that are right before God, as well as good for us. It is like two divine scoops of perfect blessing. Bowing down (act of humility) to the authority of God is the right thing to do, as well as the most blessed place to be as we receive in our worship. We come with a sense of awe for his Majesty. This is actually our duty, because the Creator is our Maker and Redeemer. Today, reflect on the revelation that you are nurtured by the hand of Almighty God; his hand moves especially to love you toward his perfect heart. God is all-sufficient; all you really need. So, bow down and worship your Maker.

Prayer: Lord, I humble my soul before your presence. I cast down any thought that would seek to exalt itself above you. I bow my will and ask for your will to be done in my life. And, I bring you the wilderness of my emotions and ask for you to comfort me and keep me in divine peace. There is no room in my life for fear; that spirit is not from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-11-20

Psalm 95:3-5 The Voice (VOICE)

For the Eternal is a great God, and a great King, supreme over all gods.

Within His control are the very depths of the earth; the mountaintops too—they all belong to Him.

The sea belongs to Him, for He created it—scooped and filled it—with His hands He made the dry land—every valley and mountain.

Pause in his presence

Lenten Reflection: Displaying greatness is never difficult for God. He displays his presence in the material and spiritual world. We see his greatness everywhere we look in the beauty of all he has created. He is EL, JEHOVAH, ELOHIM. These names reveal his strength, being and essence, and his covenant relationship with humanity. Creation reveals a spiritual reality, as well. Next time you are enjoying the mountains, remember they reflect his great strength operating in your life. When you find yourself looking at the ocean, remember he carved it for you and washes your soul with the water of his Spirit. When you wander in the valley, remember he created them, too, because he wants something deeper in your relationship and is there to bring you peace and provision for your soul.

Prayer: Lord, be my strength—the essence of everything great you call me to be as I stay in this place of promise with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.