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Daily Devotional 06-18-25

When we go though life, sometimes we go through these different phases in our Christian walk.  One phase is the doubting stage.  This is the point where we would begin to doubt God when we exercise our faith.  Basically, we begin to question God and His methodology.  Dr Tony Evans once said, “There is nothing wrong with asking God questions, but don’t question God.”  Another phase that we go through is loneliness.  This is the stage where we begin thinking that we are alone in this life.  As we know, this is so not the case because we are never alone in this life.  Nevertheless, this is something that we tend to experience.  In today’s passage, the psalmist David is writing a song for the pilgrims who were ascending to Jerusalem.  In verses 1-5, it’s asking what would happen if the Lord was not by our side to begin with?  In verses 6-8, David assures us that our help comes from the Lord and no one else.  As we go through different phases and different events in our lives, we need to keep in mind that we are never alone and God has our very best interest at heart because God is Love (1 John 4:8 and 16).  There is also a worship song called “My Help Comes From The Lord” by the Christian group The Museum.  I encourage you to listen to this song as it describes how God is our true source that we need to turn to no matter what life seems to throw at us.  

Psalm 124

“1. What if the Lord had not been on our side? Let all Israel repeat: 2. What if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us? 3. They would have swallowed us alive in their burning anger. 4. The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us. 5. Yes, the raging waters of their fury would have overwhelmed our very lives. 6. Praise the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! 7. We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! 8. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”


Heavenly Father, I come before You right now lifting our heart and our minds up to You.  Father, we know that we are going to face different challenges and obstacles in our lives.  No matter what we face, help us to not fall away from You.  You are our source of help.  You are the One who we should turn to during times of hardships.  Help us to turn to You when we are feeling weary or drained.  Help us to be fueled in You and help us to follow Your instructions all the days of our lives.  In Jesus Name, amen.  

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